Chapter 7 - Chapter VII

In the morning when she attended her classes, Kurmara had normal ones such as English. "Who can find the mistake in the following English sentence?" Present Mic asked as she looked over the sentence. It may not have been the most interesting class, but she enjoyed it because it was just like a normal high school. Then during lunch, she ate food in the cafeteria prepped by the Food Hero, Lunch Rush. And finally, in the afternoon, she had the Hero Course which made her the most excited. "I have.." "He's here!" "...Come through the door, like normal!" Kurmara looked towards the door to see the hero none other than All Might which made her gasp and stare at the Top Hero. "It's All Might! Incredible. He's really gonna teach us!" "That's his silver age costume!" Left and right, her classmates buzzed as he walked into the front of the room in guise of them. "Hero Basic Training! The class that'll put you through all sorts of special training to mold you into heroes! No time to dally. Today's activity is this! Battle Training!" He voiced. "Battle.." "Training.." "And for that... You need these!"

He pressed a button and the wall opened, revealing numbered cases that correlated to the number the students were. "Costumes!!" "Yeahh!!" Everyone rose from their seats and over to the cases to grab their numbers. Kurmara held hers with an excited grin on her face as she couldn't wait to put it on. "After you change, come out in ranking order to Ground Beta!"

~ ~ ~

Once they had their costumes on, Kurmara and her classmates walked out to meet All Might. "Looking good is important, ladies and gentlemen! Look alive now! Because from today on... you're all heroes!" For Kurmara's outfit, she tried to go for a ninja-esque style like her aunt's, but it was from an earlier design she already sketched out before she took an interest in doing Alternative clothing.

"Why don't you make it have specific colours?" Eun had suggested when he saw the outfit sketch. "Ah well, I don't know if they'll allow that or even do that so I'm going to only keep it two colours, minimum." She responded with a sigh. "A ninja, hm?" He picked the page up to get a closer look. "Y.. yeah... I kind of wanted to..." "Wanted to steal a similar look from our aunt?" He asked which made her quickly shake her head. "No! Well... I just wanted something a bit similar.." Eun chuckled before he sat the page back down. "I'm only messing with you. But I do have a question," Kurmara looked up at her brother. "What if when you suddenly want to revamp the style to what you've been doing in your many sketchbooks?" She thought for a moment before shrugging. "Well, I guess if that comes along down the line, I'll ask about it. Besides, if I can revamp the style, I have an awesome idea in mind." She smiled at her brother who patted her head.

"Shall we begin, my wards?! It's time for Battle Training!" The teen looked around at her classmates' outfits with interest before her eyes landed on Midoriya's. "Woah, nice costume." She complimented him, Uraraka doing the same and she looked at the short-haired girl's outfit. "I like your outfit too, Hayashi. I just wish I was a bit more specific on my request form... this suit's so puffy and curvy." She voiced with slight embarrassment. "Looking good!!" All Might voiced, them turning their attention back to him. "Sensei! This appears to be the same field used in the entrance exam. Will we once again be performing cityscape maneuvers?!" Iida queried and Kurmara looked at him, immediately drawn to his outfit. So cool! And shiny... "Nope! You'll be moving on to step two! Indoor Antipersonnel Battle Training!! Villain battles are most commonly seen indoors, but... are more likely to appear indoors." "Between confinement, house arrest, and black market deals.. in this hero-filled society of ours.. the cleverest villains out there.. lurk indoors!! You'll now be split into Villain teams and Hero teams... and face off in two-on-two indoor battles!" He finished speaking and one of the students spoke.

"So no basic training?" "Practical experience teaches you the basics! The distinction here is that you won't be fighting disposable robots." "What determines victory?" One of her classmates asked. "Can I just blast everyone away?" "Are you threatening to expell someone, like Aizawa Sensei did..?" "How do we proceed to divide ourselves into teams?" "How fabulous is my cape?" Everyone was asking questions left and right which made Kurmara giggle. "One at a time! My Quirk isn't super hearing!! Listen up! Here's the deal. The villains will be hiding a nuclear weapon in the hideout. And the heroes have to go in and take care of it!" "The heroes have a limited amount of time to either capture the villains or secure the weapon. The villains must either capture the heroes or protect the weapon until time is up." "Your battle partners will be decided by... drawing lots." All Might voiced, holding a box that said 'Lots' on it. "Is that really the best way?" Iida queried. "Makes sense, because pros often have to team up with heroes from other agencies on the spot during emergencies." Midoriya voiced.

