Chereads / Fallout; Project Failsafe [Editing sorry]Dropped / Chapter 29 - Chapter 27 : Fallout world is it worth it?

Chapter 29 - Chapter 27 : Fallout world is it worth it?

Their work in developing the world as a whole we spread to the other nations for those that are willing to join or help build a better future for all this is my last act of good will.

I have unfinished work with the vault-tec archives only one in Washington DC regional headquarters. I already have both codes from the president and that other one before the bombs drop.

I need people to find Virgil since he can give us a platform or base to create a cure for supermutants with out needing the base DNA before the change but centaurs are hopeless. We are able to create and control everything about it as well. I have the holotape but I need more time thus I am going to play it and revel a secret.

I have to rescue a old friend before he starts and that I have bin scared of it subject X-001. I have stolen X-001 as a reckless choice so I wonder what type of being it is why so much security for one thing is it like venom or something else. I never got near it at all since I am scared of it even in the vault I felt watch.

I am asked to read out some reports to give the sisterhood hope, reason to believe that their helping will make me a god they deserve. This is to be my curse this belief is painful and a reason to make me like this. I am to change but I need force to change at times, like the reason why I have Skyla created to stop this infant mind effecting who I am.

Yes, it is another way of hiding from the reality of my life and regrets.

Report???: The scouts that report that the results of the vault-tec HQ is finally found during which She have reached Three dog GNR Voice of the waste. The place is empty since last warning we gave out, but bugs are the ones taken residents. There is signs of a large snake, basilisk size old but newer signs of a smaller snake child size. Other than that nothing other than feeding it to see if we can learn more. report done.

Report???: The on going capturing creatures of all types are almost done but with the whole ban on the Floating islands is a set back. other than that the others are doing well but do to limits of the procedures taken to prevent dangers and deaths we have limited soldiers willing to work with us and the sisterhood is far too stretched out to send more sisters. May the Avatar of life be with you.

Report SS???: The sisters done as instructed to find a crystal called a Berop crystal since they are form on extremely high radiation worlds since records say that it is a highly chance for some made. Other than that sisters that are looking for Virgil found the cave but do to the dangers of him being scared we have not act yet only a message. Vault-tec. We have few females willing to join us but this is do to that we are spread out. I have hope that our daughters can fill these needs but the Lord has a plan so I must endure. End report.

Report ???: The destruction of the labs for transportation to the J-lunar 1 to 4. The slow process of this is do to that the creatures are dangerous to transport so gating them at Cheyenne Mountain is since the Iris gate here is already breakdown for transportation on the eighth run. Other than that rebuilding a paradise for people that want to stay. I am tired report end.

Report? ???: Robert House is not allowing people to see, but do to the knowledge we contacted him by the robots. we say Vault-tec here to see a reaction, so far it just looks at us I wanted to hit it. He finally talked, he wants to a lot of knowledge so far we did as you asked us. We are moving him to the lunar base for revival of house and have a clone for him to play his role as a scapegoat. So far there end.

I am to do this to keep the sisters from losing faith but they know as I do so is the doctrine too strong or they choose to be this way.

Report SS ????: The creation of Holy blood is slow process but do to the nature of it being bioenergy of pure liquid form. as for other things of the project we are working hard creating blueprints, schematics, and nanites that will act as meridians. This will cause the same effects as how angels are made from we have created one from a reformed sister.

may the Lord love reach us report end.