Mr. Byron arrived after we had dinner. He spends the next half hour trying to explain that his daughter's future would be in jeopardy if she is removed from school with such a blemish on her records. Erratic violent behavior means no school or college would admit her as a student. He asked that her transcript be changed but the headmistress wouldn't budge. She had already sent it to the board of education. Molly waited till her dad walked out before she apologized for acting so irrationally. She wanted very badly for an upgrade that requires no further modifications. According to Molly, I was an enhanced werewolf.
I thought maybe it was true but I remembered what the nurse blurted about being stronger than both. A person becoming a hybrid. The best of both worlds he said. I needed more information so I waited for the right moment. I met the supervisor and requested to use the library. He gave me written permission. I walked in to see Mrs. Burns was swamped so I volunteered to help her sort the books. I took a batch of books to the back. I made sure there were no cameras anywhere before I snuck out. I ran as fast as I could. I saw my surroundings blur because of how fast I was. I think I broke the sound barrier.
I found the raven-haired man talking to his friend. They were talking about how the nurse has lost the box. Their current concern now is a vampire and werewolf hybrid was on the loose. They wanted to know if this person was responsible for the exposure. I was going to blurt out I am innocent when a police officer walked in. He explained that a girl named Angela was responsible for humans knowing of our existence and that happened because she talked to a werewolf by the name of Cathy. I was horrified that they were responsible. I mean why would Cathy even go to Angela? They hated each other. I had heard enough so I ran as fast as I could. I had to return to school before they missed me.
I returned to the library and started to sort the books to their appropriate shelves when the librarian called for me. I poked my head through the shelves and asked her if she needed anything. I saw a bunch of people looking up to take a good look at me. The headmistress apologized for the inconvenience and left. Headmistress walked out and explained that I was assisting the librarian. Molly got pissed. She started screaming at everybody that she saw me sneak out of school. Headmistress asked me to come out and I did. She saw me and blurted out, "You pretended to leave so they would say I am crazy". It turns out everyone was saying Molly was a nut. They were tired of her. They wanted to get rid of her permanently. They have been complaining to the headmistress for some time. She ignored it as a rule but the moment she assaulted me all bets were off.
Molly's dad took out a machine and tried to scan me but the headmistress wouldn't allow it. She won't have anyone else defile her students. Molly gave me once over and said I looked at everybody else. I am just designed differently. Mrs.Bloom had enough of her rambling so she waved her hand. Security stepped forward to escort them out. Mr. Byron took his daughter's hand as security escorted them to the gate where his car was waiting for them. Molly looked at me with apprehension. She had the "I'll be back" expression perfectly.
I was told to see the guidance counselor in the morning. I walked to my room and listened to Molly and her dad argue. She was told to make friends with me and slowly convince me to show her my abilities. She lacked patience and now she is kicked out. He will find a way to get her back in but this time she better behave herself or she will get no further modifications. She gave him a sad face and apologized profusely. She was being a big baby. I relayed what I heard. Annie and Daisy took care of the rest. They called their parents and complained about how they were almost killed. The adults took care of the rest.
The weekend that came after the assault our parents came and took us out on a spa day. We had massages, mud baths and other skin treatments. They let us go shopping and we had a fantastic time. When we arrived back at the academy, Molly's father was at the headmistress's office. She politely told him to leave. He stared at us and tried to figure out what to do. He looked like he was staring at what he wanted but he was barred from it. He called Molly and told her that the school has made it clear that she is no longer welcome. She asked if it was time to inform the military of my existence. He immediately said no. He made it clear that if I am a hybrid then they will never let him near me because of Molly. She had better keep her mouth shut till he finds a way to be in charge of experimenting with me. She apologized and hung up.
Adrian sat with me in Chemistry and she looked embarrassed. I politely talked to her and she decided that she likes me. She apologized for what her friend did. She started behaving like this after a debate between her and JoAnn. They were talking about the advancement in technology. JoAnn argued that no matter how hi-tech something feels right now. It won't matter in a few years because someone will invent something better that will make this current technology obsolete. Molly was so pissed that she said her father's modifications will become scrap then she will end up in a wheelchair. So she said she will find a way to make sure she has the best and that she remains using only the best. That is why she is obsessed with me. I told her to forget about it.
I was basking in the sun when Annie came over with a piece of paper. She said it was an address to an exclusive club that has cropped up. We should go there and have fun. Everyone said yes so I went along.
We got dressed and snuck out. The address was an old factory. I opened the old electric box and flipped the switch. It opened the door to let us in. The place smelled weird. It was a mix of humans, dogs, and something else. I waited till the girls were comfy. I left to use the restroom. I saw the raven-haired man and a few people dressed in aristocratic outfits talking. The military barged in and I camouflaged myself instinctively. I followed them till I reached their base of operations. I saw Shaw was there corralling the new inmates to their cells. He explained that the fence was electrified so don't do anything stupid. I waited till he left and switched off the electric current. Then I simply walked up to the girls and pulled the gates apart. The werewolves and vampires watched as I did this. I had to change into my hybrid version for maximum lethality. I changed back and escorted the girls and the others out of there. The entire time the raven-haired man kept staring at me. The girls called me Alexi. He realized that I am his hybrid. Also that I have been very vigilant in remaining anonymous. That proves that I am not the one who exposed them. He smiled as I sensed my way around and gave both vampires and werewolves directions to head for safety. I went back in and destroyed all the footage so no one will know what happened. When we reached a safe space. The girls and I took a cab back to the academy. The others were upset with Annie for her clubbing idea. I turned to see people from both sides staring at me with either appreciation or resentment or fear. My future was looking bleak. I gave them an I am sorry face and turned around. Whatever happens next is tomorrow's problem. I will deal with it then.