"I see..! I apologize for getting ahead of myself... my mistake!" "It's fine! Let's just get to it!" Kurmara was paired with two boys on team J, adding her as a third person to it. "Moving on, first up are... these!" All Might put both hands into two different boxes that said 'Hero' and 'Villain' before pulling out two little balls that had letters on them. "The heroes are Team A! The villains are Team D!" He announced before setting them aside. "The villain team goes in first! The timer starts in five minutes when the hero team sneaks in. The rest of us will watch via CCTV! Iida, Bakugou. You boys need to adopt a villain mindset! This is practical experience, so go all out. Don't hold back! Though I will stop you if you take things too far.." All Might told the first two teams before Kurmara and the rest of the students headed towards the basement monitor room. "Watch closely and try to learn something, everyone!" As they all watched, Kurmara was thinking about which side she and her teammates would be on once it was their time. Just then, on one of the screens, Bakugou jumped from around a corner Uraraka and Midoriya had walked up to.

"A sneak attack!" He almost hit them with an explosion, but the two got out of his way. "That's low, Bakugou! Sneak attacks are so unmanly!" One of the boys voiced. "Yet they are a valid strategy! This is a practical experience!" "That Midori sure can dodge." As they continued to watch what was happening, Midoriya grabbed Bakugou's arm and threw him to the ground. Woah, that's one way to get him... Kurmara thought as she continued to watch the screens. After a bit, Bakugou stood back up and the two began talking but no one could hear. "What're they saying? These fixed cameras don't have any sound." "They're communicating with micro transceivers! We give them to the battlers along with the building blueprints. Also, this is capture tape! Tying this around your opponent is sufficient proof of capture!" All Might told them. "So they've only got fifteen minutes, but the heroes don't know the location of the weapon, right?" "Yes!" "The hero teams are at a real disadvantage, huh." "It's like Aizawa told you. Say it with me!" "Plus Ultra!" Everyone said in unison before their attentions were turned back towards the screens.

"Ah, monsieur Bakugou is..." On the screen, Bakugou went towards Midoriya again as Uraraka got away from the area. "He's amazing!" "Going toe-to-toe without using his Quirk." "Against the top-scorer in the entrance exam!" Kurmara watched the screens in wonder. "He's really angry." She heard one of her classmates' voices and she silently agreed while wondering why Bakugou was so worked up even if he had to act like a villain for this training. Uraraka made it to where Iida was with the 'weapon' but she was found out by him and were facing each other. Bakugou had also found Midoriya as well and was down the hall on his left. He had one of his arms towards him, lifting his other to the top of the grenade-like gauntlet that rested there. "Bakugou. Stop it now, kid." All Might voiced into a little microphone. "You trying to kill him?" Suddenly, there was a giant explosion, and the building they were in shook. "I thought this was just practice!" "Midoriya kid!!" "Holy hell.." Kurmara watched the screens, looking back at Iida and Uraraka. She went towards Iida and the weapon, but just before she got to him, she made herself float above him to get to the weapon.

She was just about to get it until Iida quickly grabbed it and she hit the wall. She turned her attention back to the two boys fighting. "Sensei, shouldn't you stop him? Bakugou's crazy. He's looking to kill!" One of her classmates voiced with concern. "No.." All Might brought the microphone back to him. "Bakugou. Use that move again... and I will forcibly end the match. You will lose." He told him and Kurmara saw him get angry as if he already wasn't before. She watched with slight uneasiness at the fighting. Bakugou kept going at Midoriya which made her look down and sigh. "He used the first explosion to simultaneously feint and change his own tack. Then he followed up immediately with another.." "He doesn't seem like a thinker, but that strategy was fairly intricate." "Damn. This guy's good.." Things aren't looking so good right now... She thought as she looked back up at the screens. "This is just torture now! He could've already ended it with the capture tape!" "Not very hero-like of him.." "I thought Midoriya was good, but... Bakugou's battle sense just can't be beat." Her classmates talked left and right about it and Kurmara couldn't help but agree, but she was rooting for Midoriya, even if Bakugou had him beat.

