Chapter 27 - Data

known links: star wars, Simpsons, South park, our world, skyrim, Star Trek, heman, books, looney toons, games, movies, Final Fantasy, Magic the Gathering, Aliens, AVP, transformers, Doom, Harry Potter, planet of apes, Stephen King, bioware, Greek hell, matrix, cuthulu, Conan, Dc, Marvel, metal gear, BioShock, doctor who, Disney, venture bros, red dawn, futurama, Archer, csi Miami,

Ranks: civilian, veteran, elite, cult, cult elite. Angel ranks: novice, human, earth, heaven, soul.

Races: Caucasian, Mongolian, Malay, Ethiopian, African, American, Australian, N.indian, S.indian.

Stuff taken: materia-FF, Items-all, Bioenergy-all, cores-all, kyber crystal-sw, Dragon Pearl-sw, Javalin-A, exoskeleton-all, exosuit-all, bikini armor-mods, Iris gate-SG1, weapons-all, magicules particles-NGO, metals-all, modified ammo-all, implants-all, cybernetics-all, orbital drop-all, Holo-emitters-ST, synthetic-weave-SW, teleportation-all, replicator-ST, photonic core-all, God's nectar-all, Grid gear-FF, Halo radiance-all, Drones-all, mobile base-all, Divergence link/neurologic link- all, Matter Converter-all,

Timeline: 1945, 2070, 2076, 2077, 2077.23.oct, 2102, 2161, 2241, 2277.17.08, 2281.19.10, 2287.

Factions: children of Atom, Chinese remnant, shi, Wastelanders, settlers, Ganges, brotherhood of steel, enclave, mercs, talon, gunners, herbologist, synths, institute, mutants, bio-humans, cyber borg, small people, children, gun runners, vault dwellers, rust devils, regulators, reily's Rangers, tribes, cults, order of mysteries, hives, insects, beasts, mirelurk, tunnlers, zeta, precursors, Smugglers, followers of apocalypse, aliens, little horn &associates, slavers, ghouls, robots, supermutants, caravan, slaves, railroad, Legion, NCR, free states, slavery guild, think tank, boomers, Green cross, blueridge caravan, secret service,

known names: Wang Yang Agent, Isabella proud ghouls scientist, Jason merc guard, Dr Li, Clover Brainwashed slave, Penny little lamp light, Tanya christoff AntPsyker, Amata vault leader, Dr.Lesko Ant field, Judy Lowell Bright VTU student, Lewis VTU student, Daphne Inspector, Maul cook, Noel Chandrich clean energy, Kate Leavitt organic chemist, Darcy Kobrick hubris comics, Mary Nicholas hubris comics, Kent Connelly hubris comics, Arlen Glass toymaker, Vera Keyes Singer, Kim Wu baseball player, Gibbons family but no evil brother and grandpa, Tina Hopkins unknown, Vivian hubris comics, Kincad Atomic general creator, Anise civoletti unknown, Shelby o'rourke Cryptids hunter, Mo Chu Agent, Elwoods unknown, Dr. bernard unknown, Prof. Blake Alien deciphering, prof. Jacklynn Alien deciphering, Dr. Angela unknown, Dr. kellie unknown, Dr. briget unknown, Dr. Casey Reed Oceanologist, Julie Longford unknown, Arat soccer pro child, Nica boxing girl champion, Ella Ames all rounder, Abbie unknown, Niraj unknown, Calvin free states, Sam Blackwell Senator, Quinn Carter reporter, Overbey Editor, Tinley military brat, Calvin Lowe Detective, Ivana child actor, Three dog GNR Voice, Dr.Curie advanced scientist, Virgil Institute scientist, Ashuar King of Pittsburgh, Sandra Scientist, Marie The cure, Travis DCR voice, Agatha ACR voice, Mr. Wallace Inventor, Dr. Amari key to complete soul migration, Sarah Lyons heiress, W.Brandice Enclave deserter, Piper News, Nat paper girl, Bumble fighter, lucy child doctor, princess politician, Maggie Fighter, Billy Merc, Stacey runner, lindsay pilot bomber, melody gladiator, Cait Chem fighter, Sally immortal child, Kat robotics, Gus sentry bot,

what I have so far is a Jurain seed and Dragon pearls so what can I do.