July 9th, 2019. The heat on Lyle has turned cold and he was allowed to do his job once more, due to the constant and genuine show of ignorance Lyle had put on along with a strong lack of evidence, everyone involved concluded he was innocent and had zero affiliation with the man, perhaps the man mistook him for someone else. June 10th, 2019. A few days prior. Josue's assistant sighed before slowly clapping. "Congratulations miss— Burr, you made the last spot on the Gen-Oath. Assigned to work in Alyi with two other men, you'll be on duty and you'll receive your special gear beginning tomorrow from one of our top research and development teams in your megalopolis." Said Armand to the unique woman standing in front of him, inhumanly excited. The perky young woman cheered with a beaming expression. "Thank you, mustache fréot!" The woman responded before she walked off with the badge that he gave her. Armand shook his head with his eyes widened and arms crossed disapprovingly. "So many new Americans with the nerve of applying with a lack of respect. Some of them are more childish than others as shown." Said Armand keeping his opinion in his thoughts as the woman walked off. Back within the present hour. Lyle and Ember leapt from rooftop to rooftop chasing down a few thieves that were attempting to escape their crimes by car, one of the thieves was left gasping and roughly tugging his hair as he saw the determined duo on their tail from the vehicle's back window.
Another thug and thief who felt comfortable in the car smirked smugly. "Back off you new weirdo freaks, We're gon' get away, anyways!" Yelled one of the thieves in the car as bursted with hysterical laughter and snorting. Lyle and Ember quit pursuing the car of thieves which felt sudden and suspicious in one of their eyes. The sangfroid paragon communicated with his brother through his gauntlet's comms system as he watched the thieves speeding away. "Just as I anticipated, they're heading your way, thickset marksman!" Lyle informed the sanguine marksman as he refused to take his eyes away. Artus smiled as he was down the road from the thieves, the sanguine sharpshooter goofily smirked as he aimed a rocket launcher at the car that was filled with thieves. The car of thieves sped down the street, foot firmly on the pedal towards Artus until the driver saw him but it was too late for them when he conjured a rocket launcher. "He'll never hit us with that thing, he gotta miss, are they allowed to do this?!" Urgently asked one of the thieves in the back as each had noticed Artus at this point. The sanguine sharpshooter waited until the thieves closed the distance enough for him to hit the spot Lyle told him to hit, his chance came and Artus had hit the spot, Not killing the men but flipping their car over. As he grasped tightly onto his submachine gun. "What the fu—?!" Yelled one of the thieves in distress and shock, "He was trying to hit us!" He finished with the same tone. The car flew and landed a good distance away from Artus, the thieves thought they had enough time to try to escape on foot, while the sangfroid paragon and Bluestocking blade strolled within view down the road. There was no one on the streets since the little who were on the streets, fled while the men tried to escape by car, the rest were in their homes or businesses. Three of them stood back to back. "Seems pointless but let's at least try and book it and split up!" The Brisk Jersey accent voice suggested to the others with an urgent tone. As the remaining three of the four men who stole some stuff, Lyle aimed his pistols at the ankles of the one, however, before he could pull the trigger, a woman abruptly appeared nearby. He didn't want to take the chance of hitting her.
A thief's eyes widened with shock when he saw Lyle approaching, he attempted to flee though he remained injured. "Neh, eh!" The thieves heard before one of them got kicked in his face and forced to flip. Another Gen-Oath member appeared out of nowhere, "Whooaa!" Said one of the thieves remaining as he looked up and was put in awe at her beauty. The girl then proceeded to beat up the remaining three thugs out of the four, since the fourth was stuck in the car and took the worst damage from the crash. Lyle, Ember and Artus decided they'd regroup at their mysterious new location, next to the knocked out thugs. The Trio saw the woman and was shocked at who they had seen, nobody was expecting her.