Suddenly, Midoriya got up and began to run away. "He's running!" "It's not manly, but he doesn't have a choice. It's odd.." Everyone watched intensely as the two began to shout at each other inaudibly. "Bakugou sure is confident, huh." The two then began to rush at one another which made Kurmara a little nervous. "Sensei! This looks bad!! Sensei!" One of her classmates voiced towards All Might. "Both of you... stop th-" He was cut off by something and they all watched the screens, not sure which one to pay attention to. Midoriya punched up just as Bakugou landed an explosive hit on him and the building broke in the middle. Uraraka grabbed one of the pillars and hit some debris towards Iida before she floated above him again, this time landing on the weapon, capturing it. "The hero... The hero team.. wins!!" All Might announced. "The losing team is nearly unscathed.. while the winners are down for the count... They lost the battle.. but won the war so to speak." One of her classmates voiced. "It's just training, though." Everyone talked about the battle and Kurmara gave a small sigh.

Even if he's down, he still won... She thought. Bakugou, Iida, and Uraraka soon joined everyone else in the monitor room. "Well, I'd say... The V.I.P in this battle was Iida!!" "Whaaa?" "Not Ochako or Midoriya? Even though they won?" One of her classmates asked and she wondered the same thing. "I wonder why? Does anyone know?!" All Might asked the students and one spoke up. "I do, All Might Sensei. It was because Iida was most able to adapt to the scenario. From what I saw, Bakugou's every action.. was motivated by an obvious personal grudge." "And as you mentioned before, Sensei, using destructive attacks indoors is foolish. Midoriya's performance suffered the same results." Well, she has a point there.. Kurmara thought as she continued to listen. "--and her final attack was far too hazard. Such an attack would be unthinkable if the nuclear weapon were real. But Iida formed an actual counter strategy.. and he envisioned what the actual struggle would be like." Kurmara let out a small, breathy giggle before bringing back her composure. "I-I'd also add that Iida was a bit too stiff, but.. yes, you're correct!" All Might voiced.

After that, it was the next two teams up, Hero team B and villain team I. Kurmara watched the screens with interest, but couldn't shake the feeling she had before about Midoriya. I wonder if he's doing alright.. he did take a pretty tough beating from Bakugou... She thought as she soon got lost in her thoughts until she suddenly felt very cold which snapped her attention back to what was going on. "Without harming his ally or the nuclear weapon... he immobilized the enemy!" All Might voiced. "He's too strong!" "So.. cold.." Soon, the boy who caused everything to freeze captured the weapon, earning them the victory. "The hero team wins!!" Just as he had made everything freeze, the boy used his other Quirk to heat everything, melting the ice. The next battles, including the one Kurmara was in, went by without any problems and soon, it was over. "Well done, everyone!" All Might praised the students. "No serious injuries, apart from Midoriya's! Great teamwork, though! You all did splendidly, considering this was your first training exercise!" "Coming after Aizawa Sensei, such a straightforward class is.. almost a letdown..."

"We teachers are free to hold no-nonsense classes if we choose! Now, I'm off to give Midoriya his evaluation! Change out of those costumes and head back to the classroom!!" All Might voiced before he suddenly dashed off with great speed. Kurmara and her classmates all talked about the training they did as they headed to the changing rooms. Once she got her uniform on, she walked out of the changing room and headed back to the classroom alongside a few of her classmates. "Hey!" A voice called to her and she turned to see one of the boys she was teamed up with. "Ah.. hi." "Your name was Kurmara Hayashi, right?" He asked as they continued to walk. "Yeah, it is. What's yours?" "My name is Eijiro Kirishima. Having you during the battle training was great! You were awesome!" He voiced with a smile which made her smile as well, feeling slightly embarrassed. "Well, all we had to do was defend, which the two of you were good at as well." She voiced as they walked. "Sure, but it was a team effort if anything! Though you helped us gain the win in all of that!" Kurmara smiled and looked down.

