Chereads / My Hot Vampire Sponsor / Chapter 7 - He's A Gentleman

Chapter 7 - He's A Gentleman

(Mira's POV)

There was something disturbing my eyes, they were closed but I could still feel the blinding light, i couldn't take it anymore finally I opened my eyes then realised it was the sun rays which passed through the window.

I ignored the blinding light, rubbed of the sleep from my eyes before I realised I was alone, i still couldn't believe it I sure slept with Austin last night yes I still remember how he made me feel, he was so gentle and loving I'm glad I broke my virginity with him who knows how another guy could have done it. I heard rumours of a girl crying after losing her virginity I won't disagree but rather give my experience, as for me i feel so beautiful and happy knowing that someone really adores my body, I don't regret anything that happened last night, then turning back beside me I touched the part where he slept although most of his body was on me we had 4rounds with the last I enjoyed very much. I tried calling his name two times "Austin, Austin" but no answer I then looked the other side of the room where a desk with a laptop and a chair seated My Austin yes, soon I'll make him mine unbeknownst to her that he had the same thought "Austin, what's wrong?" "What you are regretting of what happened last night?" I argued "Oh wait, your gf is coming and you are scared she'll get angry seeing me" I went on but he kept staring at me not saying a word "I'm going to the guest room tark when you are ready" I tried standing getting up from the bed but he rushed fast at me, he was fast enough that he stopped me before I stood up, he set beside me then lifted my face "Look in my eyes" I hesitated "just tark I can hear you Austin" I responded clearly annoyed by what happened earlier.

Maybe he's abaut to tell me that his gf is coming and I have to leave or maybe he wanna confess that he just used me last night or maybe, i couldn't help but think of this maybe maybe thoughts I snapped out of my thoughts as soon as I heard his voice, he brings me back to life I hopefully hope I don't fall inlove with him because I sense it'll all end in tears "Look me in the eyes Hermosa" he demanded but this time with a gentle voice I looked straight in his eyes as soon as I heard the Hermosa word "Listen here Mira, Listen carefully" he commanded while staring straight in my eyes "I never had a gf yes I was never into relationships, i had a few girlfriend's but dumped them as soon as I got what i wanted" he paused before proceeding "That's how i earned the playboy title, but with you I feel totally different I'll understand if you don't believe me but trust me I'm ready to Marry you even today I just want to be with you" Astonish was a under statement for what i felt, without thinking I quickly responded "Even today?" He responded quickly "Yes even today Hermosa, you're everything I need in my life, i love you" my heart skipped a beat whoever thought those sweet words will ever come out of his mouth directed to me..?

"Austin you what?" I asked thinking I might misunderstand the word "I love you Mira, yes you heard it right" he swallowed hard before proceeding "please be honest, don't you feel anything for me?" As if afraid of my answer, our eyegaze broke as his eyes fell on our intertwined fingers "ofcourse I do feel something for you, from the moment I heard your voice through the phone I knew something was up with me and you" I swallowed before proceeding " I love you so much Austin, or why would I give my virginity to you, it's cos i love you dummy" his face finnaly lit up "you do, Mira are you serious" before I could answer I recalled the weird stare he gave me this morning "so why were you weirdly staring at me then" "because you are beautiful Hermosa" he responded almost in a rush "Take a pic, it'll last longer" I teased then tried to stand up but failed the pain between my thighs dissapointed me I didn't realise the pain till now, he looked at me with concerned eyes "I'll help you, sit right back" I obeyed as they was no time for complains, no the pain wasn't much just that it was my first time experiencing pain at my pussy, i never really got sick much worse at my private part..

In no time he came with an oversized hoodie and started gently dressing me from my head obviously, i just wore it then he passed me a tablet and a glass of water, I shot him an appreciation look and took the tablet it was abit sour so I let out a eww sound and he placed a kiss on my forehead before speaking "I'm so sorry Hermosa, I wasn't gentle enough" I hate the fact that he blamed himself for something I was happy of "stop apologizing for nothing, okay think of it if you keep reminding me then how am I supposed to forget it huh" "i didn't think of that, I'm sorry"

