Chereads / My Hot Vampire Sponsor / Chapter 9 - You Can't Bully Me

Chapter 9 - You Can't Bully Me

Shocked was an understatement for what Mira felt at that moment, ofcourse she's been weird since her childhood, she see things people can't see even hear voices which she disguised to be her inner voice without knowing that those voices where her powers. Mira ignored whoever this girl was she kind of looked weird with her lips, eyeshadow, brows, eyeliner were all in dark black, her hair was weirdly dyed black and even her clothes were all in black, Miras heart skipped a beat although she promised herself never to give away her weaknesses in a foreign country but hey, she couldn't help it this girl looked really scary with her milky eyes but dark black pupil.

After some minutes of calming down, She finnaly spoke "You mean I'm a witch how dare You, i mean do I look like a witch to You?" Mira shouted "You are a witch here I mean look at the way you dress my gosh, like don't you know colors that you dress black and make-up black too, do you even have a boyfriend" the unnatural just retained staring at her with nearly tears in her eyes "My gosh you already want to cry, what did you think that I'll let you bully me, haha, not so easily monkey" she teased "i'm sorry princess but that wasn't my intentions at all" she spoke wiping her tears while Mira just blankly stared at her feeling abit sorry for her "i look like a monkey yes but it's not on purpose I do my make-up like this nor dress like This, i am the de.." she paused not sure if to tell Mira her secret yet "trust me weirdo, you can tell me anything I promise not to tell anyone" Mira assured her "No no no..she's a witch I can't..I can't trust her" the weird girl mumbled to herself "listen here I promise to be your friend, if you tell me who you are and why you keep calling me a witch?" "Alright, you promise to eat with me during break and wark with me even though I'm weird" "I promise to be your friend" "okay I'll tell You, i wear like this because I am the devil's daughter, Lucifer the one most people hate he's my father" she spoke this time with confidence and dangerously playing with her nails "you mean the devil the one who betrayed God?" "Yes, Princess" she responded with her head down "Well i think it's cool, you have powers so you'll protect me, I want to be your bestfriend since I lost my bestie" she spoke the last words with sadness as she recalled her ex-bestie Mia "its Mia's Mom who planned your breakup" at first she didn't fully believe this weird girl was the devil's daughter but after hearing this like how did she know her ex-bestie's name she sure didn't mention it "How do you know Mia's name?" "I told you I'm the devil's daughter I know everything haha" "Alright and why did you call me a witch?" Mira confronted her "because you are a white witch, your mother ran away from Alaska because she didn't want to risk you, your father is the God of dragons in Indonesia Princess" Mira just stared quietly at the weird girl "yes you have both powers for a dragon and a White witch, you are spiritually strong, and yes you might be confused, but Brett isn't your dad he's more like your stepfather" "Wait does he know that I'm not his daughter?" "Yes he found your mom pregnant, i think that's something they are supposed to discus with you it's not in my position" "so how do I start using my powers?" Mira confusingly asked "they are at work within you already, you just have to stop ignoring them, the different language's you speak, your inner voice and all those weird stuffs are your powers" "I'm sorry for being rude to you earlier and your name or do you prefer weirdo?" "It's okay and you can call me by my name Victorine" "okay thank you victorine" "so friends" Victorine inquired "yes" they exchanged smiles then Mira realised their teacher wasn't there "but where did she go?" "She has a meeting right now" Victorine responded.

Mira Was more convinced that Victorine is the devil's daughter now, out of curiosity she commented "so since you're the devil's daughter your last name must be Lucifer right" "no I disguise my identity plus I'm not Victorine in the underworld, I'm.." then the bell rang "that's our call, It's break now let's grab lunch" Victorine commented clearly trying to change the topic, Mira noticed the discomfort in victorine's dark eyes and she didn't wanna pressure her she'll find out soon enough it's just the first day after all she has 2more years to spend here "yes ofcourse, you can go my fiancee told me not to move so I'll wait for home here" Mira responded rubbing her chin "listen" Victorine said while gathering her belongings placing them in her weird black backpack, yes it was weird as most of the varsity ladies carried their handbag to carry their school materials and only her who used her backpack, everyone believed backpacks are for primary and high school learners not a whole student. Netherless nobody really paired attention to her as she was considered the monkey of University, except for Mira she thought Victorine was beautiful she just needed guide and with Her on her side she'll make sure Victorines sense of fashion changes "Mira did you hear me" Mira Was lost in her thoughts didn't really hear a word Victorine said "no, uhm listen you are right, Austin is familiar with this school he knows every corner of this school, let's go" "Oh thank goodness, for a moment I thought you didn't want to eat with me, everybody avoid me here" Victorine sadly confessed as they started warking towards the door heading out for break at the cafeteria to satisfy their hunger "i'm your friend, I'll never do that to you, now quit tarking I'm hungry" "okay let's go"

