Chapter 11 - Chapter X

Kurmara walked into her classroom with a little sigh. It may have been a day, but I've missed this. She thought as she sat at her desk. "Everyone!! Morning homeroom's about to begin. To your seats!" Iida voiced in front of the class. "We're sitting. You're the only one up." Sero commented and she giggled. The classroom door opened to reveal their teacher in a full-body cast. "Morning." He greeted them. "You're back already, Aizawa Sensei?!" "Glad to see you're doing well, Sensei!!" Iida welcomed him. "My welfare isn't important. Because your fight is far from over." He voiced. "Our fight?" "Don't tell me..." "More villains?!" Her classmates voiced with worry. "UA's sports festival is fast approaching!" "That's so totally ordinary!" The class exclaimed with collective gasps. "Come on! We just had that villain attack. You sure about this?!" One of them asked. "It's necessary. To demonstrate that UA's crisis management protocols are sound.. that's the thinking apparently." Aizawa voiced. "Compared to past years, there'll be five times the police presence. Anyhow, our sports festival is the greatest opportunity you'll get."

"It's not an event that can be cancelled over a few villains." Kurmara heard Midoriya say. "You sure about that?" "Mineta.. are you telling me you've never seen UA'S sports festival?!" He asked the short boy behind him. "Of course I have. That's not what I mean.." "Our sports festival is one of Japan's biggest events! The Olympics were once the world's sports festival. The whole country would be whipped into a frenzy over them." "But as you know, that tradition has shrunk in scale to a shell of its former self... and as far as Japan's concerned, what's taken the place of the Olympics is the UA Sports Festival," Aizawa told them. "The nation's top heroes will all be watching, right? They'll be there as scouts!" Momo said and Kurmara's eyes went wide. Scouts as in... "They'll be looking to hire us as sidekicks after we graduate. That's how it's done." Kaminari voiced Kurmara's thoughts. "Naturally, you'll gain experience and popularity if you're picked up by a big-name hero. But your time is limited. Show the pros what you're made of here, and you'll make futures for yourselves."

"This happens once a year.. so you've got three chances. If you're hoping to become a hero, this is an event you can't miss." Aizawa finished and Kurmara got into her thoughts. That means if I show how good I am, I'll be able to become a hero and even go pro...

* * *

It was lunchtime now and everyone was buzzing. "This has got me so freaking pumped!!" Kirishima voiced with the same enthusiasm he normally had which made Kurmara chuckle. "If we show off our stuff here, that's one big step towards going pro!" "Everyone's so excited.." Midoriya voiced as he looked at the group on one side of the class. "And aren't you? This is our chance to add our names to the ranks of heroes. Of course we're in high spirits!" "You got a funny way of showing it, Iida. Weird." Tsuyu voiced as she walked past them. "Yeah, I get that!! But.." "Deku. Hayashi.. Iida... At this sports festival.. let's do our best!" Uraraka voiced, her expression a bit intense. "What happened to your face, Uraraka?!" "What the..? You're not looking very Uraraka, Uraraka." Mina commented. "Everyone!! I'm gonna crush this!" The short-haired girl voiced, throwing her fist in the air before she joined Kurmara and the boys outside the class towards the cafeteria. While they walked, Midoriya asked why her why she wanted to be a hero. "You want to be a hero for the money?!"

Her answer surprised the green-haired boy. "Ultimately, yeah. Sorry. I know it seems base.. and really embarrassing, considering Iida's noble motivations and all." "But why?! There's really nothing wrong with seeking a more comfortable lifestyle!" Iida voiced, Kurmara agreeing with him. "Yeah.. just a little unexpected.." Midoriya added. "My family runs a construction company, but.. business is bad. We're poorer than poor. Don't mention that to anyone, okay?" "If you got permission to use it, wouldn't your Quirk help cut costs, Uraraka?" Midoriya asked. "Right?! That's what I said to Dad way back! But.. when I was younger, I told them that I wanted to help them, but they told me that they rather I had my own dreams." She let out a sigh. "So I'm gonna be a hero. I'll make that money so my Mom and Dad can have easier lives." She told them and Kurmara nodded. "Uraraka.. Bravo!!" Iida voiced and Kurmara began to think about why she decided to become a hero. "Ohh! Midoriya, kid. Found you!!" All Might's voice startled the four of them as the pro hero turned the corner.

"Wanna.. eat lunch with me?" He questioned the teen boy. "Like a schoolgirl." Uraraka giggled. "Sure.." Midoriya waved to the three of them as he went with All Might as Kurmara, Iida, and Uraraka headed to the cafeteria without him. "Wonder what he wants with Deku." Uraraka voiced what Kurmara was thinking. "I heard Midoriya dashed in to help when All Might was attacked. Maybe it's about that?" Iida queried and Kurmara nodded. "Could be." "And as Asui mentioned.. they have similar super strength." "Perhaps All Might has taken a liking to him."

