"What's it like being taught by All Might?" A reporter asked Kurmara as she walked up to the gates. "Uh.. it's.. it's good..." She managed to say before hurrying away onto the campus as she left the group of news people behind her. She hurried to her class and sat at her desk with a sigh. Geez.. I hate talking to people.. especially if they have a microphone... Kurmara thought as she watched everyone else walk into the class, waving to a few of her friends. Once everyone was at their desks, Aizawa walked into the room. "Good work with yesterday's battle training. I've looked over your grades and evaluations." Kurmara saw that he had papers in his hand and wondered how well she did. "Bakugou. Grow up already. Stop wasting your talent." He told the explosive boy who glared at him. "...got it." "And.. it seems Midoriya ended yet another day with a broken arm. Learn how to control your Quirk.. because just trying isn't going to cut it." He looked towards the green-haired student. "I hate repeating myself. But you do have potential, assuming you can overcome this. Work at it, Midoriya." "Okay!"
"Now, onto homeroom business... Sorry for the sudden announcement, but today.." Kurmara felt the room suddenly become tense as she felt everyone wonder what he was going to say. "You'll pick a class president." "Such a normal, school-like thing!!" Suddenly, everyone jumped out of their seats. "I wanna be president!! Lemme do it! "In my administration, girls have to show thirty centimeters of thigh!" "I'd like to do it." "I wanna be leader!" Kurmara held back her laughter at her classmates' sudden enthusiasm for wanting to be class president. "Quiet down, everyone! Leading many is a task of heavy responsibility! But ambition does not equate to ability!" Kurmara turned to see Iida speaking, a few others doing the same. "This sacred office demands the trust of its constituents... If this is to be a democracy, then I put forward the notion that our true leader must be chosen by election!!" He said. "This is just a classroom!! Not congress!" "But Iida, we haven't known each other long enough to build any trust." One of the girls, Tsuyu, voiced. "And everyone'll just vote for themselves." "That's true." Kurmara spoke as she shrugged.
"That's precisely why anyone who manages to earn multiple votes will be the best-suited individual for the job! Will you allow this, Sensei?!" Iida queried towards their teacher. "However you do it, just make it quick." And like that, everyone voted on who would be the classroom president, Midoriya being on top. "I got three votes?!" He exclaimed with surprise. "What the..! Who the hell voted for Deku?!" Bakugou shouted, angry. "Guess we know it wasn't you!" Kurmara looked to see her name under Koda's which made her tilt her head. "Why do I..?" "I voted for you." Kirishima voiced and she looked up at him. "But, why?" "Because I feel like you'd make a good class president." He shrugged which made her smile and shake her head. "Fine. So your president's Midoriya and your vice president is Yaoyorozu." Aizawa voiced. "I know Midoriya's got the right stuff for this!" "And Yaoyorozu was pretty cool, analyzing the battle training and all!"
* * *
Kurmara joined Uraraka, Midoriya, and Iida during lunch once class ended. "I'm just a little worried about whether or not I can really be class president..." Midoriya voiced with uncertainty. "You can." "I don't doubt that you can be." "Worry not." The three voiced in reassurance. "Midoriya. Your grit and decisiveness in a pinch.. make you perfectly suited to lead us all. That's why I voted for you." Iida told him. "But didn't you wanna be president too, Iida? You've got glasses and everything!" Uraraka said, which made Kurmara giggle. "Again, ambition and suitability are different matters... I humbly made the choice I felt was correct." "Humbly?" Midoriya echoed. "The way you talk.. Iida, are you a rich kid?!" "A rich kid!!" The three of them stared at the glasses-wearing boy. "...I don't like people to know, so I try to hide it, but.. yes. Mine is a renowned hero family. And I am the second son." He told them. "Do you know of the Turbo Hero, Ingenium?" "Of course!! He employs sixty-five sidekicks at his office in Tokyo!! So you're..!" "Yes, he is my brother." "So cool." Kurmara voiced as she continued eating.