The Bluestocking blade's face hardened as she heard her voice. "Livia burr?!" Ember asked with a lowered tone, "Uggghh, Lyle, you should have taken your shot!!" The bluestocking swordsman said in a resentful tone as the identity of the mysterious Gen-Oath member standing before her became clear. Alyi's perky bladesmith giggled as she cuffed the thieves. Ember scoffed as she rolled her eyes. "As devious as it's always been." The bluestocking blade shouted. Livia waved to the Trio before blowing a kiss to Lyle. Livia burr, a young woman the sharp Blue-stocking blade's age, 19, being someone who was supposed to graduate from their military program along with the close Trio that day, she was very much present the day of the attack and very much survived as they had with the help from their stealth and infiltration mentor. The sangfroid paragon crossed his arms. "We were honestly found by her quicker than I could've anticipated." Lyle thought to himself as he stared at Livia's pendant when he wasn't trying to stare. Livia noticed his gaze fixed on her and blew him another kiss, to which he soon realized and did not intend to catch it as he walked behind Ember. "Hi, Jennie!" Livia greeted Ember with her real name, "You guys made the cut too, hum? Mentor Dain told you guys about this too?" Livia burr questioned with intrigue and true ignorance as her eyes lit up.
Ember stared daggers towards Alyi's perky bladesmith. "Don't act like you didn't ask where we were headed or that you're our friend, you disgusting ignorant witch!" Ember shouted her vexation fueled with their memories together. Alyi's perky bladesmith snorted and chortled as Ember scowled. "Of course, we're friends silly, with you two being my boyfriend's siblings, it's sort of an assumption that we oughta be, am I right?" Livia responded with as much enthusiasm in her voice as always and in her rhetorical question. The bluestocking blade conjured a hilt and gripped it. "Quit pretending you didn't spend our childhood ignoring that fact!" Ember said as vexed as her previous statement. Alyi's perky bladesmith face flushed with a hint of nervousness. "That was obviously in the past— so when we were children right yet we're adults now, soo, you want to hear remorse from me or something— Eeeek!!" Livia replied and noised as her reflexes reacted to one of Ember's thrown blades soaring towards her but it vanished before it would have made any contact. The bluestocking blade eyed further daggers into her former roommate. Livia glances at Lyle. The sangfroid paragon shook his head disapprovingly. "We will never date Livia, especially not after the way you treated my sister, we will never date ever." Lyle asserted as calm as he always remains. Alyi's perky blacksmith was flustered as she grabbed the cheeks of her helmet. "Oooohh, Power and Loyalty, that's why I will never stop thirsting for you, Lyly." Livia responded by showing passion in her voice.
Artus bursted out laughing at her cute name for him, he didn't notice he activated his indestructibility but Lyle did and blasted him with his sniper rifle blowing him to the ground "OOF!" Artus screamed as he went flying to the ground before Lyle bursted out with laughter of his own. Artus and Lyle stopped laughing and looked at Ember with complete silence, the helmet was covering her face but the 3 of them knew what face she was making underneath. The same "I wanna decapitate you!" glare that she hadn't shown too often simply every time Livia showed up, the brothers always took notice. The sanguine marksman scratched the back of his head. "Akwaaaaarrrrddddd..." Artus commented under his breath, though, loud enough for them all to hear. Alyi's perky bladesmith glanced the sanguine marksman's way before flipping her gaze between Lyle and Artus. "Convince your brother to love me, Art!" Livia replied to Artus' comment. The sanguine marksman laughed at her request. "He fell out of love with you because of the way you've treated Ember. He will never love you as you are right now, crazy chica, give up on it." Artus responded with a severe tone. The sangfroid paragon recalled the first sentence of his brother's response. "Wait, I've never loved her at any point before, Art!" Lyle quickly denied after hearing the first sentence while Livia chuckled and giggled as she stared near Artus' direction, he felt confused by the fact that she was frozen solid with a lovesick gaze with flushed cheeks under her helmet.
The bluestocking blade crossed her arms as she examined her former roommate's gear. "Telling by that gear, I assume you made it onto the Gen-Oath team, except from the message the police chief left us, you're supposed to be in Alyi right now." Ember thought aloud while staring at her with annoyance in her eyes. Artus' eyes lit up in surprise before he asked a curious question. "Wait, she leaves us messages?" The sanguine marksman asked with interest in his voice. Ember scowled. "Ooy, yuck..." Ember was annoyed by Artus' inability to stay on topic. Livia softly stepped to be near the bluestocking swordswoman. "Yaah, I'm 'posed to be posted in Alyi, that's what Mustachioed Manny informed me on— but you should know better than anyone else why I would come here anyway!" Livia replied in a peppy manner. Ember shook head, irritated by Livia's pep. "Grow up." The bluestocking blade mumbled. Alyi's perky bladesmith leaned against the sangfroid paragon's shoulder. "Lyly should know why!" Livia nodded as she spoke. The sangfroid paragon moved only his eyes towards Alyi's swordswoman. "Should I honestly know?" Lyle asked in confusion and unprepared, after he walked off without giving Livia a chance to reply to him. Lyle left the car with the fourth thief in it, who was knocked out by the crash. Then he grabbed him out of it and carried him away. Artus followed his brother's lead and took care of the rest of the men who Livia Burr knocked out and carried the men back to the police station on his shoulders.
