Chereads / I am a hybrid / Chapter 7 - Chapter 6

Chapter 7 - Chapter 6

I was received by an army of servants that live in the house. I thought the building alone was half the size of the city I just left. Uncle J introduced me to the staff and asked them to care of me. He has to leave for a board meeting. He promised to meet me for lunch the next day. I called Daisy and explained my situation and she was shocked. Her aunt was married to my uncle. She died a few years back. Daisy promised that she will be here in an hour with the others.

Cathy, Daisy, Annie and Alice arrived to see my new haunt. They seemed to agree that it should be called the Citadel. Daisy spend a few summers here so she seemed to know some of the staff. They seemed pleased with my choice of friends. They served us a five course dinner after which we read a few magazines and talked about what we will do when school starts. I asked the butler about my school and he said he will find out. He disappeared into the back room.

I got a call a few minutes later from a complete stranger telling me that I will not be going to normal public school. I will be going to a private school. I asked them which one and the answer was Ravencroft Academy. It turns out that Daisy and Annie will be attending the place. Also this year Cathy and Alice have applied and got in. Now I am too. The person on the phone promised to send a tailor to ensure my outfit was to the academy's standards. Then he hung up. We got excited that we were going to same place.

That night after the girls left I went up to the observatory. I requested that I should not be disturbed. They wished me goodnight and a happy fifteenth birthday before they left to sleep. I pressed a button and the roof opened to let the moonlight in. I looked up and saw the moon and my body began ache as though someone was pulling it from all four sides. I felt something dripping on my lips. I was having a nose bleed. My body felt like it was on fire. Then I started to have a seizure upon seizure. In between each seizure I actually saw my fingers elongate and my skin turned into a different color. It was a mix of dark gray, silver and turquoise. My nails grew till they resembled claws. I had another seizure and then paused for a moment I felt my face push forward till it felt it was satisfied. Then suddenly my face decided that it like it the way it originally was so it started to shove itself back into its original position. When the seizures and the searing pain stopped. I felt like ice was traveling through my veins. My skin color got a little lighter. My claw like nails receeded a little. All four of my canine teeth popped out with the roots and I felt like my jaw was going to break. Then the pain stopped and I realized that I somehow ended up on the floor. I got up and saw my reflection on the window. I still looked like me but my skin looked two toned. It was blueish gray with a few black flecks here and there. I saw that my skin looked like it was reenforced. I saw that my canines were elongated and there were fangs infront of and behind the canine. Like one wasn't enough. It was the same above and below. I felt around me with my senses. I saw through the walls and floor boards or whatever the material was and saw where the other residents of this mansion were. I saw their sillouete and inside them were little red lines that seemed to move in the direction of the heart or away from it. I realized that it was their blood vessels. I tried to hear what they were saying and the voices bombarded at once. I winced in pain. Then I focused and managed to separate the voices to understand what they each were talking about. Some were talking about me. They were merrily chatting about the new arrival. They were pleased that a family member of the master has arrived over some idiot who fantases about the billions they could inherit. There were a few trading gossip. I heard the words as though they were sitting next to me. I finally got bored and tuned them out. I looked at the reflection and focused remembering what my healthy looking body was. I saw with surprise that my body changed back.

I decided that I had enough so I walked out of the observatory and started towards my room. After walking a full flight of stairs I heard wings. So out of curiosity I followed the sound. I reached the end of the corridor that stopped in front of two large oak doors. I looked around and walked right in. I mean there was no sign that says no entry so I assumed there wasn't going to be a problem. I saw there were entire walls that was dedicated to books. Then there was a huge flat screen. A large work table. There was every lab equipment known to man. To one side was where the sound of wings were coming from. I saw a huge cylindrical glass cage. There were bats flying in swirls and circles. They saw me and screeched excited as though I was late for a predetermined appointment. I opened the cage and they welcomed me. I sat down and watched their intricate dance. After some time a few came and sat on my arm and shoulder. This was a show of affection and promise not to harm me I guess. Then the bats made a noice and started to pile up on the ceiling and close their wings to sleep. So I pulled out the ones that were clinging to me and walked out of the cage. I manage sure there no stragglers before closing the door. Then I switched off the light switch to let them rest in peace. They were lucky. Since I injected this stuff I have permanently said bye bye to sleep.

I was on my way back to my room and saw on the same floor as mine but on a different wing a room. This place was made for a patient definitely. I saw that there were all sorts of medical gear. There were a hospital bed, IV bags, blood bags and God knows what. I sat down and remembered what Daisy said about her aunt dying. So I assumed this was for her. I pulled one of the blood bags from the fridge and drank it. I sat and watched the memories of the police officer. Then copied what I deemed useful and focused on where I was. I got up and left. I used superspeed and reached my room. I sat down and read a book.

The next morning when I heard Winston my assigned butler arrived to wake me up. I quickly messed up my hair and jumped into bed. I closed my eyes and waited with baited breath as he arrived. He was followed by the maid Ainsley. I could identify their footsteps. Her's was shuffled and nervous while his was confident and full of energy. She came to wake me and I realized she smelled like peaches. I made sure to 'wake up' after she shook me for the third time. I apologized for being so sleepy. They both seemed to enjoy my mumbling. They filled a bathtub fit for ten with water. The maid walked through my clothes as the butler walked towards me asking about breakfast. He smelled like pipe tobacco. I told him I prefer steak and eggs. I requested that the steak rare if it was possible. He smiled and left to make it. Ainsley waited till I was done and she did my hair.

After breakfast I was escorted to the study where a man in a suit was holding a tape measure. He smelled like oranges. He measured my shoulders, the length of my arm. He asked me how long I want the skirt to be. I told him stick to the standard. He gave me nod and continued to measure my bust size and the length of the shirt. I was shown a piece of paper describing what I would wear. The uniform consists of a gray, white and black plaid skirt, with a white shirt, a dark gray vest, a black tie, black jacket and knee high socks. Standard issue boarding school stuff. I was given a brochure and a map. I was told that my things will be waiting for me in my new sleeping quarters when I get there. He wished all the best and left quietly. I nervously looked at the brochure. The place looked like a gothic mansion. The place had six buildings. Two were residential. One was the library, storeroom and garage. One was that housed the gym, basketball court and the pool. One building had only classrooms the other had classroom and staff room including the principal's office. In four days I would walking those halls and studying with them. I just hope that I don't transform into this thing during class. I don't wanna be shot down by the SWAT team.