* * *

Once classes were over, there was a commotion near class 1-A. "Woaah.. What's going on?!" Uraraka questioned as there was a large group of students outside the classroom. "No way out! What're they here for?" Mineta asked. "Scoping out the competition, duh, small fry." Bakugou retorted as he walked towards the crowded door. "Cuz we're the kids who survived a villain attack. Makes sense they'd want a look before the sports festival. No point though. Move aside Cannon fodder." Ah geez.. Kurmara sighed. "Can we please not resort to calling those we don't even know 'cannon fodder?'" Iida voiced towards the boy. "It's true. We came to get a look, but you sure are modest. Are all the kids in the hero course like this one?" A voice from the small crowd spoke up and Kurmara tried to get a look at who it was. "Gotta say, I'm a little disillusioned if this is what you're offering." The one who spoke was a boy with purple hair and tired eyes. "Those of us who didn't make the hero course are stuck in general studies and the other tracks. There are quite a few of us. Did you know that?"

His voice made Kurmara give her full attention to what he was saying. "Depending on the results of this sports festival... they might consider transferring is to the hero course. I understand the reverse is also possible for you." "Scoping out the competition? For a General Studies kid like me... This'll be the perfect chance to knock you off your pedestals. Consider this a declaration of war." This guy... Kurmara thought as she shook her head. "Hey. I'm from class 1-B, next door!!" Another voice rang out, revealing a boy with silverish hair. "Heard you guys fought some villains. Wanted to find out more, but.. all I'm seeing is this arrogant bastard!" "Ah geez..." "You better not make fools of the hero course at this thing!" He shouted at the class. Bakugou then walked up the crowded door and began to push his way through the students. "Wait, you jerk. What're you doing to us?" "Thanks to you we've got a whole mob of haters now!!" Kirishima voiced towards the boy who just looked back. "I don't give a crap... I'm heading for the top. Why should I care?" He responded before continuing to push through.

"Tch.. so straightforward and manly." "The top.. he's not wrong." "Don't let him play you! All he's doing is winning us enemies!" Kaminari said, but Kurmara's mind was on what Bakugou said. As she walked out of the classroom, she was thinking of ways she could train and prepare herself for those two weeks so she could make it out on top. Once she got home, she headed towards her room to begin setting up a training plan that will have her prepared for the sports festival. There was a knock at her door and she voiced for them to come in, not looking up from her notebook. "Hey," she looked up and saw her brother standing in the doorway. "Ah, hey Eun." "Headed straight to your room, huh?" He walked further into the room and over to her. "Yeah. I have some planning to do." She responded and he looked over her shoulder. "Planning? For what?" "Well, the sports festival is coming very soon and I need to be prepared so I'm not immediately out." Kurmara huffed, tapping her pen. "I can help with the training," Eun voiced as he picked up her notebook to look over what she had written down.

"It's fine, I can get it done." "Before two weeks are up and the festival is already here?" He raised a brow and she chewed the inside of her cheek. "I've helped you before and I'll help you again." "But you've always been helping me since before I got in..." She sighed as she looked down at her hands. "So? I don't mind helping my sister throughout her entirety of becoming a hero." Eun used his Quirk and Kurmara let out a giggle. "But I don't want to burden you by always needing help to train." "That doesn't matter to me. Do you want to train? Tell me and I'll help you out with no issues." He told her and she let out a breathy chuckle. "Alright. But I don't need you being hard on me for this training." "No promises." He voiced as he began to walk out of her room, earning a loud gasp from his sister. "Eun!" All he did was laugh which made her shake her head. "How rude.." Her phone chimed and she looked at her notifications to see a message from Kirishima and a few other friends.

Hey! How are you?

Kurmara smiled as she responded to his message, immediately getting a response after.

That's good and I'm so pumped for the sports festival!

Think everyone is going to train as hard as they can before these two weeks are over?

Yeah, I think they will.

Are you going to train as hard?

Hell yeah I am!

It's the greatest thing I can do when it involves being one step closer to becoming a hero!

Kurmara giggled at her phone at his enthusiasm.

You're the manliest person I know, Kiri.

Hey, thanks.

Igot everyone else's number as well.

oh yeah? can you pass me a few ?

yeah sure

Oh! Mina messaged me talking about manly things and she told me something interesting...

Oh? I wonder what she told you.

She said that hearts are pretty manly and that I should try them out...

Did you?


she suggested that I try out that kind of manliness with you...

Her face warmed up when she read his response. What are you trying to do, Mina? She thought before she shook her head and responded.

I don't mind if you try it out.

Really? Awesome!

I have to go for now, but I can't wait to chat more with you about the sports festival!

talk to ya later Kurmara <3

See ya c:

She set her phone down and covered her face, feeling how hot it was. She sat like that for a while before grabbing her phone and opening their messages, staring at the heart as a small smile formed on her face. Kurmara stood up away from her desk and began to change into her nightclothes, a warm feeling not leaving her the entire time even as she went to bed.