Livia's heart rate sped up, cheeks flushed and she refused to glance away. "Ain't he dreamy showing off his strength like that—?" Livia asked Ember as she focused heavily on Lyle? Ember scoffed and noised her disgust. "Ewwww, so alright, we're finished here, return to Alyi now." The bluestocking blade responded before she speedily walked away. Disgusted and Vexed at the same time. "Resist, desist, don't commit to my murderousness!" Ember kept repeating to herself as she left to catch up with her brothers. A giggle snuck up as she watched her former roommate leaving. "That Smokey tactician will be mine, hmmmmm!" Livia stated in her head as a creepy grin came on her face as she stared at Lyle.
A few hours passed through their megalopolis. Some time later after a hard day of stopping crimes in the city of Generil, the Trio returned to their home base which doubled as an apartment. Artus hopped around feeling awoke and ready to patrol through the night after the rest of their day. "Now was that a sweeet takedown or what earlier, cranks?" Artus asked his siblings as they entered their apartment pretty fresh from a battle with some strange creature. Lyle removed his helmet and placed various pieces of gear on their kitchen counter. "Heh. Yeah. Couldn't do it better myself. I was a bit skeptical when you called me about battling a snake elephant. To be honest." Lyle answered with his usual monotonous tone. Ember sat on the Trio's futon with her gear still on. "Meh, I could have done that better." Ember responded while she found peace resting on it. The sanguine marksman nodded slowly. "Lyle can see my talent, why can't you Jen-Jen?!" Said Artus mockingly before he broke into laughter. Ember held an exhausted expression as she lied down. "Whatever, I'm not as into my name change as you are... Patrick." Ember verbally fired back with a slight smile on her afterwards, "I'll have a tough time sleeping knowing I had the chance to kick her ass earlier but Artus' influence made me weak." Ember finished with an upset tone.
Lyle paced very slowly through their apartment's living room. "Half of us were rescued by Mentor Dain and Mentor Abejecwazkis but they might have regrouped with whoever rescued the other half. Did Mentor Dain specifically choose the few of us to share this opportunity for ambiguous reasons or is this the beginning of something grander that we're not clue in on?" Lyle posed for his siblings. Ember left her arm hanging as she draped her right leg over the couch. "Hmmm, I guess you're onto something, however, out of a possible 37 other survivors, it just had to be the she-devil to take the opportunity?" Ember questioned as she yelled angrily with an emphasis on the second half. Artus ripped one before opening a drink he retrieved from their fridge. "Don't worry Embs, I'm sure your best friend grew up and matured since school let out, Y'know?" Said Artus to his sister, jokingly. The bluestocking blade unloaded a deep sigh. "Artus, please listen carefully to these words, shut the hell up!" Ember said even more infuriated from Artus' joke.
The sangfroid paragon had to calm himself while a plethora of questions vexed him as they flooded his mind and he held no concrete answers to any. "... I need to go and take a shower." Lyle said as calmly as ever. Lyle heard the mumbled back and forth of his siblings as he walked to his room, with memories of when Lyle didn't care about much when he first arrived at S.I.O.M. Memories of the day that he arrived at the academy. "You're my boyfriend now, there's no rejecting me!" He remembered from a younger Livia burr, Lyle responded with only a nervous facial expression. The sangfroid paragon recollects more times as he removed more of his gear so he could take a shower, including the tight steel blue bodysuit underneath. The Trio's apartment is somewhat luxurious when it comes to shower pressure. Lyle swung his key around his finger before he took a shower, as he swung it around, he smiled slightly but he was happy. As the sangfroid paragon swung his key with a single teardown his face, he heard light footsteps close by, he looked out to check if anyone was in the room yet when he did, he saw nobody present. Lyle stood silent as he looked around pondering, he saw absolutely nothing, then thought it was nothing putting the footsteps sounds off as maybe Artus or Ember in the hall. Lyle's room is still fairly empty after just moving in, he still has a dresser though, he placed his coin on it then went to shower. After an hour of showering, Lyle gets out but finds his bathroom door cracked, he thinks nothing of it until he finds his treasured key missing from the dresser. Lyle let out a low gasp. Swiftly putting on new clothes before he rushed to the living room of their apartment and found Artus relaxing on the couch watching TV. Lyle found the two that he was searching for after rushing back to the living room and asked his siblings about something dear to him that wouldn't get off of his mind. "My key is missing, have you guys seen my key?!" In a distressed tone.
