The early sun shone brightly on the monarch of the megalopolis trio's expensive custom built jet soaring through the orange European sky. After lacing up her boots and closing her jacket, a woman left one of the expensive plane's small living quarters into a lobby with three and sat in the nearest chair to one with a jackal helmet. "How long has it been since the job started, Fitz?" She asked her brother who wore the jackal helmet. Fitz shrugged at her question. "A fine month, or so, Alyssa?" He answered her before he glanced away.
One of the crew with a lemon chiffon headband, had woken up abruptly, stretched then walked towards the private jet's bathroom. An expression full of shock grew on her face as she processed his guess. "Whoa wait, really?" Alyssa replied with a shocked tone, "I haven't been able to lay my eyes on the latest recruits yet, Fitz. Been itchin' to." She finished with a tone that matched her expression.
The jackal head donning intelligence collector relaxed his muscles and reclined his seat. "It makes sense, Nate told us a while ago after our assignments finished but Aleph actually sent me videos of the latest recruits in action." Fitz replied telepathically, "Wanna see?" Fitz asked, he predicted her answer without his telepathy. Alyssa shook her head disapprovingly. "You know I love being surprised, Fitz, C'mon man!" Alyssa replied before reclining back and following his lead.
Alyssa stood up as she recalled their leader's short briefing previously. "Wait— there's meant to be four members belonging to the squad?" She asked herself aloud. "Aleph wandered back to one of his usual breaks and now he's training new recruits at our Generil academy but he has to fill in as the fourth squadron member until one can become available." Fitz informed his sister. The violet-lipped powerlifter nodded as it made sense to her. "Oh, well, that explains everything." Alyssa responded, "Yup!" Fitz responded. The jackal head donning intelligence collector placed his palm on one of the ears of his helmet. "Question is now how do we go about meeting these têtards?" Fitz asked before wondering deeper. Alyssa's eyes widened with excitement after having heard his question. A young man with dark brown hair bursted out of the jet's bathroom. "I think I have an idea on how actually— it's fairly quick and easy since we don't have a ton of time on our hands for this, sibs." The brown haired headband enjoyer loudly informed his close team as he dried his hands.
July, on the tenth of the month. Middle of the evening, right before many nine to five workers get off of work, the Trio are still working and patrolling the streets together as that's a part of their job.
The sanguine marksman spun his pistol as he and his siblings leisurely strolled the sidewalks of Generil near the end of their patrol. "I honestly still can't believe that he turned out to be part of the thieves, though!" Artus said as his tone displayed how taken aback it made him. Ember sped up having had her attention momentarily taken by a billboard of a notable writer. "Little brother— you've got to learn to be less trusting of everyone." Ember replied before she turned facing her brothers. The sangfroid paragon shook his head disapprovingly. "Take it easy on him, Embs, he's a sweet guy that makes friends unlike— us." Lyle started as calm as ever. The Blue-stocking blade glared in the direction of the sangfroid paragon with her silence speaking loudly and helping her brother predict what she had been thinking before she placed her hands on her hips. "Then you joined the simpedemic, allowing yourself to be seduced by that lame fear-wielding witch?" Ember rebuked the sanguine marksman yet his siblings noticed a lack of care for her words as he stared at the sky. Lyle let out a low chuckle while staring at his brother. "Do you usually take in the scent of those fingers with that habit of yours, Art?" He asked his daydreaming brother. The sanguine marksman's eyes widened. "Wha?" He shouted fairly loud in response. The Blue-stocking Blade rolled her eyes. "This is coming from the fella that's a pro at peeling his toast with his top teeth and the same with his blueberry bagels?" She had rhetorically asked while Lyle was still silently ambling beside her. Lyle quietly chuckled at her question. "I don't do any of that to hurt your feelings." He verbally fired back in return. Lyle understood she had been glaring at him under her helmet. Artus lowered himself and wrapped his arms around Lyle and Ember. "C'mon, we've all got our quirks guys— and Embs, Lyle let me know about the mysterious swordsman suspected to be related to the hot witch that he fought and found you speaking with at the top floor, by the way." The tallest had held a smug grin on his face under his helmet. Her brothers soon noticed her now quiet and her head stuck in place. "The citizens here completely know nothing about Generil's deeper history, nothing that I haven't already been told, this place has some seriously ignorant citizens and it's frustrating!" Ember abruptly began angrily, catching plenty of pairs of eyes from passing denizens, "Don't give up asking these incredible townsfolk, gotta have faith that this place will eventually surprise you." Artus replied, ending with his usual bright smile. The Trio stopped and paid attention to tech bracers, receiving a message from their city's police chief ordering them to split up in three different locations.