"He leads the people with his unwavering adherence to rules and regulations. A truly beloved hero! It's my admiration for my brother that's inspired my own desire to become a hero." "Though I realize I'm not yet ready to lead anyone. As the superior candidate, it was right that the role should go to you, Midoriya!" Iida said with a smile and the three of them stared at him for a moment. "Never seen you smile before, Iida." Uraraka voiced their thoughts. "Eh? Is that so? I smile on occasion!" Kurmara chuckled, enjoying the moment. Suddenly, an alarm sounded and the four of them stood up quickly. "The alarm?!" "Security level three has been broken. All students, please evacuate in an orderly fashion." Soon, all the students that were in the cafeteria began to rush out. "What's security level three?" Iida asked one of the third years. "It means someone's infiltrated the building! Hasn't happened in my three years here!! Hurry up and get outta here!" The student voiced before running off, the small group following the crowd. "Ow, ow!" "Stop shoving!" "Wait, I'm gonna fall!" It was loud and everyone was panicking, trying to rush out.
"Oww! What's going on?!" "Such a rapid response to danger!! I'd expect no less from this great institution!!" Iida voiced." Ugh, what the hell-" Kurmara managed to use her Quirk to get above the crowd, losing sight of her friends. Everyone was shouting and pushing past one another trying to leave through the door. Suddenly, next to her was Iida floating. "What's going on?" She asked him. "It's just the press, but no one else here knows that so I'm going to try and get their attention!" He told her and she nodded, keeping herself above the crowd. He then flew forward before hitting the wall above the exit. "Everyone.. everything's fine!" He announced loudly and the crowd stopped moving. "It's just the press! There's nothing to panic about. We're fine! This is UA!! Behave in a way befitting this great institution!!" Everyone calmed down and left the cafeteria. Kurmara landed near Midoriya and Uraraka, the three of them meeting with Iida before heading back to the classroom.
Back in the classroom, Midoriya and Yaoyorozu were in front of the class, talking about who to choose for student council. "...But before that.. I believe that Iida is better suited to be class president!" He voiced. "You all saw how well he led everyone in that crisis. I think.. he's the correct choice for the job." "Ah! Sounds good! Iida really showed his stuff back in the cafeteria!! Not that I've got anything against Midoriya!" Kirishima voiced, agreeing. "He was like a beacon pointing to the emergency exit!" Another boy, Kaminari, added. "Whatever. Just get it on with.. what a waste of time." Aizawa glared at the class. "I will accept the job, then!" Iida stood up. "You can do it, Mr. Exit sign!!" "Exit sign Iida! Do your best!" And like that, Iida was the new class president. Kurmara let out a breathy chuckle as they finished the class before beginning the last one. "Now for today's basic hero training... This time, All Might, myself, and one other will supervise." Aizawa told the class. "Uhm, what're we doing, exactly?" One of her classmates, Sero, asked.
"Preparing you for disaster relief, from fires to floods." "It's Rescue Training!" The class exclaimed. "Rescue, huh.. sounds like another rough day." Kaminari voiced. "Right!" "Come on, this is what being a hero's all about! I'm pumped!!" Kirishima exclaimed. "Hey. I'm not done." Aizawa glared at the class and everyone was silent again. "It's up to each of you whether or not you wear your costumes. As some of them are ill-suited to this sort of activity." He voiced, pressing the button that opened the wall where everyone's outfits were. "The training site is a bit remote, so we'll be going by bus. That's all. Get ready."
* * *
Once Kurmara and everyone else had their outfits on, they all walked out towards the bus. "Hey guys," the teen caught up to Uraraka and Midoriya. "Hey. Ah, you wore your gym clothes, Deku? Where's your costume?" The short-haired girl asked the green-haired boy. "It didn't make it through battle training in one piece..." He voiced and Kurmara looked towards Bakugou who was a little ways ahead of them. "The school's support company is repairing it. Just gotta wait for now." "Line up according to your I.D numbers. Fill those seats in an orderly fashion." Iida said to everyone. "Iida's going full throttle..!" Everyone got onto the bus and Kurmara expected it to be a normal one but it was different from any bus she's seen which surprised her. And everyone else. She found a place to sit, Kirishima sitting next to her. "Hey," she smiled at him and he returned it. "What's up! This is pretty cool that we're going to be doing rescue training this time!" Kurmara laughed at his excited spirit. "It is. I hope I'll get to use one of the moves I've learned." She voiced. "You mean the one that gets you in the air? I saw you do that when everyone was pushing around when the press got in."