As she talked with Kirishima, she felt like there was something about him and it made her feel warm inside although she wasn't sure why, but she liked it though. "Hey.. uhm.. do you want to be friends?" She asked him and he smiled at her. "Sure! Having friends is great, especially when you're in high school." He voiced as they talked more about the battle training until they were soon back in the classroom.

~ ~ ~

After school, Kurmara and her classmates continued to buzz about the battle training. Soon, the door opened and Midoriya walked in. "Oh, Midoriya's here! Welcome back, man!!" Kirishima greeted the green-haired boy and he was soon surrounded by Kirishima and a few other classmates as they talked about his performance during the training. Kurmara giggled as she began to get ready to leave, listening to the many voices of her classmates. "Deku, your arm! Did you get it healed?!" Kurmara heard Uraraka ask as she walked out of the classroom, heading home. As she walked home, her phone rang and she looked at it to see that her brother was calling. "Hey Eun," she greeted him. "Hey, how was your second day? Are you on your way home yet?" He queried which made her smile. "Today was good... I got to do battle training and was on the villain side for it with two other classmates." She told him. "Really? And how did that go?" "Well, we had to defend a fake weapon. The first two teams that went ended with one of them going to the nurse." "Really? Seems kind of.. interesting... Also, before I forget, I won't be home once you get here. Aunt Da-eun is though." Eun voiced which made Kurmara curious.

"Why not? Are you going on a date? I thought you said you wouldn't until a year or two from now?" She teased her brother who snorted. "And I'm still keeping my word for that. I'm actually heading to our aunt's house to get a few things for her while she stays with us." "Aww, but I wanted to tell you more about my classes." She pouted as she turned onto her street towards her house. "You can tell Da-eun, she'll tell me once I'm home because I know you might be asleep by the time I get back." Kurmara let out a heavy sigh as she opened the front door. "Alright, I'll talk to you later. Love you, Eun." "Love you too, baby sister." And with that, they hung up and Kurmara slid her shoes off before walking further into the house. "Auntie," the teen called out only to be surprised by her aunt. "Welcome back, kiddo." She smiled at the short girl who sighed before smiling. "You always seem to have a way of surprising me." She giggled. "Of course. I mean, I am your aunt which means it is my job to scare you or surprise you." Da-eun teased as she put a hand on Kurmara's head. "Now, I want you to tell me about your day, I'll relay everything you said once your brother comes back."

"Well, today was pretty interesting and I've managed to make some friends as well." "You made some friends? That's great! I think Eun will be thrilled to hear about that." Her aunt hugged her and she laughed. "Yeah, not to mention he quickly said yes-" "Wait, did I hear that right? You said he as in.. a boy?" Oh no... Kurmara braced herself for the questions. "Yes, a boy. We teamed up during battle training in class and on our way back to the classroom, he began talking to me about how I did and so I asked him if he wanted to be friends." She explained to her aunt who had a smirk on her face while she spoke. "It sounds to me that maybe he could be a potential love interest." She voiced and Kurmara's face began to heat up. "What? N.. no... It's not like that! We just barely met and... I barely know him so.. no, Auntie!" She covered her face as she grew embarrassed while her aunt just laughed. "Come on, you can't tell me that you don't think he's at least cute?" "How can he be a love interest if I just barely know who he is?!" "Well, do you know his name at least? You said the two of you spoke after all." Her aunt waited patiently for her niece to speak again.

"Of course I know his name.." She looked at Da-eun before looking down at her hands. "Uh.." "What's wrong? Cat got your tongue?" "Stop.. you're worse than Eun." Kurmara stood up and walked past her laughing aunt. "Where do you think he gets it from? We know how to tease." She voiced towards her before she disappeared into her room, changing into her nightclothes. Her face was still hot as she thought about Kirishima and what her aunt said before she flopped onto her bed. "She's wrong.. there's no way.. at least not this early into the school year." She let out a frustrated and confused sigh. "She was just teasing me, again.." She chuckled before she eventually drifted off to sleep.