Artus sat quietly on their couch with his lids lowered before he recalled the item that was troubling his brother. He hopped off the couch. "No, but I was always curious about it but we're gonna get it back!" In a genuine manner. The sangfroid paragon's parents popped into his thoughts. "I left it on a cabinet." Lyle informed his brother, "She never left back to Alyi, did she?" He asked himself aloud while stuck in thought as he finished recalling mysterious footsteps before he showered. The sanguine marksman got up from the couch, learning the news, he got worried and sympathetic of Lyle's situation, he never knew his brother had something so special to him, he'd never guess from the way he acted. Ember entered the living room from her room, yelling her frustrations. "That crazy chienne won't stop texting me through the Generil contact system saying 'I know more about Generil, I know more about Generil!' Like an irksome child!" Ember shouted with a perplexed tone before tossing her communicator away, "The only time she could have learned about me wanting to become versed in the city's history is if she had been living with us this entire— however, it couldn't have been more than a day. She scored a place in the top ten in regards to stealth despite possessing invisibility because she's a klutz." Ember finished in a frustrated tone. A sudden possibility came to Lyle's mind after Ember complained about Livia messing with her, he placed things that just happened to him with Ember's question, and a fact about Livia. He rushed off to his room without answering his siblings, leaving his siblings curious as he's always calm and collected, his run told the two something else. Lyle sprinted away to his room. Ember followed her younger brother. "What is he doing?" She asked her younger brother on the way after she decided to follow the sanguine marksman. Artus took a moment to figure it out but found himself stuck. "What are you doing, my dude?" He shouted as they approached his room. The sangfroid paragon heard yet continued to urgently search and tear his room apart for what he held in mind. "... Livia used to sneak into our dorm at the training center, leaving silly love notes behind for me to discover. I never read any of them. I'm hoping that she had kept the habit because it means that she followed us home at some point, sometime during the hour I was taking a shower. She stole my key. Hopefully she is the one behind its disappearance and not— yeah." Lyle answered as he tried his best to remain cool as best he could, but his best calming wasn't anything compared to his natural calmness, he was on the verge of freaking out.
Ember didn't say anything about the news she hears, but is heavily surprised beside her younger brother that Lyle has some sort of special and sentimental item. "Her Invisibility was the only reason the annoying salope was recruited into the school and how she got accepted for a role in this Gen-Oath gig in the first place, confidently, it wasn't her intellect and mind." Ember theorized with certainty, "Know what Lyle, I don't think we need this evidence you're searching for, I can go rough her up and get her to tell us." The bluestocking blade finished with a slight grin on her face from the idea of her revenge. Artus has never heard his sister speak like she just finished or utter the phrase "Rough her up" and was heavily shocked by what Livia has the tendency to change in Ember. He realized the gravity of the situation. Ember then began shouting in frustration, "Il manque à cette femme obsessionnelle toutes ses vis!" Angrily after she recollected some of the things she did to her as former roommates during their training days.