Sometime later in the evening.
Aaida sent Lyle a text informing him that a jackal-like monster was spotted on an ample and empty rooftop of a building owned by the megapolis Trio's monarch. The sangfroid paragon surveyed the scene but found zero danger present yet heard heavy steps approaching calmly behind him. He turned towards the steps and saw a stranger's steel-toe boots. He recognized that he was in for a fight from the unfamiliar man's posture. What confused Lyle was the fact that the mysterious angry Jackal was silent while wearing a uniform that was purple and dark grey with the first initial of their monarch's name similar to his own.
Concurrently in the evening.
Ember arrived at an empty and immense park far from their apartment, which always closes at night. Aaida sent her a text ordering her to stop an illegal drug deal but instead she arrived to see a woman in a tight-fitting violet body suit with a violet skirt unlike her own, long black hair and standing two inches taller than her, She's got skin that's the color of probably your favorite chocolate bar with a mixture of dark blue and lustrous coal black hair that can always catch a passerby's eye. Ember reckoned that her police chief was in cahoots with her. The Blue-stocking blade inched closer. "That suit will get you plenty of respect, lady." Ember started with sarcasm. Alyssa laughed shortly before her grin turned grim. "Is that how a newbie ought to confabula?" Alyssa asked with curiosity in her tone.
Contemporaneously in the evening.
Artus managed to arrive at the urgent matter Aaida ordered him to respond to much earlier. Artus had forgotten the exact crime he had to stop, he just remembers that Aaida told him to stop a crime that's happening inside of some giant, old storage unit. When Artus had arrived, he saw a man asleep in a storage box. The man was large like him and wore regular looking clothing colored violet, unlike his co-worker's interesting outfits which had heavy noticeable protective elements to them, he only had a breastplate underneath what Artus thought to be a very comfy looking sleeveless jacket and a long sleeve black shirt under both. Artus walked up to him and started trying to wake him but it took a while, "Your excuse for how long you made me wait here?!" Conyrol had asked being the first thing he said to him, and from the top of his lungs when he finally woke up. Artus leaped back, getting lifted off the ground but was able to catch himself easily with one hand so he didn't fall, as he constantly stuttered and said "I can explain!" But when he did, he simply said "Hot women and pizza, man!" While he smiled. Conyrol smiled and replied, "Alright, alright, I can't blame you then, brother." In a genuine tone, "So, anyway, I'll just be straight forward with the fact that this is going to be a test for you…" He finished regularly.