~ ~ ~

For the past few days since Aizawa told the class about the sports festival, Kurmara had been training with her brother to prepare for it. There had been a few times she let her anger get the better of her during the training. "Hey, you're supposed to be keeping your emotions in check, not rampaging about." He voiced to her. "I can't help it when you're the one being an ass!" She shouted towards him, using her wind to push him back. "Watch it. And I'm just trying to see how well you listened to me, which you haven't been." He countered, sending her flying. "Ugh!" Kurmara shouted with irritation which caused Eun to laugh and walk over to her. "It's not funny." She used her water this time, splashing his face. "I'm sorry, I couldn't help but laugh." He voiced, shaking his head a little before pulling his wet hair back. "You're still prettier than me, what the hell." "You'll get there, don't worry." He earned a punch in the leg from his sister. "Ah! Hey, not with your strength." He chuckled, making her shake her head before standing up. "Let's try doing physical combat this time," Kurmara shook her head before getting into a fighting stance.

"Alright. Seems like you're ready to go." Eun voiced before swinging one of his arms.

* * *

"Gah-" Kurmara fell back once her brother kicked her down, not giving her a chance to react. She stood back up and faced Eun before charging at him, throwing punches and kicks all while he dodged and countered, landing a hit on her shoulder. "Shit," the teen hissed as she jumped back, away from her brother as she held her shoulder in pain. "Let's take a break right here." Eun voiced, catching his breath and Kurmara nodded, panting as she sat against the tree. While she caught her breath, her phone began to ring. She answered it without looking at who was calling. "Hello?" She answered with a small huff. "Hey, Kurmara!" a familiar voice greeted and she looked at her screen. "Ah, hey Kirishima," Kurmara smiled at her phone, him flashing her a smile as well. "What're you up to? Training?" He asked and she nodded before looking around. "Yeah, but I'm taking a quick break before I continue." She responded. "That's so awesome!" He smiled and her ears burned as she took a drink from her water bottle. "You doing the same thing?" She queried and he nodded.

"Yeah. I'm also taking a little break. Working out too much isn't very good for your body." "That's true. I also have to test out my Quirks along with physical training." She told him, standing up, stretching. "I can't wait to see what you do!" Kirishima flashed another smile that made one form on her face. "I'm also looking forward to seeing how you do. I'm rooting for you." Kurmara voiced. "Same here. I'm going to get back to training, I'll talk to you later." "Alright. Bye Kiri." She gave him another smile before they ended the call. Kurmara huffed and leaned her head against the tree, not noticing her brother standing in front of her. "Hey, let's get back to training. Two weeks will be over before you know it." He voiced and she looked up at him. "Alright, give me a second." She downed the rest of her water bottle before standing up. "Who were you talking to?" He asked and her face heat up a little. "A friend from class." She responded and he raised a brow. "A friend?" "Yup. Now, let's continue with-" "If he's a friend, why did you check to see if I was nearby?" He asked with a knowing smile and she glared at him.

"Because it's a private conversa-" "Do you like him?" Her face burned more once he said that but she quickly shook her head. "N.. no! He's just my friend!" Kurmara said, her voice slightly high which made Eun smile at her. "You do like him." He chuckled. "No! You've got it all wrong!" "If I do, then why is your face pink and your voice so high?" He teased and the teen looked up at him before picking him up over her head. "Shut up!" "I can't help it!" He laughed as she tossed him but he used his Quirk to get himself into the air, still laughing until he was standing next to his sister again. "It's alright to have crushes on people, especially in high school!" He told her as she covered her face in embarrassment. "But not to have a crush on friends..." Kurmara mumbled. "Actually, you can." She looked up after he said that. "What?" "You don't think Mom and Dad weren't friends before dating? I even had a crush on one of my friends as well.." Eun let out a small sigh before glancing at his sister. "But I'm trying to become a hero, I don't have-" "But you're still a kid. You have time to have crushes, fall in love, and wonder about dating. All teenagers do, whether or not they're trying to become heroes."

She removed her hands from her face as she looked at him. "You have a crush on your friend? That's fine because it's only normal for someone your age to do that and be concerned about dating." Kurmara thought about it and Eun patted her head. "Let's stop training for today and pick up again tomorrow, alright?" He walked away from his sister and into the house, leaving the teen with her thoughts. Dating.. crushes.. falling in love... I don't know about any of that kind of stuff... She thought as she began to walk towards the house. Kirishima's smile flashed in her mind, making her ears burn and a small smile form on her face as she thought about him. Kurmara shook her head as a grin spread across her face as she headed into the bathroom to shower and rinse away the sweat from her rough training, knowing she'd be sore the next day. The training will continue... I have half of this week and the next until the sports festival.. She let out a sigh as the hot beads of water rushed over her skin. I'll make sure I'm not immediately out.. no matter what...