The sanguine marksman found himself shocked. "Ember, when did you become so good at french?" Artus asked as he laid back on a wall in Lyle's room, "Could you teach me some of that, I'm having a bit of a hard time learning this mess!" He finished asking in a genuine manner. The bluestocking blade knew her brother would take the lessons seriously for reasons other than she would ever consider. "Sure, but first, ease my curiosity about how much of that you understood." Ember requested her younger brother. Artus dipped into his bag of French that he obtained from a teacher he had hired who previously left back to the states. "Only the word salope, I was outside this one place a week ago, checking out the scenery when this old man came rushing out with this girl yelling 'You stupid salope, oh I'm sorry, I meant the English word!'. I told the two to chill before he and I got to talking but he ditched me on the French that he promised to teach me." Artus answered in a genuine manner. The bluestocking blade slowly shook her head. "Of course, you'd recognize that word out of all of their yelling." Ember responded before glancing over to her other younger brother. Artus hopped back nervously. "I asked him about it, so I had no clue and I don't appreciate this type of accusation, Ems. I hold myself to a more gentlemanly standard!" Artus finished with a grin. Ember crossed her arms and eyed him skeptically. Lyle's voice spiked with excitement as he yelled that he finally found her love note. "Yuck, this is the first time that I even cared about finding one of Livia's notes." Lyle stated, not with a thrilled tone. The bluestocking blade slightly squatted as she extended an open palm behind her back materializing a katana pommel before materializing a sharp blade. "Now with this evidence, I've got an excuse to finally go on the hunt and shove that moronic harlot's face in the dirt!" Ember said quietly, not realizing she was thinking out loud. Artus and Lyle stared at her as silence struck the room. Ember felt like Livia was dragging her down to her level as she didn't realize she said it outloud until she saw them staring. The sangfroid paragon cleared his throat. "Ember?" Lyle asked his elder sister. Ember cleared her throat and folded her arms as she glanced away. "Got it. Your way, Lyle." She responded with a disappointed tone as she had her sharp katana vanish. Lyle then pulled out his communicator and spoke with Livia "Alyi's perky bladesmith" Burr as his siblings listened in on their conversation beside him. Artus grabbed his brother's shoulder and held an expression of determination. "We've got your back while you're on your date with the future missus, Brody!" Artus assured him as he balled his fist. Lyle shook his head yet he refrained from commenting about his brother's joke. The sangfroid paragon accepted his brother's hug. "Yeah. I'm about to experience what hell is like. I'll need you guys more than ever. She's likely still here in the city somewhere? You two figure out where her home base is located and search for my key while I keep her occupied. Counting on you." Lyle finished as he continued planning alternative solutions. The Trio bumped fists as the siblings understood their assignments.
The next night comes, After a long day of protecting the city of Generil, at a restaurant in Generil called "La Gideon endroit" known for spectacular food. The sangfroid paragon waited outside the location that Alyi's perky bladesmith had texted him much earlier in the afternoon that day. Lyle felt uncomfortable and itchy wearing a suit that his sister had recently purchased. He wanted desperately to wear their gear yet part of his former fellow military student's demands in her blackmail was the two being citizens. Lyle while waiting had thought about his training at S.I.O.M with his siblings and many others that he was already missing. Livia arrived as he leaned against the restaurant's exterior. "Ooooh, does this dress turn you on, Lyly?" Livia asked as she got in a pose that she was told to be attractive. Lyle blankly stared that any normal person could read as uncaring. "Still can't rephrase what's on your mind with manners? Not really." Lyle asked rhetorically before nonchalantly answering. Livia giggled in a devious manner before clinging to his arm. "I knew that you would, my Lylyboo!" Livia then giggled again, "Still a fan of being honest even if it's not very nice. Honest men turn me on, Ly." Livia replied as the expression she had on her made Lyle turn his gaze away. The sangfroid paragon recalled that his key was gone again. "Let's just get this night done and over. First, Show me the proof that you still have my coin and that it's safe, Livia." Said Lyle as calm as ever. Alyi's perky swordswoman giggled once again. "Yah, I've got your sentimental key, memorize the proof!" Livia answered her crush before she grabbed out her personal Gen-Oath issued communicator and showed the sangfroid paragon a picture, dated to an hour prior. Lyle observed the photo with his keen eyes and thoughtful consideration, but couldn't find anything that stood out to help him locate the exact location of her room. The sangfroid paragon folded his arms as he stared her dead in the eyes. "Alright, let's continue this early messy night." Said Lyle after giving up his careful inspection for clues. Livia displayed a flirtatious grin as she softly bit her lips. "Oooh, Yeah, us by the end of this miraculous night is going to be messy!" Livia responded before breaking out in a giggling frenzy, laying her cheek on her hand staring into his darkened gray eyes. Lyle was repulsed by her reply as he observed the restaurant's decor. "...No." Lyle moved his gaze away after he replied with an unamused expression after hearing Livia's whisper and sigh. On their way to the restaurant in Alyi, Lyle used a regular phone to text Artus Livia's apartment address, but from there, the two got lost on their next move.