The sangfroid paragon squared up as he glared under his helmet towards the mysterious equipped Jackal appreciating preserver. "Lemon chiffon intimidation flowing from his shoulder?" Lyle noted in his thoughts as he observed the mysterious jacket helmet donning appreciator continue to quietly approach him. The sangfroid paragon barely managed to slip the intelligence gatherer's swift blow. Fitz stretched his shoulder as he noticed his fellow defender crouched on the edge of the building. "Absurd lemon chiffon instincts." He commented although didn't hesitate to actually praise him through applause before the intelligence gathered continued marching forward. Lyle stood up, now aware of Fitz' speed. "Testing my competence in person. The chief. Emb and Art's most likely meeting the others he tested?" He pieced together in his thoughts. The sangfroid paragon fixed his posture while holding his opened left palm down towards his hip as he refused to move his eyes away from his approaching superior. Fitz deviously grinned under his helmet as he crossed his arms. "Light on your toes with instincts as sharp as the spikes of my lemon mace shower?" The Jackal donning intelligence scout crossed his arms and asked his inferior fellow defender before Lyle took notice of the intensity of the lemon chiffon aura flowing from his superior's shoulders. He barely managed to roll away from a mace that had been plummeting. Lyle barely managed to recover as he witnessed it vanishing and rolled away as it crashed through the roof where he stood. "Projection. Artus and Ember's discipline except— mastered in every aspect?!" He noted with confusion while attempting to continue to anticipate Fitz' plummeting maces. Fitz formed his opened palm into a fist before flinging said fist over his head, which sent Lyle soaring toward and a mace in his hand. Lyle braced himself mid-flight before smoke filled the top and the jackal enjoying superior realized he felt no impact. "Furthering aggression. Testing of my competence regarding my abilities and on the fly strategy. How is he able to—?!" The sangfroid paragon thought to himself as he recovered within the building. Fitz heard him breathing inside of the building as he stood patiently for him to return or leave. "Sounds fair? I'll limit myself to duplication, no tricks that'll leave you dumbfounded like earlier, you get to fight just me, myself and I or we can continue with you against my maces. Choose one, rook." Fitz telepathically communicated with his inferior ranked fellow custodian of the criminal element. The sangfroid paragon thought about his offer for a moment filled with silence as he rested on this building's carpet. "Dodging each of those maces jetting themselves at me is leaving my heart pumping and exhausted." Lyle replied through his thoughts as he kept a determined look on his mein.
The sangfroid paragon swiftly dodged Fitz's plummeting blow leaving him pounding the ground next to his inferior ranked's head, leaving him open for Lyle to kick his superior ranked away with both of his legs and himself back up to his balance. Fitz duplicated himself and the two of himself began circling the recovering Gen-Oath guardian each with their gazes fixed on him. "I'll make this sweeter. Incentivization for you that'll hopefully have you refuse to hold back. I'll grant a wish found within reason, of course, Junior." The Jackal donning preserver offered. Lyle nodded as he squared up, shifting his attention between the original and his clone. The two swiftly closed the gap against their fellow defender of an inferior rank. Lyle teleported behind his actual superior, and attempted a hook from the right, but Fitz ducked it, Lyle shifted his guard around and blocked a double legged drop kick jetting across the room. The sanguine paragon caught his footing. "He's not that much stronger than I am, which means—!" Lyle deduced in his head, planning ahead.
Lyle went in for another head on attack as Fitz saw him coming and prepared, before Lyle teleported behind him again, Fitz flipped high into the air while his duplicate took his previous footing and took the attack to his side rather than the true Fitz. The jackal head donning intelligence collector attempted to land on Lyle as he came crashing to the ground. The sangfroid paragon was instantaneously moved away before Fitz could land on him. "In the air for more than two seconds. Blatant flying." Lyle pointed out after it came to his revelation, confused, "I thought you said you were going to use one ability." Lyle reminded his superior of his word. The Jackal head donning scout crossed his arms. "Good eye. And fair enough, but you can't expect your foe to be of their word." Fitz replied to Lyle. The sanguine paragon stood with his guard strong. "Are you my foe or my teacher?" Lyle asked genuinely lost on that answer. The Jackal head donning superior ranked preserver held up his duplicate on his palm as Lyle found himself in confusion witnessing the circus act. "Enough with the chit chat, land a blow on me, a victory, inferior." Fitz replied as his mask's left eye began ominously glowing.