"See you are still apologising" a Little smile found it's way on his lips "sorry I just can't help it sometimes" "listen you can apologize for other stuffs not my virginity, i wanted to break it that's why I broke it okay,when you keep tarking like this you make me feel weak, like i let you take advantage of me" I snapped then he nodded "thank you" then he suddenly scooped me in his arms warking through the door way, just when we were abaut to reach the door I stopped him "No wait, i mean i want to use the restroom" I really needed to urinate "alright" I thought he'll put me down but no he went straight inside the restroom "it's alright you don't need to come in" I blushed "I'm your boyfriend infact fiancee, It's my duty to take good care of you in time of need" he chuckled then placed me on the toilet seat, i was abit embarrassed so didn't really urinate then when I saw he wasn't going to leave I just decided to urinate he passed me the tissue I shot him a thank you look then wiped my Pussy, i guess the tablet was doing it's job already, i was feeling alot better now,,

When i was done he picked me up then headed for the exit door "Hermosa, i could bring you breakfast in bed but that could spoil my surprise" he confessed while climbing down the stairs "A surprise?" I inquired still shocked he just nodded while smiling. We reached this part of the house which i'm sure was a breakfast nook due to its surroundings, the table was beautiful decorated with some red roses, and it consisted of delicious food it had a French toast, Scrambled eggs, pastry, a glass of juice and coffee, i also spotted fruits which were grapes, peaches and apples, i was shocked and somehow excited as how can two people finish that much of food, back at home I don't usually eat that much as I was scared of bloating and gaining weight since I was a modeller "wait you prepared all this" he just smirked "but when and how?" I couldn't believe how talented this man was, good in bed but at the same time good in cooking most of rich guys never really know how to cook as they usually have their maids but surprisingly this man didn't have one, is he not that rich, if he's not then why did he give out a scholarship worth 200k in US dollar plus agree to pay for my studies, i needed answers to this questions I mean he seems to be rich but still don't believe it because rich man's don't know how to cook and always have maids which this guy seems not to have, ooh wait he got bodyguards oh my this guy is so mysterious "Today, it's 9 hermosa" he snapped me off my thoughts "oh yeah, i over slept" I shugrred, then he pulled out one of the chairs tugged in the dinning table using his left hand while the other was still on my weight. He successfully pulled it out then set me down before he headed for the kitchen I watched him curiously, He used the sink to wash his hands then in no time he came back to where i was seated he pulled another chair just beside me then took the French toast from a glass plate and brought it to my mouth and I bite on it before he brought it to his too and he took a bite of it too..

Wait so we are sharing food with my sponsor, before my thoughts could consume me he brought the toast to my mouth again yes he was feeding me and I liked that fact I took a bite then he spoke "Hermosa you woke up 9 and you say its late?" I shot him a what the hell look "you slept at 4, which time where you supposed to be up then?" he asked before bringing the toast to my mouth, i obeyed and took a bite he took a bite too before he spoke "as long as you are here with me, you can wake up anytime you feel like, if you don't have a class to attend too then why waste your time?" He spoke bringing the toast to my mouth "are you sure, like don't you need me up early to help prepare breakfast or maybe.." he cut in before I could finish "listen Hermosa you don't need to do things like that, I'll take care of you myself, i didn't complain I mean you can see I don't have a maid I could have one if I wanted to but I can do things myself" he spoke picking up a mug of coffee then brought it to my mouth "it's not like we have a child to look after Hermosa" I blushed then took a sip of the coffee i must confess the coffee tasted good like it was prepared by a professional cheff or something like that just like the toast he took a sip of the same mug too, for the rest of the meal he fed me while he also fed himself from the same food.

An hour later after we finished breakfast yes we took like an hour just having breakfast "I'll help you with the dishes" I offered "Not a chance you need to take a shower, after that last night" he smirked then carefully scooped me in his arms and headed upstairs, there was no need for that as my legs felt much better at the moment "I can wark Austin" I didn't know which name to call him since he kept calling me 'Hermosa' which meant beautiful so was pretty confused "You can call me hubby" he claimed "hubby, isn't that for married couples?" "We can get married then, let's have flash marriage" he spoke which sounded more like a question "oh really" I blushed "ofcourse Hermosa, you just have to say yes, then everything will be done" I didn't respond still thinking of what he said, marriage is a big step I just met him a day ago on that note "listen Hermosa, after your bath we'll tark abaut it okay" I nodded, in no time we were in the washroom he placed me under the shower and undressed my hoodie, since I didn't wear any panties or bra I was totally naked infront of him, he took a sponge and soap then just when he was abaut to rub it on my body I stopped him "No it's okay, I'll bath myself okay" I said grabbing the sponge from him "no I don't mind helping you" He insisted "please Austin let me, infact I don't want to come downstairs and see dirty dishes around, please save time" "Alright but if you need anything please call me, promise?" "Promise" "Alright" he placed a kiss on my forehead then went out, just when I started rubbing the sponge on my body he came back with a towel "I bought you this, you'll need it" he hanged it on the towel tub "I'll be doing the dishes, if you need anything just text me" "ofcourse, i will" I responded "and don't go downstairs by yourself, okay" "Alright" then he left after looking at my face one more time,,

