I was escorted to the school and saw that Annie, Daisy and Alice were waiting for me. I smiled and greeted them with respect. They were cheerful that someone hadn't changed. Upon inquiry I was told that Cathy had changed her attitude completely. She now acts erratic and she has become less nice. I was sad to lose a friend but was pleased that I still some friends left. They felt the same. Our parents tried to haggle and get us in the same dorm room but the headmistress Mrs Bloom was adamant that we should be separated. I tried to be positive that at least we will have the same classes and that cheered the others as well. We heard a noise outside and what the commotion was. The parents were trying to understand what was going
We were discussing what we will do now that we were free of Angela when men in military uniform showed up. They asked us to line up and walk outside. Our parents thought it was ridiculous. But I managed to convince them to comply. We walked out single file and saw the entire school body was there including the staff. We got out they hosed us for some reason. Then we were told to come one by one to the room behind them. When it was my turn I walked into the sterilized room to see Shaw. I swore like a sailor. He looked up and smiled, "Hey sis. Sorry but this is necessary" I frowned, "For those of us who are not aware of what is going on. Can you take a moment to explain why you are here?" He chose to stay quiet. A woman with short blonde hair wearing a lab coat carefully approached me with a tray. She lifted the cloth on top revealing a silver necklace. She asked me to touch it. I picked it up and wore it. I picked up the tray and admired myself in mirror. I gave it back to her and told her I have never seen this necklace before. She gave the nearest officer a nod and he relaxed. She asked for the next person. I asked again what was going on and the response was please vacate the room for the next person. I said I am not budging till I get a satisfactory answer. The response I got was a guy pointing his gun at my face as he made the request. I explained that I was scared and I might throw up. He still wouldn't budge so the blonde lady asked him to back up. She explained that they have discovered the existence of werewolves and vampires so they are trying to capture them for study or eradication. The sunlight and silver was all they had to go on so right now this is what they are using. I thanked her and promised to keep it a secret. I walked out feeling scared for my future.
Since this will take all day the headmistress declared today an off day.We were told not to leave the grounds and stay in the library or the common or our dorms. I wanted to walk into the headmistress's office and change the room arrangements so the girls would be with me. They would be shocked but will be happy never the less. We chose to go to the library. As soon as we were alone I told them what was going on. They were concerned but they didn't support the military's approach this is new revelation. The librarian walked and requested that we go to our rooms so we complied.
The next day class resumed and we reached out first class. I saw Cathy was sitting with a boy that looked like he would be mister future twenty five years to life. As I got close to her she smelled like a dog that had walked through mud. I realized that she has changed as well. But for some reason she has managed to sneak in without going through the test. Had she touched the silver necklace she would have screamed in pain and changed into a werewolf. I couldn't say anything to others because that would expose me as well.
I sat down and spaced out in class till the bell rang. I also smell the kid she was with and he smelled like wet dog. I quietly walked out of class and joined the rest of the students till we reached out next class. The teacher took our attendance and began talking and I spaced out again. Annie sensed that I was troubled so she waited till the end the day to ask me. I told her that I think that Cathy has decided that she wants to go up the criminal ladder. Annie nod her head to agree and she asked if we could hang out this weekend at the party Jasper the popular kid was throwing. I agreed that would be amazing. She smiled as brightly as the sun and walked back to her dorm. I on the other hand decided to follow Cathy and saw that she was talking to someone who wanted to punish the kids of those who supports to eradicate the wolves. They were going to change them or kill them. He gave her list and asked her to bring them to the gym tomorrow night. She promised to do so and walked towards her dorm. I followed her and waited. She slipped the note under bed and left to take a shower. I snuck a peak at the used someone else's tshirt to mask my scent and lift the pillow to check out the list. I heard someone heading this direction so I put the list back where I found it and returned the tshirt to the cupboard and turned invisible. The girls who lives in the dorm with Cathy walked and grabbed the tshirt I used and stormed off. I went back to my room and decided that no matter what happens to me I won't let them hurt those kids. What they were doing was wrong and I won't support them.
The next day I had kept an eye on Cathy's movements. Sure enough she lured our friends into the gym. The wolves surrounded them and started to taunt them at first. They didn't seem intimidated till one of them changed into a werewolf. Cathy was told to get the next batch and she ran to comply. I stared at her in disgust as she ran as fast as her legs would let her. I turned around as one of them started to walk towards Annie. I jumped and got between them and the werewolf took a step back. I told them to leave her alone and they laugh till I let out a roar. When the werewolf heard it he changed back to human. The others were shocked and I attacked the werewolf and killed him. The others changed so I had to changed too. The only thing I managed to say was "I won't let you hurt my friends" I killed them and changed back to human again. I dragged the bodies to a pit they had dug for the girls and burned the bodies. I saw my friends staring at me so I backed away from them in fear. I asked them not to hurt me and they ran to hug me. They promised not to hurt me. They would keep this a secret. I heard the grounds keeper Carl walking towards our way so I suggested that we get out quickly. When we got out we met Cathy with the next batch of kids bought out for execution. I took my silver bracelet and wrapped it around her and she screamed in pain as her hand started to smoke. Her scream summoned the supervisor Mr Reuben and the grounds keeper. I pulled out the bracelet and kicked her as she turned into a werewolf. The grounds keeper pulled out his rifle and fired a few rounds. Cathy had no choice but to run into the woods.
We were summoned to the headmistress's office where I explained what had happened. She sent the supervisor to her room and found the list and the agreed that what I did was brave but I should have informed someone. I replied that I didn't know who else was compromised. She gave me a testy look before she allowed me leave. I was told that I will be in detention for being out of my room past curfew but since I saved a few students my punishment will be helping the grounds keeper with yard duty. The others were punished as well. They were told that they will help out in the yard or help the librarian with the special collections.
We were dismissed and I walked back to my room. I was arranging my stuff when I heard a heated discussion. I looked outside and saw that the headmistress was discussing a problem with the person who assigns students to their designated rooms. My friends had somehow hacked the computer and arranged to be with me now. The current residents packed their belongings and left for their new rooms. Alice, Daisy, Annie and two new girls I have never met walked in calmly and placed their bags on the floor. When the faculty members left I asked them why they did this and they said they felt safe with me. I may have changed but unlike Cathy I cared enough to save them risking exposure and death so they didn't mind what I was as long I loved them. I underestimated true friendship. The look they gave me was apparent. I should brace for the questions they wanted to ask me.