Chereads / Fallout; Project Failsafe [Editing sorry]Dropped / Chapter 32 - Chapter 30 : The Change

Chapter 32 - Chapter 30 : The Change

The way as things have go is that I have Influence but so much that we taken the lands not discover, even other nations.

We did the whole thing guards to the protectorate factions that have developed, providing and help.

we collected so much data from the pip-boys, trade, requests and collaboration with many projects. We didn't need to take over the insititute, we trade with each other since we grow too fast to deal with and with support from factions do to our ways of ruling.

We have the common laws, adapted laws and laws dealing with religions, even laws on slavery adapted from brandon laws. Yes we added needed laws to change how people act, behave, even enhance humans to angels.

The collection of the creatures with lesser intelligence have bin finished fast, medium intelligence have finshed with injuries while the higher intelligence that can talk bin highly resistant to joining us or can't resist their instincts.

The creation of technology have stall once again with do to that we are using visuals instead of blueprints like watch Iron man then told to recreate that it will take time even ten years to finish any part of the suit let alone the power source is the only fact simile that was disclosed.

With things as is not much is changing then natural expanding of territory, conflicts and rebuilding of so many places.


We finally reach the dark planet to only to be faced with a sheild world from Halo series so we are fucked. We keep course to see a entrance open up for us, I told them to have the whole fleet to go in and prepare for battle.

The tunnel is the same but seems that this place have bin not touch at all until we see ship wrecks of the UNSC, Forerunners, Conclave and Banished.

We send people to check them out to only find corpses, dead flood, forerunners and machines. The only traces that are shown are black ooze crystals, they show distinct similarity to X-001 but solid with a strange vibration.

The further we go in the more wrecks seen, the machines are repairing seem not needed since these ships did no damage or it has already bin repaired long time ago.

With scans show that no one has bin here for two centuries since the repairs.

Once pass the last gate we prepare for the gravity shift but what I see is not a sheild world but a sheilded ark world big as four jupiter.

We see that a great war has bin over for a long time as nature tries to reclaim it all but the with machines at work seperated from nature being studied.

As things are we are not dead so to say that this world is different from other forerunner sheild worlds and more signs of black ooze crystals from the attacked ships.


Report S001; we are told to explore Hella-01 unkown forerunner sheild world, Section A-1 is a basic size of one Fourth of the inner surface, while the ark structures is divided in eight parts.

so far this is a rocky area a good place to build with out disturbing the other biomes but the structures here should already meet these demands.

other then signs of creatures living here we are securing places fast, oh ya others are finding creatures from prehuman times here like dinosuars. I was busy at that time to see so a fair warning.

Report S002 Area A-2 have a distinct barrier for creatures here, we found pre-war animals here spread out in different biomes.

So far we have to deal with the wild life here since most of them have never seen a human before, which makes this place weird.

I feel like we are in a zoo were nature is perfect balance, this makes it wierd here.

So far three weeks are needed to secure this area but I think we need a area to base ourselves from these Zoos. report end.

Report S003 A-3 We are dealing with unknown small primitive humans size of forearms, dress in clothes of hunters. What I can get from them that they are karite once helpers to the fore runners but once the ancient human war started they die from a shadow lady reciting her love, songs even prophocies of a traveler and his armies. More later sir.


I am still stuck on the ship guided by drones to hangers in section B-20 skyend were many more ships are docked so we jion them. This derelict world that is silent after a attack from so long ago to never reawaken until we came even brought it with us too.

I am forced to visit it X-001 but instead have it unloaded to follow me to the center control. We end up in a hall were before the so called control center chamber.

I have the sisterhood head infront of me while I deal with X-001 that is supose to be asleep but I Know better celestials are never asleep unless they want to be.

I am finally alone with it with Skyla so i open it and say" hey I know you are awake why pretend so long".

"You know me mortals are so annoying when they don't want to believe the ultimate truth so it is better then babysitting those humans".

"So what will you do now have you found what you wanted from the world we came from"?

"Yes you another unkown even to me and a perfect host to merge fully without killing the host, even for me to be whole now will you accept"?

I end up raising my hand to have it crawl up my arm with me accepting it Skyla can't stop my body but her nanites are hers so she scans and adapt to the symbiote celestial being.

I can't move do to that all senses of pain are blocked until they are merged, Skyla's sedatives only cut the pain in half to a car crash. I have fainted do to the sudden sense of pain all at once shock me into this state.

I wake up to a different feeling of being myself as if I change again.

I walk to find a type of bridge to this sheild world, from here we can change it all for ourselves even expand so I targeted jupiter, pluto and mercury for many reasons. Also astroids for a better results since we do have a astroid belt and a large enough sheild world for it.


We end up moving the Hella-01 to the bases for transportation of everything and last run to earth for those that will want to jion us to try the first jump.

Thanks to the robots assitance moving it all while absorbing the moons to create new places for them to set up.

several days for this to end I miss having tv shows I never seen being surprised and just watching my lives is not something I can endure again but it is crazy that they watch it none stop even recreations.

soon we made it to earth after Mars for the Sirrians they didn't like the first Name of their race. Celerium cores are now more developed since we gave them all my knowledge, they also are the ones that help advance us to have the new stuff.

So many want to came with us that I am surprise this happen at all that any would jion at all.

With that we are at earth for those that are willing to explore the multiverse to new worlds even dimensions but we have one place to go to.