The sanguine paragon flooded his mind with calming thoughts. "... inferior?" Lyle wondered aloud. The question caught Fritz's attention. "Ye, inferior in rank. Consider our ranks as American high school classes. Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Seniors except we technically are ghosts and don't exist so you guys are technically the seniors." Fitz answered, yet this information didn't really matter to Lyle at all, "I have zero clue what any of those are…" The sanguine paragon replied as he rubbed his chin. Fitz squared up once again, bouncing around on his toes. "You possess the internet at your fingertips. Let's just finish up here." Fitz responded with excitement in his tone.
Lyle stood silent as he followed his example and tried to recall details he picked up about his superior. Instead, Lyle went fully offensive and rushed Fitz' duplicates as if he was one of them, completely confusing Fitz because he knows Lyle sees him wide open but he still hadn't let his guard down despite Lyle attacking his clones as he suspected an obvious plan at play. Fitz's duplicate attempted to sweep the sanguine paragon's leg but reacted swiftly and moved his foot out of its sweeping distance, after failure it had attempted to grab him but he shoved him off, and the exchange between the attacks of the three went on and on.
The battle went on until Fitz finally let down his guard just long enough for Lyle to teleport a good distance behind him and throw two knives, forcing Fitz to have to dodge them, before then taking advantage of split timing teleporting once more and threw his holstered pistols at him, opening a small window of time for Lyle to luckily anticipate where he would dodge and with a guess the brother of the sanguine marksman and Bluestocking blade had hurled a third knife.
Fitz momentarily paused and looked down. The duplicate of the scout finally made it to Lyle and successfully tackled him down, to see he had a knife lodged into his side. Fitz expressed approval under his helmet. "Bravo, Junior." The scout smiled as he congratulated the sangfroid paragon as he removed the blade that he had lodged into his rib from their duel. Lyle removed his helmet as he found the scout recovering through his lemon chiffon spectacular and too miraculous to not be an hallucination.
Ember's eyes lit up with the thought that she might learn more about Generil from the woman boasting her superior rank before her. "Really?" Ember asked, "Are you one of the hidden Gen-Preservers that Armand informed us about?!" Ember finished with a slight tone filled with a mixture of curiosity and excitement.
The violet-lipped preserver grinned as her brow flew upwards. "It's my pleasure, young miss. Alyssa Antonya Detayvern, Josue's adoptive daughter and a preserver of the megapolis trio!" Alyssa formally introduced herself.
Ember soon found herself impressed by the sheer intensity of her superior's lemon chiffon essence as it gave her a slight headache to deal with yet she took a deep breath in and exhaled. "I humbly request that you enlighten me on Josue, history and how the culture evolved!" Ember asked and demanded, "I could— but first you'll have to pass our test." Alyssa replied.
"Pft, easy, I'll easily ace any test you can come up with enough time for a coffee." Ember replied excitedly with a slight stutter as she conjured a bastard sword. Alyssa rested her left hand on her hip and returned a smug grin. "Was the intel that I received that you were the most adept with a sword in the Oath accurate, young las?" Alyssa asked as Ember noticed she hadn't blinked once came to revelation. Ember lightly sighed as she rested her blade on her pauldrons. "I haven't had a duel with everyone yet to know for sure, questionable intel as far as I know— however, confidently stating for the record that my little brothers can't rival me with a blade!" Ember declared as quickly as possible that she almost ran out of breath before she recalled numerous decisive defeats from her past.
Alyssa ominously smiled as she grabbed a lollipop from her bag. "She's the worst kind of teammate, huh, she'll be fun for the others to work alongside and keep an eye on." Alyssa notes in her head before removing the sucker, "Here's the test; I'm a monster with an external weakness so the objective will be to slice and damage it to defeat me, any other decision will lead to the destruction of the city's citizens and your comrades." Alyssa revealed as she held up a soccer ball from her bag. Ember warmed herself up with quick stretches. "Immerse myself." She reminded herself in her thoughts. Alyssa nodded with approval before hearing the Blue-stocking Blade reminding herself of humiliating the opponent. Ember summoned a Katana and engaged in a comfortable stance, ready and prepared for the fight coming ahead, fixed her gaze on the core and Alyssa noticed the expression she held on her face which was filled with determination and seemingly obsession.