I started washing myself as i had more energy and my pussy sore was no more, I felt so good that i started hammering my favorite song "god is a women" by ariana grande my favorite artist, after like 30minutes I turned off the shower, took the towel Austin left me and warped my body and went straight for the mirror, after glancing at myself in the mirror i was abaut to leave for the guest room to lotion an dress up before I noticed a note on the mirror table I'm sure it wasn't there when I came, is this guy having magic but I ignored that thought and speedily dashed through the note and it read 'Hermosa your clothes are in the cupboard to your left, i thought was a good idea if you moved in with me as we'll get married soon. Don't forget to text me when you are done, I'll be very upset if you come downstairs by yourself' I re-read the note twice just to make sure I wasn't imagining things. I then moved to the cupboard which was beyond huge I realized how neatly my clothes looked and cute they both looked the idea that we parked our clothes together made me really happy I ignored the thought then lotioned my body up after that i wore my sleeping gown with

Sleepers they both were in nude color, yes it's my favorite color, i took a hairdryer dried my hair and when it was completely dry I tied it in a messy bun with some strands falling on my face and at the back of my neck, my hair is curly so it really looked cute I myself could tell,,i didn't do any make-up though except for the lip gloss since my lips were dry i then went to the mirror stared at myself then satisfied wirh my look, i grabbed my phone from the nightstand and headed for the door.

I spotted Austin sitting comfortably on the couch more like waiting for me, i worked my way through the stairs till I reached him "Austin" he nearly jumped off The couch when he heard his name "Mira are you okay" he started examining my body as if checking for injuries "I'm perfectly fine Austin, why getting worked up like this, i just called your name" then he suddenly hugged me, i just froze up as i didn't know how to react to that, after two minutes he pulled away then taking my hand leading me the couch, he set me down as he also took a sit beside me "i told you not to come downstairs stairs on your own, you are still sore remember" he scolded "No I'm feeling great now, it was just sex not like I was in an accident or so" I snapped "yes but it was your first time sex which caused you pain and I can see that stop playing smart" "wait how do you know it's my first time I might be putting on an act" I chuckled "I know it was your first time, i spotted blood on the sheets when did the bed but I replaced the sheets" oh my god I was beyond shocked and embarrassed at the same time, how did I miss that "you did? I mean where is the sheet so I can wash it" I shyly asked looking down away from his face "that won't be necessary Hermosa I already did the laundry, now sit here tight I'm going to get popcorn and chips it's friday, i can not take you out in your condition so we'll watch a movie here instead okay" without waiting for my response he placed a kiss on my forehead then headed for the kitchen.