"Really?" "Yeah! I thought that was awesome!" He voiced and her cheeks warmed up making her give an embarrassed giggle. "I guess in a way.." She smiled as she remembered when Eun had taught her how to do it. "I generally say what's on my mind, Midoriya." She heard Tsuyu voice and looked over at the two. "Oh?! What is it, Asui?" "Call me Tsuyu. Your Quirk resembles All Might's." The long-haired girl said to him which made Kurmara think for a moment. She has a point.. it does seem similar. "R.. really?! Nah. I mean, I..." "Hold up, Tsuyu. All Might doesn't get hurt, though. They're already different in that way though." Kirishima spoke up. "But that sort of simple, strength-enhancing Quirk is awesome! You can do a lot of cool stuff with it! Not like my Hardening. I'm good in a fight, but it's real boring." He said, activating his Quirk. "I think that's pretty neat, though. Your Quirk's more than enough if you wanna go pro!" Midoriya told him and Kurmara agreed. "Pro! But don't forget that heroes also have to worry about popular appeal!" "My navel laser is both strong and cool. Perfect for a pro." One of her classmates, Aoyama, mentioned.
"As long as you don't blow up your own stomach!" One of the girls, Mina, commented which made Kurmara chuckle. "You wanna talk strong and cool? That'd be Todoroki and Bakugou." "But Bakugou's so unhinged. He'd never be popular." Tsuyu voiced which got the attention of the boy. "What'd you say, frog face?!" He shouted at her. "See?" "We've only barely started socializing and already you've made it abundantly clear to us the unpleasantness of your steamed turd of a personality," Kaminari said. "Yeah, okay, Mr. vocabulary. How about I pound you?!" The explosive boy shouted and Kurmara laughed. "What the hell are you laughing at?!" He shouted at at her and she jumped. "I don't think your mouth could get any fouler, Bakugou." "We're here. Look sharp, now..." Aizawa voiced and everyone chilled down. "Okay!" They all got off the bus and headed towards the entrance. "Woahhh!" They all were amazed at what they saw. "Is this Universal Studios Japan?!" "There's the flood zone. Landslide zone. Conflagration zone... etc. Every disaster and accident you can imagine. I built this facility myself. I call it... the 'unforeseen simulation joint!'" A Pro Hero voiced.
"It's the Space Hero, Thirteen!" Midoriya voiced. "He's a gentleman hero who does his best work in rescue scenarios!" "Ooh, I love Thirteen!" Uraraka exclaimed. Aizawa spoke to Thirteen before turning back to the students. "Let's get started." "Before we do, I have one or two points. Or three... four.." So a lot of points to say. Kurmara thought with a smile. "As I'm sure many of you are aware... My Quirk is called Black Hole. It can suck in and tear apart anything." "And you've used it to save people in all sorts of disasters," Midoriya said. "Indeed... However, my power could easily kill. I've no doubt there are some among you with similar abilities. In our superpowered society, the use of Quirks is heavily restricted and monitored." "It may seem that this system is a stable one. But we must never forget that it only takes one wrong move with an uncontrollable Quirk for people to die. During Aizawa's physical fitness test you came to learn of your own hidden potential." Thirteen continued. "Through All Might's battle training you experienced the danger that your respective Quirks can pose to others. This class.. will show you a new perspective! You will learn how to utilize your Quirks to save lives!"
"Your powers are not meant to inflict harm. I hope you leave here today with the understanding that you're meant to help people. That is all! I thank you for listening." He finished speaking and bowed. "He's awesome!" "Bravo!! Bravoo!" "Great. First off.." Aizawa began but trailed off as he turned to look behind him before quickly turning towards the students. "Huddle up and don't move!" He said to them and they looked at him. "Huh?" "Thirteen! Protect the students!" Kurmara and everyone looked down, noticing a bunch of figures together. "What the heck's that?! More battle robots? Like during the entrance exam?" Kirishima questioned. "Don't move. Those are villains!" Kurmara stared at the many people below them, suddenly feeling nervous. Everyone else was as well. There were actual villains right there at the one place everyone was supposed to be for rescue training.