Alyssa pulled out a wrinkled sheet of paper from one of her pockets. "Ugh, Cony and his fifth grade writing!" Alyssa complained with visible irritation, "Know what, I'll name a number of~" Alyssa stopped there because she noticed many typos and spelling mistakes concerning the script she was given. The Blue-Stocking blade shook her head before easing into a runner's stance with a slight grin on her mien. "Up to you!" Ember shouted before sprinting to the core with her Katana gripped tightly and behind her. Alyssa had been taken aback regarding Ember's sprinting form and speed until she got a few certain meters in front of the core. Thick blocks of ice plummeted in front of the Blue-Stocking Blade with her reaction speed saving her from being crushed under each, enough dropped to form a wall and had forced her to leap away or dodging wouldn't be able to keep her from being trapped under. "Damn it— I could move one of these out of the way but she'd likely drop another on it, if not under then maybe—?" Ember reasoned with herself and decided on another path.
Alyssa found herself curious from a vantage as she looked down at her younger fellow defender recovering in front of a 30 foot tall wall of thick ice. "Sometimes— I have to let myself be surprised to keep me on my toes, what's this swordsman got up her sleeves?" Alyssa thought to herself curiously.
The Blue-stocking Blade walked towards the wall and slid her sharp blade vertically across the ice before nodding approvingly. "That quirky genius has made my life much easier." Ember commented as she grabbed a micro-explosive from one of her belt's utility pockets and tossed upwards towards the wall before rolling away. The explosion blew the perfect hole in the ice that she needed. Alyssa squatted down as she spectated from above. "Spotted the weakest block of ice in the stack but is it just out of reach for you, Junior?" Alyssa taunted her inferior ranked defender telepathically. Ember backed away and attentively observed the wall once again. "I'll give you a bit of creative problem solving, lady— since you're this thirsty for it!" Ember declared in her thoughts knowing she was listening. The Blue-Stocking Blade summoned twin claymores before tossing the one in her right hand high enough into the thick ice wall that she could leap up and grip the handle and the twin claymore held in her left slightly higher. Eventually she reached the sword that she held in her left hand and conjured twin Tanto's to finish her ascent to the hole she blew through the wall. Ember sprinted through the path inside to finish the challenge yet she slowed herself when she felt her intense essence signature from earlier as she saw the end of the tunnel the explosive left. Ember
Alyssa smirked while leaning sideways with her arms crossed. "Neat solution." She commented as she held herself up manipulating the air, "Okay little girl, You're going to have one hell of a rough time carrying out that promise but let's go with the prettiest, Ice." With a vexed tone as she clenched her fist.
Ember ran toward her with a tight grip on the handle and the butt of her sword leading, ready to slash, she swung her sharp when she closed the gap but missed as Alyssa dodged and froze her legs solid in place with below negative ice. Ember's leg armor and steel toe boots kept her feet warm and protected as she weaved and slipped her superior's incoming blows. Ember gathered up intensity in her lemon chiffon essence that she had encasing her legs and melted away the ice making it thin enough to free herself.
Alyssa perched on a cylindrical ice pillar. "Remember Mademoiselle, you said I could do whatever I wanted!" Alyssa yelled from above, "Have you taken it back yet?" The Violet-lipped preserver questioned with the same smirk. The Blue-Stocking Blade raised her bastard sword. "No way, wench. Most exciting event of this entire week, lady!" Ember yelled before she flung her sword before charging around it.
The Violet-lipped preserver dodged the Blue-Stocking Blade's lemon chiffon honed sword, hurled her way before turning her attention to her blind spot and defending against Ember's ferocious attacks before she had froze her hands as if the ice was cuffs, then froze Ember's legs solid for the second time before forming an igloo-like dome of solid ice.