I took out my phone as i haven't yet informed my parents abaut my arrival, my sms box was empty as i knew my number won't really be valid due to different country codes with higher taxes I guessed just when I was abaut to go in my whatsaap a call came in I picked up and realised it was my parents "Mira how are you, have you arrived my gosh we were worried sick abaut you" dad explained "oh my bubu, have you eaten?, please order something to eat since you can't cook" mom cried out, "Mira are you there?" Dad asked with worry evidence in his voice "I will never forgive myself if anything happens to my daughter Brett" Ma confessed "Dad, Ma I'm perfectly fine infact I'm really happy" I explained "my bubu, i can tell by your voice that you are really happy, now tell me the truth and don't lie, promise?" My mom really liked this promise stuffs cause she knows I never break my promises "mom!!" "Promise me Mira" "okay I promise, what do you want to know?" "who are you really staying with?" i couldn't tell her the truth but I made her the promise already I never break my promises "well mom I'm actually staying with Austin he's my boyfriend" I confessed "who? Kiddo you're too young to move in with a guy, you don't even know how to sweep or mop the floor properly and you can't cook nor" he paused "what if he takes advantage of you, what if" I could hear my mom's sobs from the other side I couldn't help but feel guilty my mom was crying because of me "No mom, dad Austin is not like that he's a good guy, infact you'll love him as soon as you meet him, please trust me on this one" I pleaded "let us tark to him" "dad" I tried complaining "pass him the phone kiddo" my dad sounded angry, so I looked up to search for Austin I don't even know what to tell him, what if he's not happy or ready for this but surprisingly as i looked up I realized he was just infront of me unable to speak I pointed at the phone in my other hand and he flushed me a smile then took the phone from my hand "good morning mom and dad" "it's evening here, not morning" my dad rudely responded "I'm sorry dad it's morning here so I thought.." before he could finish my mom cut him short "how are you my son?" "I'm great and you mom" " I'm also doing great mom, how abaut you?" " I'm good too, thanks for asking" it's like they were getting along already "listen dear" my mom spoke with a serious tone while Austin nodded as if she could see him "Mira is my daughter I know her very well, she can't cook, do laundry or even clean the house that's my fault but I don't want you to pressure her she's our only child and I don't want her to suffer" my mom cried out "No no mom I don't do that infact I know all this but I don't mind I can cook, do laundry an even clean, who says those tasks are for women alone, It's okay if she can't do the chores infact she's here to study not do chores" he assured my mom "speaking abaut studies, are you the one paying for her?" He hasited before responding "yes mom" "with the way you are sounding it's like you are a great boy, please take care of my Mira" my mom worriedly begged "please mom dad do not stress Mira is my responsibility now, I'll take good care of her" he assured her while I nervously stared at him "alright son thank you" "and mom please convince dad to like me abit" "don't worry abaut Mr Brett at all he'll like you soon he's just curious" she assured him then my dad cut in "as long as my daughter is happy, I'm happy you have my blessings kiddo just take care of her" "I will dad thank you" then my mom cut in "please pass the phone to Mira" "alright mom" he then placed the phone on my ear as i was eating popcorn I tried to hold it myself but he stopped me "No Hermosa, I'll hold it just enjoy your popcorn" I blushed before speaking "yes mom" "so you are Hermosa now huh" she teased "mom" I responded clearly embarrassed "Listen you have to learn how to cook now, i didn't know you had a boyfriend and yes he seems to be a sweet boy to me, i must admit I'm proud of You" " thanks ma" "silly don't thank me I'm your mother, anyways we have to go to bed now but video call me tommorw okay" "I will mom, goodnight to you and dad" "goodnight to you too kiddo" my dad responded "I love you" "I love you too ma" then the call was disconnected and I sighed in relief "your parents are jovial Hermosa" "yes, although dad can be so dramatic sometimes, I'm sorry for that" i Appologised "are you kidding me, all parents are like that, I'm also going to be like that with our kids in the future" he beamed before sitting beside me on the couch then took the remote pressed something and in no time the screen opened "so what movie are we watching?" I asked "let's keep watching so we findout" he responded while taking the bowl of chips from my hands and started feeding me again "i'll feed you don't worry" I agreed then shifted in his arms as he started feeding me and himself.

We watched the movie for abaut 30minutes, it was a horror movie called *Ash vs Evil Dead* it is the most scariest movie I've ever seen, at some points where it's most scary I hid in his chest which he seemed to be enjoying I noticed well I'll have my revenge as it's revenge is a universal thing everyone seems to know it, my thoughts were interrupted by a phone ringing I realized it was mine due to the ringtone which was ariana grandes song, I took the phone then saw the caller id it was Flyyn oh long time i picked the call which was a video call via whatsaap "oh hi Flyyn" I politely greeted "I'm not fine Mira I miss you plus you didn't even bother to say goodbye and cancelled my offer of me driving you to the air force, what's worse is you never even updated Me that you arrived or so" he argued but before I could respond I realized how jealous Austin looked he just stared at me with anger roaring in his eyes "uhm Flyyn I'm so sorry for that but something came up" I tried cutting him short so I can explain to Austin "what type of friend are you? If you're explaining to boyfriend you are just supposed to tell me, I'm sure he's abit jealous hearing a male voice tarking to his girlfriend" before I could respond Austin came close to the phone and spoke "yes I'm very very jealous hearing someone tark to my girlfriend not only a guy but even a girl too, so I bet you are hermosa's friend right" he asked almost uncertain "ofcourse I'm Mira's friend I just wanted to know how she was doing, It's kind of late now I'm off to bed goodnight you guys" he said hastily "No hold on, how did you know I had a boyfriend" "are you kidding me your mom called my mom to tell her abaut it" he confessed "alright goodnight to you too" "candy dreams Mira" he disconnected the call, i couldn't understand it as I'm Always the one who hanged up the call whenever we tarked regardless of who called, was it because of Austin but he's gay yes Flyyn is gay so why would he get jealous, again my thoughts were disrupted by Austin's apology "I'm sorry Hermosa"

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