The two took their seats, waiting for a waiter to arrive and take their orders, Livia as usual, began chatting as Lyle sat in front of her listening quietly. Lyle leaned forward with a blank expression as he sat with Livia and held his forehead when the thought that this was just the Dawn of their forced date revisited him as Livia patted his head. Alyi's perky bladesmith's soup arrived as she chatted about various monsters she faced in Alyi in the past after being hired and assigned to Alyi until she ran out of stories and knew of another topic. "Sooo, Mentor Dain also knew about this opportunity but he told you guys about this place, huh, LyLo?" Livia asked while staring at Lyle as if she was Star struck. The sangfroid paragon turned his head back toward her. "... Yep." Lyle answered with a straightforward tone curious about where this conversation could head while also looking forward to an update from his siblings, "Mentor Alicrissa told her? How many others—?" He asked himself as he glanced away from his date.
Livia stared out one of the restaurant's windows nearby as she prepared a question for the sangfroid paragon as she leaned forward. "I wanna know— were you ever searching for me and keeping honest, after mentor Dain helped you escape S.I.O.M?" She asked him with excitement in her eyes, expecting an answer. Lyle felt shocked as he was unprepared for her to have asked him a question like this and felt like an idiot for not. "I thought about you, you crossed my mind. Everyone did." Lyle answered reluctantly before enjoying his bread, "Did you happen to find or escape with anyone else after the incident?" Lyle asked Livia following hers. Livia's eyes lit up and her face flushed pink as she saw this as a chance to be useful to Lyle. "Yaah, I escaped with like— six others: Feradinq, Sander, Harley, Titus, Alice and Iona, Y'know, while mentor Alicrissa helped us out but the whereabouts of the ones I've named, I have no clue where they ended up now." Livia answered with a shrug at the end. Lyle looked down at their dinner table and locked into his thoughts once more, wondering, where they all could possibly be now. "Hearing that everybody had made it out alive is fixing up my mood. Especially Iona. Highlight of this night." Lyle kept in his thoughts while Livia tried to gain his attention, he descended deeper into reminiscence.
Ignoring what it was Livia that was chatting about, the sangfroid paragon's communicator vibrated, he swiftly transferred the call to his earpiece. Artus kept searching through her dressers. "Broo, yeah, we've been able to find absolutely nothing yet but stay on the line 'cause I feel like we're close enough to be optimistic." Artus yelled loudly after Lyle picked up, then was shushed by his older sister, "We've finally found Livia's apartment and she's— dude!" Artus finished informing his brother as he had a concerning tone. Lyle glanced away momentarily before turning back towards Livia. Ember observed Livia's communicator's contacts after guessing her password. "She's been talking to a couple of dolts named Blair and Bliant, seems they're part of the Gen-Oath, a couple of Irish or Scottish goons?" Ember asked herself before placing it back on her dresser the way she found it. Artus rushed over to her hip and took a look. "They look like cool bros!" Artus commented confidently before continuing his search of her room.
Alyi's perky bladesmith bit her lip. "Oh, is that your bro you're talking to?" Livia asked as she's letting Lyle know she's onto their plan with the way that she spoke, Livia bent over the table, "Heeeyy Master of Parties, lil arty!" Livia happily greeted Artus with a lively tone. The sanguine marksman turned his head down towards his communication device. "This insane chica is onto us—?!" Artus asked with a much calmer, quieter tone that hinted at confusion. Livia giggled and chuckled as deviously as he remembered. "You might have already seen my gift, a mug with a grandma on it!" Livia shouted over Lyle's communicator on his lap. The sanguine marksman carefully surveyed the room for this said gift. "Ugh, thanks errr— I guess." Artus shouted Livia. Ember's beaming grin shined as she realized that she never smiled as wide as she discovered a strange hidden compartment in Livia's basement. The sangfroid paragon sighed as he looked downwards to his lap. "He gives his thanks." Lyle informed Livia; the gift giver.
Alyi's perky bladesmith leaned forward with lovestruck eyes as she held her cheeks. "My smokey hunk?" Said Livia in an attempt to grab Lyle's attention. The sangfroid paragon muted his brother during a rant about Livia and his sister. "He's absolutely right, you'd need to be one of a few things for her not to want to be associated with you, best fit for you, a bully." Lyle commented he summarized his brother's rant. Livia formed an awkward expression as she sat low in her seat. "Get back with me, you could fix me, LyLy!" Alyi's perky bladesmith mumbled with her arms crossed..