Ember took a deep breath and recollected her cool. Focusing the intensity of her lemon chiffon essence was enough to thaw enough to break free from her ice cuffs though it took five minutes instead of thirty seconds this time around. The young swordswoman felt the dome after removing her hand gear and felt that it had been reinforced by her superior's lemon chiffon essence and quickly recognized that she had no chance of slashing through it with her own brute force. She removed her helmet and took a deeper breath. "I'm treating that girl to her own dinner after this." Ember whispered to herself with relief and gratitude in her tone before removing one of her hair pins in her hair. She detonated the disguised multi-use explosive. The explosion had slammed Ember into a nearby tree while Alyssa watched her recovery. The Violet-lipped preserver laughed and clapped after she pieced what just happened to Ember together like a child's puzzle. "Hair pin explosives? Quirky." The Violet-lipped preserver asked rhetorically, "I guess that isn't a quirky or risky plan when you've got a timer that you can be invincible." Alyssa stated in awe. Ember got herself back to her toes and without a single scratch on her. "What's that saying folks say, "Everything Josue invests in is... "Invincible" and ``mess?" Ember quoted and responded. The timer began ringing, as irked as she had been, the Blue-stocking Blade dropped on her butt letting go of her bastard sword as she fell.
Alyssa gracefully leapt from the top of her pillar. "That's never been something said by a citizen, on the bright side of getting duped, now that can be your first clue that someone's up to no good." Alyssa replied as she gestured for a handshake, "Oh yeah, speaking of him, I heard you helped expose him as a spy having been working for the Durant family sometime ago." Alyssa replied as she shook her Junior's hand and thought about it being softer than she expected. Ember dusted herself off as her armor did have an abundance of dirt on it. "No part of that. I had no clue until something sort of like an enchantment wore off on me, Lyle and Artus informed me about that when he got finished when I came to— to be honest." Ember answered with an honest tone.
Alyssa put one hand on her hip and shaped her other into a knuckle and rested her chin on it. "Well— didn't you help with the capture of the annoying Durant sister?" Alyssa asked as she kept her gaze fixed on her junior. The Blue-stocking Blade shook her head. "Not really." Ember answered as she shrugged and let out a sigh, "unless you consider buying my idiotic brother enough time to recover from what the wench did to him, it was all him." Ember finished as she stared up recollecting her thoughts.
Alyssa widened her eyes, deeply surprised by her response. "Good enough for me, this has been fun but hopefully Josue'll never assign any of you guys to help us out." Alyssa hoped aloud as she began sauntering away, "This job gives you more and more— supernatural baggage." Alyssa started with a creepy vibe and widened eyes. "Wait, please don't leave without giving me something about the city's history, lady!" Ember asked so desperately that she caught Alyssa's attention. The Violet-lipped preserver's generosity has been hooked by her inferior's desperation as well. "The thieves that you had defeated worked for the Durant family— high ranking A.I.S members, leaders of squads and if one of them escaped like our intel gathered then you can never settle in the states. They rarely set their plans into motion to not be the targets of Josue's wrath, their territory in the states isn't enough for them. They believe they have a divinely given authority and duty to control foreign treasures as well. Watch your back and keep an eye for any spy in the city." Alyssa made noise while deciding if she was worthy, but first she had to think of what she thought would be interesting news to share with her.
"Awww, man!" Artus complained like a child, "Tests are not my exact… specialty." Artus stated as a fact. "Don't I know it, tests aren't my thing either but this test is a sort of test fit for you." Conyrol responded to Artus' complaints.
Artus gasped as he realized who he was talking to, "Are you a member of the Gen-Guard… Gen-preservers! My sister has been fan-girling about?" Artus asked with the feeling that he was, "Ye, pretty cool, huh?" Conyrol response.
