That was his plan now all he had to do was write it down and discuss it with the leaders of the Industries participating.
Today was Sol 13th and Erik decided that he would start by heading over to the Blacksmithing Industry to create the Gunsmith sub-section of the industry. Erik started by meeting with Fjord and explained his situation.
"So what you are saying is that there are weapons more lethal than swords, axes and bows." said Fjord who's eyes was gleaming with excitement.
"Yes that is exactly what I am saying. Also these weapons are called guns and not only do they shoot farther than guns but can penetrate any armor and skeleton with minimum effort." quietly spoke Erik.
Fjord who was now at a loss for words sat down and pressed his forehead against his knees to let his mind recuperate from the bombshell just dropped on him. He had just heard that these weapons were easy to use and did lethal damage through armor from range. He had never heard of such weapons. Fjord was sure that if these weapons were ever released on their enemies that they would not even have a chance to fight back.
Erik who saw that he had just blown Fjords' mind. He placed the contract for the Gunsmith sub-section on the table and told him that he only wanted citizens of the Phoenix to work in this sub-section.
Erik also told Fjord that he needed fifty people to occupy this industry those skilled at smithing and those newer to the practice. Now, that Erik had than done he said goodbye and left Fjord to make his decision.
Erik now had a announcement to make towards the entire Empire of the Phoenix and now was fifteen minutes before the scheduled time so he rushed towards the town square.
As he arrived he was greeted by everyone he passed on his way to the stage. While this was happening everyone stopped their conversations and watched him walk up the stairs in silence.
"Hello fellow citizens of the Phoenix I am here today to give an important announcement and do not wish to take up to much of your precious time. In a few weeks we will have a post office and we will issue identification papers with your name, birthday, height, eye color and hair color. Also to keep these papers authentic we will be using a special ink made here and only be seen by those checking identification to verify that those papers were made here in the Phoenix.
As of today everyone currently in the Empire of the Phoenix will be official citizens. Those who are authentic citizens will be able to achieve more in the Empire than those without citizenship. This will vastly improve our Empire beyond those petty ideals of other empires and clans around us. We will flourish while they continue to argue and kill among themselves.
Lastly, the military training academy and barracks will be opening up next week. Now with the addition of that our military strength will increase tenfold even if we have 500 vs 50000 troops. We will always prevail. "
Without you the people we would have never made it this far on our journey to the future. I want you all to remember that we are all equal and without your support I wouldn't be where I stand now. So, I sincerely thank you. LONG LIVE THE PHOENIX."
Now, that Erik's speech was over the spell of silence seemed to break immediately. The whole crowd was filled with cheers and excitement with the occasional LONG LIVE KING ERIK. These people whole heartly supported Erik and his ideals. They would do everything in their power to see him continue to prosper. The people didn't ever want to go back to living like they were before Erik became King Jarl.
As Erik was walking down the stage he wondered if he should tell them about the Bear and Wolf but he would let them be surprised by their visits.
The Leadership skill was to overpowered and it was an active skill so he couldn't just turn it off and allow them to construct and work at normal speeds. Well what is done is done and there is no changing that.
Well Erik pushed that thought towards the back of his mind and headed over to the Miner HQ. He met with the newly appointed Foreman Jorde. He gave Jorde the description of the saltpeter and sulfur and told them to mainly focus on those items. Erik decided to cease all mining on other ores since there were four warehouses filled with various amounts of ore and stone.
Erik showed them what it looked like as well and decided that he would take around thirty pounds of both saltpeter and sulfur over to the Chemical Industry. He wanted to teach them how to make pure grade gunpowder.
He would eventually have them switch over to smokeless powder which would increase health benefits since gunpowder produced a smoke that could be lethal.
So Erik arrived at the Chemical Industry and greeted everyone and finally showed them how to mix the gunpowder correctly. He also told them that this was Top-Secret and he would begin to start stationing guards at the gates to ensure that no one would break into them.
After, Erik had knocked all that out the way and finally decided to train. As, he started to train he began to reminisce over his old life. Marcus's memories started to flood Eriks' mind in vast amounts and they had begun to take over until he was on his hands and knees as they flooded through.
Instead of fighting them he began to embrace them and until they appeared before his as if he were watching TV. It all started with his birth and him watching his parents enjoy their time with their newborn baby. He had no idea why they decided to show now but he watched in silence as if he were studying them and looking at them from a different prospective.