Chapter 31 - Chapter 29 : Steps

The last thing is or was the Pitt of Pittsburgh.

Report : We have traveled to the destination to Pitt through known sources and stealth scouts shadowing the slavers. We are met with opposition as expected but do to our technology. Stealth units, Javalins, even a Titan for opening up paths. We made way half way before that Rocs came so did the hunters of the Pitt. They lead us after the aftermath To Ashuar, He didn't like us one bit do to the technology we have is enough to rule the north America if you know how to fix it.

We made a agreement that we rebuild his city for resources for other cities and open trade. We also repair worker bots, furnaces and cleaning. So far there will be shipments will take six months after the repairs.

End Report


We have reached Pluto so far waiting for its next orbital cycle to the Dark planet, at best same time as those repairs. I am still training, learning, practice and farming.

The bioenergy abilities are based on all teachings that works and theories. The list is The Force, Magic, Reiki, psionic, Aura, Elements, Alchemy and technology. Basically anything to do with abilities that we can't do without any kind of help. I have this also as a preventative for any problems that would come but Skyla made it so that I didn't go out much.

I am surprised that I was allowed to travel at all, even if I am surrounded by beautiful females I know space is not so kind.

-------------------------Reports ----------------------------

Report???: The tests of using new forms of energy as Arc, Tesla, Plasma, Fusion, Nuclear, Pure energy, particles, Dark matter, Matter, Algae, Bioenergy, geothermic, antimatter, energy grid, core tap, blackhole, wormhole, gravity, fission, Hydrogen, stars, solar, power crystal, subspace, recharger and waves.

So far only eleven are showing great progress, thanks to Alien knowledge we saved and engineers things are fast.

Other than those things this is end report.

Report????: The tests of the known manipulation of bioenergy for a technique called Force Travel between Earth and the moon. Fail more often than work as it requires high levels of bioenergy manipulaters in great numbers. It requires 79+79 a total of 158 Enhance humans just to make it stable enough for use for a human raider.

this is end of report.

Report? ? ? ? : The Integration of the recharger pistol with other energy based as Plasma, Tesla, laser, Cryo, Pyro, Sonic, Wave, pulse, wind, water, Mesmatron and railgun.

So far we can only make Smgs, Rifles, miniguns and shoulder cannon.

Do to Smg model are the base for shoulder weapons make it hard to make lighter for pistol usage.

The main problem is the plasma gas needed for the chemical reaction so far when the matter converter is miniaturized this is not possible at all so no plasma.

As for how the water feature it is amazing how they madeit possible I still like the rachet and clank so this is good for pretend.

End Report.

Report?????: The on going collecting of Flora and Fanua has been doing marking Fanua for later transportation. As for the Flora are handled with extreme care do to the incident of Vault 22, we never really relaxed with the dangers it all can do. I personally think it is too extreme but when I see these spore carriers it is hard to argue at all. Report end.