"So wait, will this have to be hand to hand cuz I've been practicing actually or can we do something else?" Artus asked confused, "Well, I made a script for the rest of my team and I to read during these tests, but Y'know wha?" Conyrol asked rhetorically, "I remembered just now that my handwriting is elephant doodoo!" Conyrol answered Artus.
"What should we do then?" Artus asked his senior, Conyrol remembered something crucial, "Are you as good a marksmen as the files say, bro?" Conyrol asked with curiosity, with a sudden serious tone, Artus answered, "I'm even better than what it has noted, aim and accuracy is my only speciality!" Yet still said as if he completely meant it.
"Besides being pretty chill, and I'm in love with that cockiness!" Conyrol replied.
Conyrol looked around until he spotted some bottles in one of the boxes near Artus, He made his way to the box and opened it, grabbed one out and then threw it at Artus. This, of course, didn't even Faze Artus but it made him slightly confused.
"Ah, good, these bottles are some of his finest but are still regular enough, so, just what we need, assuming your assumably fancy bullets can penetrate them." Conyrol said after throwing one at Artus.
"Uhhhh" Artus noised as he scratched his left cheek, "What are we doing exactly…?" Artus asked him, completely confused about what's coming next, "Just come follow me outside, Art Art." Conyrol replied.
Conyrol picks up the large box and together, the two walk their way to the outside world, where they see some citizens carrying on their way, walking by and walking away minding their own business.
"He's using Telekinesis right now to move that box but some other sub-branch of Psycho-kenisesis to slightly push me away when he woke up earlier, they made all of us study and memorize every type of sub-branch in the Psycho-kinesis family but my hatred for them make me wanna forget all of it, gives me headaches." Artus noted and stated in his head, as he followed his "senior" leading him to the outside.
Conyrol sets the box down on the ground once they got outside the storage warehouse and grabs one of them, "Alright, Art, let's see how good your sight is with these bottles!" Conyrol finally said after being silent the whole trip out.
"A bottle tossing test?" Artus asked excitedly and rhetorically, "This'll be as easy as eating three boxes of pizza in one night!" Artus said aloud, "Oh, ya bet?" Conyrol response, "Then get that gun out and get ready!" Conyrol screamed out hyped up.
Artus summoned a rifle that he always used for bottle tossing tests at the A.J.C with everything he'd need for this test in the guns base form, Range, accuracy and most importantly, he knew how to control the recoil on it.
"You ready, Artus?" Conyrol asked while he held one of the bottles in a random direction, "You betcha I'm ready, piece. Of. Cake!" Artus answered while aiming and genuinely prepared.
Conyrol threw the bottle and to no surprise, Artus' shot was without a doubt perfect, the bottle was destroyed before gravity could get its fubsy fingers to pull it down.
"Cool, cool..." Conyrol said relaxed and like he was impressed, "NOW SURPRISE FOOL!" Conyrol screamed out, shocking Artus as after he shouted, ALL OF THE BOTTLES INSIDE WENT FLYING AND SOARING, EACH IN VERY RANDOM DIRECTIONS AND ALL OVER IN THE AIR!
Out of all 50 of the bottles, Artus was able to quickly and perfectly shoot 40 dead in the center before they had hit the ground.
Conyrol was truly impressed, "Whoa, oh, oh!" Conyrol said in a genuinely in-awe tone, "I might've doubted you could hit 40 cuz I was thinking you'd hit all 50 but that mean ya got room for improvement, that's always something to celebrate, Bro." He replied.
"Thanks." Artus said but he was actually pretty upset deep down that he wasn't a fast enough shot to hit all of the bottles.
"Welp! I'm outta here, you passed!" Said Conyrol still pretty impressed by Artus' quick shots, A helicopter came by to pick him up at super convenient timing, almost like it was planned or already seen when he'd finish his test. All of a sudden, Artus' communicator began ringing like a phone, AND so he answered it. "Yeah, the assignment was a test, so, was yours?" Artus said to whomever called him.