Chereads / My Hot Vampire Sponsor / Chapter 4 - Meeting Him

Chapter 4 - Meeting Him

'Thinking 'baut Me??'

She nearly jumped off The bed, but she relaxed when she saw the sender's name

It was Flyyn not Who she thought it was,, after several seconds of calming herself down, she gathered the courage and responded to the text 'Not really, why should you in my thoughts anyways?' it was just when she was abaut to send the text then her favorite song *Monopoly* by Ari started playing she knew who the caller was since she placed different tones for each of her contact detail when they call

without wasting time she picked up the call "I'm abaut to respond Flyyn, why in a hurry" she scolded him "abaut?, hahaha you are Really funny, you took abaut 5minutes on just a simple question" "I was in the bath.." she tried to give an explanation but no Flyyn wasn't listening, he just kept tarking he Didn't even notice that her friend was saying something

"And then how many minutes will you take on the next two? That's the reason why I called Girl" "I'm sorry as i said i was in the bathroom the moment you texted" she explained, " ah whatever, so we were disturbed in the cab so didn't get a chance to ask you silly stuffs" he paused before continuing "So you said you spoke to him, your sponsor" making it clear that he wasn't happy with it "so tell me abaut it and what you guys tarked abaut?" He asked while raising his brow as if it was a video chat where Mira could have seen him

"uhm!" She swallowed hard biting her bottom lip, as if she was a learner writing Physics exam which she had no answers to "Hello! Mira are you there? Why mute now huh?" Flyyn inquired with worry evidence in his voice "No I'm here, well Flyyn we can tark abaut those stuffs next time, i have a flight tommorw early morning, don't you think I need to rest?" She asked jokingly" ah alright, I'll come drive you to the air force then I'll have plenty time to ask all my dumb questions" he said as if scolding himself though

"yeah you got a point, see you tommorw then" she said trying to end the call "no hold on, so any news on Mia?" Ah why does he have to ask her such painful questions, she didn't hesitate saying "no, and I don't care, bye Flyyn I'm drowsy" Flyyn could sense something was up between Mira and Mia but he just ignored it as it wasn't in his place to interfere in their friendship

instead he just plainly said okay before hearing a disconnected tone "Ah, she hanged up as if she was the one who called" he was used of it anyways so he went to bed but before that he typed a simple 'goodnight' and sent it to Mira as she ended the call before he could wish her that

God knows how much he loves Mira but as a friend not more than that, although at some point Mira Was convinced Flyyn was inlove with her until he revieled his secret to her which made it impossible for him to love her that way

After that Mira has loved Flynn unconditionally more like her sibling

Not expecting a respond from Mira he threw his phone on the table before he heard a mortification that he had a new text, his eyes flew wide open when he saw the text and the sender's name 'likewise' she never really respond to texts, still shocked he decided not to say anything and concentrated on falling asleep

Meanwhile Mira wasn't able to sleep, she kept thinking abaut her sponsor and how sexy his voice sounded with these thoughts she only managed to fall asleep around 03:00 am,, After Taking A warm shower she dryed her her with a dryer while her mom parked her belongings "Bubu don't you think you're late for your flight" she heard her mom's worried voice on the other side of the room "you can be late for private right?" She said winking at her mom, Mrs Hazel's heart warmed up she just felt like to hug her tiny bubu,moving closer to where her daughter was "take care my baby" she said while hugging her

"i'm done parking your stuffs, just finnish dressing up then come down for breakfast, your dad prepared special breakfast for you" " Wait dad didn't go to work?" She asked pulling away from the hug, "yes! you stop worrying and dress up I'll be waiting downstairs" she said placing a perk on her cheeks then without waiting for her respond she went out of the room closing the door behind her

Mira Was done with drying he her hair, she let her curly hair fall on her shoulders then did her edges,, with a final satisfied look on her face she went down straight to the dinning room where her parents were already waiting "Dad Good morning" she greeted her father since she already spoke to her mom "How are You Tigress?" Her father responded with a warm smile "I'm great, what's for breakfast?" She asked excitingly while making herself comfortable on the the dinning chair beside her mom, who gave her a warm smile "well it's your favourite, i baked pancakes, specially for my two queens and ofcourse fried eggs and a cinnamon toast, sounds delicious right" "Oh yes, I'm really gonna miss this, thanks dad" she said while taking a sip from her coffee and a bite of her toast she moaned in delight to the test in her mouth,

her mom looked at her and smiled to her husband "See how she lose herself in food, Who's gonna cook for her in France, she barely know a thing abaut cooking" "she'll be okay love, she can order food or hire a maid to help her with cooking and laundry" Mira Was so lost in the food that she didn't hear her parents remarks

After abaut 30 minutes Mira and Her parents where at the Air force, they offered to drive her and she couldn't decline the offer as it was fair they atleast see her before she head out of the country.After saying goodbye to her parents she went straight to the reception, she didn't carry much just one luggage and Her handbag

the receptionist treated her like a VIP again then she was redirected to the plane where she got her seat

The flight was like just an hour then they landed in France she couldn't believe it, she got out and started warking towards two man with papers written her name Austin specifically told her they'll be two man's waiting for her so she was sure it was them.When she reached the man's she greeted them "hello guys! i guess you are Waiting for me right?" The other one just nodded and the other one said "Good Morning to you too Mss Ford, hope you had a great flight.Come follow me we will take you to Mr Ford" the man said, as he tried taking her luggage but she refused raising her brow "Who's Mr Ford?" "Mr Austin Ford Mss, I know Ford isn't popular but that's his other name and we are his bodyguards, Come on Mr Austin is waiting outside" then a flash thought came accross her mind

*Austin is here my gosh what is he like,old or maybe young and attractive*

She absent-mindly gave her luggage to one of the bodyguard and followed the mans quietly

when one bodyguard turned to look at her informing her that Mr Austin was just a few metres from them, when she looked at the smiling man infront of her and a pair of green eyes looking at her she nearly collapsed, wow she couldn't believe the figure she saw infront of her, My gosh was it real or maybe her imagination

Hello guys it's Blommy here your Author, please leave a comment, I've seen the book have more views but little comments. Trust me your comments means so much to me it help me decide on wether to continue the book or drop it, netherless it also help me see if you guys are enjoying the book or it's boring..and I also saw they are 3 topping fans of this book, you guys are highly appreciated and are the reason I keep writing..pardon me for any mistakes In the book as typing is difficult, hope you guys get it..