Suddenly, Lyle received a text on his phone from Ember with a picture in Livia's basement, and she informed she's acquired his treasured, sentimental key. Lyle released a relieved sigh. After reading the text from his sister, the Sangfroid paragon stood up as he and Livia stared into each other's gazes, then began walking out of the five-star restaurant in his usual silence until he's stopped by Alyi's perky bladesmith who grabbed his arm and tried to pull him back to the table they were sitting at. Lyle turned around and saw Livia in tears, yet he couldn't bring himself to feel sorry for her. He recalled how she bullied his sister during their training years and stole his treasured coin without a single care. Livia started beating on Lyle's chest, making a scene in the restaurant with a distressful tone. "You owe me this date now that we're free, Don't leave LyLy, know what I'm keeping your key!" Livia continued yelling. The sangfroid paragon glanced away. "Sure, you are, lady." Lyle mumbled.
Lyle's arms had become rich with smoke radiating with it as he turned around and pushed Livia away who refused to keep her hands to herself, with one hand into a table causing her to eventually find herself on the ground. The sangfroid paragon struggled to keep to his title after thinking about her disloyalty to the city of Alyi and everything else she has done to Ember in the past on his mind. Though he refused to let himself, for long and, swiftly reclaimed his cool, he continued walking out of the restaurant, after turning back around and suggesting something to her assertively. "Either stay loyal to the Gen-Oath or quit it and leave us alone, Livia." Then he continued walking out of the high status restaurant. Making his way towards the door, before leaving out, Lyle accidentally bumped into a masked man wearing a violet and gray Gen-Oath uniform, similar to his own yet with lesser protection. The helmet hid his face and voice as well. Lyle halted and displayed a blank stare, his mind filled with withering curiosity about the character regarding that Gen-Oath member as Alyi's finest investigator continued walking into the restaurant the Sangfroid paragon was determined to leave La Gideon Endroit which he just left. Lyle's next goal, Find his sister, Ember, holding the intention of convincing her to fill him in on how she was able to be his hero.
Alyi's perky blacksmith turned her gaze up towards her fellow violet clad guardian. "Kacey, Kace, Kay?" Livia her Co-worker, Kacey Sarpong, a mission and investigation driven member of the Gen-Oath squad in Alyi where she is primarily assigned, some might come to think of him as their squad leader, the citizenry of Alyi quickly came to that conclusion as well. He stood at six-two with luscious dark hair that went slightly below his shoulders, the eldest of their team, the oath in general and a contender for the most gifted Detective from where he was born. He possessed the powers of Kinaesthesia, a photographic memory, the pinnacle of human athleticism and an awakened higher resistance to diseases, toxins, pheromones than most of humanity.
Kacey Sarpong let the silence in between the two prior to responding. "Quit the civilized act, wild child, there's been talk that you were in Generil for far longer than a week. I've been ordered to send you a strong warning that you won't have a job if you don't get your act together and return to your post. Get it together." Kacey informed his fellow Gen-Oath assertively. Kacey walked away without allowing her time to think of a reply and left the restaurant. Livia felt excited and pulled out her phone and focused heavily into it, excited about her achieving half of her goal. "I've got at least a 40 minute video of rain and an island of smoke to work with here, I can focus on my job for a while, anyway." She kept to herself before she broke out into more laughter and uncomfortable giggling filled with excitement.
Lyle, Artus and Ember planned to regroup at their apartment, Lyle was the first to arrive and he went to the living room but noticed a cup that had "World's greatest mom!" written on it, lying on their living room table. The Sangfroid Paragon felt compelled to look inside whilst waiting on his siblings to return, what he saw inside shocked him and made him realize Livia was telling the truth about escaping with, at least one other kid at S.I.O.M, Goracia, Lyle saw what he recognized to be one of the child geniuses own wacky creations, a tracking device that also allowed the tracker to listen in with the disguise of a cup. Knowing Livia was disrespecting their privacy would heat up Ember and Artus would have gone on with stories about Goracia, Lyle had to take a moment while waiting on the others to adjust to his new life from now on. Ember and Artus finally came back, Lyle showed the two Livia's tracking device and her mug. Artus admitted to owning the cup and bringing it in, he felt no shame for the reason owning it. Ember informed her brothers that she learned of some disturbing facts about Livia after visiting her apartment, then she gave Lyle back his precious key. For the first time in their lives, Ember and Artus witnessed Lyle hugging and cuddling his key like it was a childhood teddy bear, the two felt disturbed.