Chereads / I am a hybrid / Chapter 2 - Chapter 1

Chapter 2 - Chapter 1

Mom knocked on the door. I shrugged her off for a few extra minutes of sleep. She shook me up and reminded me to take my meds. I moaned, "Mom it's Saturday. Let me sleep. You know I sleep till 10." She shook me, "It's Monday and you are late for school". I nod my head and turned around. It took a minute for her words to sink in. I jumped up screaming and she laughed and happily confessed that it is Saturday. She only lied to me because my over accomplished brother is coming. She wants me to be there with her when he arrives. I gave her the death stare before I stalked off to use the bathroom. My life sucks. I need excitement. An adventure is exactly what the doctor ordered.

I am dragging my feet into the car still trying to stay awake as sleep seems to beckon me. I feel like a zombie. I am currently in a state between awake and asleep. I feel the warm embrace of sleep enveloping me. My mind was already entering a dream state. Suddenly the cars started honking. "The hell?" I mumbled. Mom turns to give me her legendary death stare, "Young lady apologize now" I wanted to do the staring contest but I was still too sleepy. I suppose this will end when I apologize so I said I am sorry. She smiled brightly and drove us to pick up Shaw. I am less thrilled to see him. He will harass me nonstop to convince me that I should join the army too. He couldn't do anything because I am sick. The only reason he failed is because the military doesn't enlist the sick.

My watch started beeping and I knew that I found a way out of this mess. I reminded mom that today is the day I go for a routine blood transfusion and a series of stringent tests. So she quickly drove me to the hospital and our neighbor brought my stuff a few minutes later. I saw Janice walking toward me to do my intake. I will be an inpatient this time so I will be far from my brother for the most part. He will show up to annoy me about the joys of being a warrior to whom I refer to as a legalized mercenary.

Alice called to say that Angela has outdone herself by blaring about the existence of vampires and werewolves. She talked about how there was a fight in the subway last night. This is where a couple of people had a western style shootout. After which some of them disappeared into the tunnels and people heard wolves calling. They say they saw a silhouette of the large wolf like creature that was standing on two feet. After that, the police arrived and both parties vanished. I burst out laughing, "She needs therapy. I think she is detached from reality" Alice agreed and hung up.

Doctor Warden walked toward me while going through my charts. He looks up and gave me his million dollar smile. His dazzling eyes are all cheerful and hopeful of positive results. He took hold of my wheelchair and escorted me to the laboratory. I was poked and prodded for the next few hours. I was so used to it that I just zoned out. By the time I came out of there, people were running around the place. One of the nurses kindly explained that one of the patients have gone missing so they are checking the place floor by floor.

I hobbled slowly to my room. On the way, I heard two people talking and I walked behind them slowly and heard their chitchat. The first one was a red haired guy. He was clean shaven, with a Tom Cruise haircut and a tattoo of a snake coiling from his wrist to his elbow. He wore a nurse's outfit. The other guy had flowing raven hair. Half of it was tied to a ponytail. He wore a long fur lined coat, a pair of faded black jeans and leather shoes. When he turned around I saw that his fangs were slightly elongated. His appearance made me believe in the existence of vampires. I am gonna keep that to myself since I have no intentions of proving Angela right. The ponytail guy was trying to convince the nurse to do something. I hobbled quietly and heard a few words.

The nurse was adamant, "I wanna know what is inside this box. I have a responsibility to this hospital. I could lose my job." The ponytail wasn't gonna take it lying down. He gave him the 'I am in charge ' voice, "This box has the cure to many problems. So do me a favor and keep it safe till I come to get it. I am still trying to work things out." The nurse opened his eyes wide and gasped, "Is this the thing you were talking about all these years? The best of both worlds. If so I volunteer as a test subject." The ponytail looked at him with a certain amount of anger, "This is an antidote to an illness. This is not a weapon." The nurse pressed on, "Will it do what you have been preaching to the rest of us?" He gave him a look, "No it won't" The nurse looked like his hopes have dashed. He looked at the box and gave the ponytail a nod. He placed the box in his locker as a keepsake. When the nurse left I noticed another man standing behind him. He was an African American. He was taller than the guy with the ponytail and he was bald, clean shaven, and also wore a fur lined coat. He asked him why he lied and the ponytail answered that he didn't want this falling into the wrong hands. The hospital was a safe place. The nurse will guard it with his life as long as he has no clue what it is. But the moment he knows the contents of the box his betrayal will know no bounds. The tall one seemed to agree with him and they disappeared into the crowd of visitors.

I waited till the coast was clear before I snuck inside. I opened the locker and plucked the cold storage box. It took a few minutes to open it. When it did I was disappointed with the contents. It had a blood bag and two vials. The first vial looked like it contained liquid moonlight. The second one looked like it was liquid silver. The instruction was simple. Inject the blood bag into the person in question. Wait till the blood bag is half empty. Then take syringe provided and inject both vials into a person. It has to be both or it won't work. The three combined will do the rest. I was so disappointed that I put it back and made sure nobody knew I was there.

I was hobbling back to my room when I saw a girl running away and assumed she was the kidnapped one so I pulled the fire alarm. The place was pouring with people and she seemed to relax. I guessed correctly that she was the girl in question.

Her dad thanked me and I spend the next few minutes explaining the rules to make sure she doesn't get kidnapped again. I requested that the officer that was watching her move into the room so her kidnapper won't be able to find her. I also requested that a female adult be present the entire time to ensure her safety. My brother was shaking his head the entire time. I paused for a moment, "When did you get here?" He smiled, "This is my commanding officer. I came to get my orders. Why are you here?" I reminded him, "I am one of the inpatients. I was going to my room when this happened. Good night" Janice saw me and she happily pulled out a wheelchair and escorted me to my room. She tucked me into bed and sat there till I fell asleep. I wondered what the vials were. Was it a placebo or the real deal?