I sat down in the corner of the room and they sat down in the bed. They looked apprehensive but not condescending. I waved my hand as though I was saying 'Please start your questions'. They seemed to get what I was trying to do. So I asked for an introduction from the new girls. The first to speak was a skinny girl with raven hair. She said her name was Irene. She moved to the States with her family from Ukraine. I shook her hand and told her my father was from Ukraine too. She was happy to meet someone from her home country. The next one introduced herself as Molly but refused to say anything further. She had light brown hair and an athletic body. I blushed, "I guess it is my turn. My name is Alexandria. My dad calls me Alexi. I was born with a rare blood disorder. I used to be in and out of hospital till two weeks ago. I was sick of my situation and prayed for a way out. A few days later I overheard two men talking about a box with the cure to all problems. I waited till they left and I checked inside. I wanted to use it but resisted till I heard the doctor tell my mom that if I don't get better with these new meds she should start making arrangements for my funeral. So I waited for the perfect moment and snuck in and used the contents of the box. After that my health improved drastically. My illness was finally beaten. When I went camping with you guys. I started to change. Four days ago was my last physical change now I am this permanently."
Alice raised her hand and asked, "How sick were you?" I lowered my head, "Whenever I was hooked to machine. It better keep working till they detach it I will die slowly and painfully." Alice looked sad as did the others. Molly nodded to agree that she has known helplessness. She explained that she was in an accident and she was incapacitated till her dad fixed her. She understood how it felt to lose the ability to do things. I heard someone coming so I squinted to look through the walls and saw that a few people were passing by. Molly confirmed it. I turned to see the inside of her body. She was human but her left arm, both legs, left ear and left eye were mechanical. "You are a bionic woman" I exclaimed. She smiled, "You have x-ray vision. I guess it one of the perks of being what you are." I gave her a nod.
I asked Irene why she was here and she explained that her mom told her to find the toughest kid in the playground and be friends with them. I was the toughest kid in the playground. I smiled, "Thanks" The others seemed agree. Molly wanted to know what else I could do. Irene sensed that Molly was up to something so she cut her off asking me how painful my sick days were. The others took a moment to figure it out what was going on. They saw Molly's face and they wanted to know the symptoms of my condition. Finally Molly got tired and she promised to continue in the morning. She walked to the end of the corridor and made a call to her dad. I explained what was going on and used my cellphone and dialed Daisy's number. I told her to keep the phone on speaker and followed Molly.
She was telling her dad about her situation and how the bionics were starting to fail her. She told her dad about me and asked if he could extract something from me and make her better just like me. She had seen my wounds heal at torpedo speed. Her father asked her to stay with me and tell nobody about me since the military had confiscated his stuff. He is looking for someone else to fund his bionics program. He promised to fix her so she won't have be jealous of what others have. As for me they will tell the government about my existence only if he is in charge of dissecting me. She seemed pissed, "Dad what if injecting her blood would regrow my arm and legs." He explained that what she was proposing is impossible. She was upset to hear this but she didn't give up. She want to be free of machines that require upkeep. She wanted to be like me. He finally said, "If you find out what her abilities are and how she regenerates from her injuries then maybe it is possible but untill I have all the information I am afraid you are stuck with those machines." She happily promised to keep him updated. I quickly ran to others and they were very upset. The whole point was not to expose me and she was going to do that. So before she came back the girls called the headmistress as Irene hacked the school's computer system to place Molly elsewhere. When Molly arrived she was told that there was a mistake and she was moved to the other wing. She knew that we did something but she couldn't prove it so she left quietly. Irene made it so that her cousin Sonja moved in and she promised to keep the whole thing a secret. But the problem was Molly. She wanted to know what I was and what I can do. She will do anything to get what she wants. Alice bet that tomorrow she will ask me to display my ability.
True to her words next day after school Molly asked me if I wanted to race her. I told her that it would be a very bad idea. She kept insisting but I brushed her off and left to finish my homework. She followed me till she saw the others. They gave her the look of death. She stared back but left the moment they approached the security. I sat down to finish my homework. While the others got exhausted I kept going. They asked me if I was going to sleep and I let slip that ever since I took this thing 2 weeks ago I haven't been able to sleep. My body has learnt to live without sleep. They were surprised but let it go and went to sleep. I proofread my work and rubbed my throat. I was thirsty so I grabbed a bottle of water. I drank it and felt good but not as refreshed as a bag of blood. I sat on the window and watched the bats fly around and opened the window. I silently called them. They came in their thousands and swarmed surrounded me like I was their long lost relative. They swirled and danced around and then they made themselves at home on the ceiling. I chuckled at their boldness and turned towards my room to see the others were staring at the bats. They were really frightened so I asked them to have a safe flight. They swirled around me like they were giving me a goodbye hug and flew out the window in a spiral formation. I have to figure out what I can do without Molly relaying it to her dad.