After a few minutes Mira Was seated across Victorine at the cafeteria with their foods ready Mira simply had a muffin with two apples and Carrot juice with a glass of water to quench her thirst, yes this varsity's cafeteria had every type of food you need it's no surprise to Mira though as the university itself looked expensive she didn't know how much she was paying but ignored the thought as soon as she saw Victorines plate her mouth dropped open, Victorines plate had a devils cake, pizza, three bananas, pasta, soup, a whole chicken and red wine with a bottle of water, this was considered unhealthy to Mira but remembered Victorine wasn't a human being she just commented instead "isn't that alot of food?" "This are the benefits of being on earth, atleast you get to eat delicious food" Victorine then ignored Mira as she was focused on her food instead and started digging in, Mira Was left with no choice as she started digging into hers too. After like 4 minutes when Mira realised her friend was slowing down "i'm glad I'm your friend Victorine because I know i have a devil friend who got magic to help me" Mira remarked "what's there to be scared of Mira, you have a 10x escape death bracelet and you have more protective powers dear" "wait what's with this bracelet" Mira asked with a confused look "well with your bracelet, you can die but still come back to life, you'll escape death 10x Mira, you have more chances to life, and with Austin by your side you can forget abaut dying" "what? Does Austin know this?" "Ofcourse he does that's why he gave it to you, as long as he followed the rules of the bracelet then it's bound to protect you" at this point Mira stopped eating curiously listening to Victorine "wait what rules?" "If he asked it to protect the person 10x and if he gave it to the person he loves the most then that person is free from death" Mira recalled how Austin repeatedly told the bracelet to take good care of her, she thought it was just a silly joke but it seems he meant it "yes he asked it to take care of me and I'm not pretty sure abaut if he loves me" "the bracelet has rules you don't give it to someone you think you love but to the one you truly feel you love or else they are consequences to the giver and no one risks that, he really love you my friend" Victorine spoke while still eating her food, Mira just looked at the bracelet as her thoughts started consuming her, so Austin truly loves her but how and why? What was so special abaut her yes she had a beautiful body with curves just at the right place and her face so pretty but still she believe the is someone more beautiful then her like Ariana Grande, Selena G or Camilla all those celebrities were prettier. Then after a few minutes in her thoughts she asked "so how do I awake my powers?" "You just have to believe in your thoughts dear the powers are within you, as i said earlier the voices you have inside are your powers and with them you can slap someone who is metres from you, do you wanna test it?" "Yes" Mira hastily responded "alright listen to your voice and do whatever it tells you" Victorine assured, the voice inside her was telling her to raise her right hand up picking up the glass of water without actually touching it, she obeyed raised her hand and surprisingly the glass moved up still not believing it, she moved her finger right and left to see if the glass will follow her direction and it did, she carefully placed the glass down with her magic spells before screaming out of joy "I did it Victorine, i do have magic" "Ofcourse you do, with it you can do almost everything, plus you have dragons powers which is yet to experience" Victorine congratulated her before a beautiful red haired appeared to them.

She was in high red stilettos with a red mini skirt, red crop top which left a little space on her belly exposing her bellybutton, she wore teardrop red earrings which matched with her necklace, her hair was neatly tied in a ponytail with her lips fully painted dark red. She looked stunning Mira was intimidated by her looks, she wondered what Austin will think after seeing this beautiful goddess will he break up with her, she refrained herself from such thoughts as Austin was her fiancee not just a boyfriend. After Taking A closer daring look at Mira the beautiful red haired goddess let out a mocking Lough "haha, haha" and her two friends who stood behind her more like her maids laughed with her, after a minute of laughter she stopped and raised her hand indicating to the two maids to stop, they oboyed "guys you must be kidding me, are you sure she's the one" the goddess asked her friends, Mira realised the two maids were in her class yes she saw them earlier giving her dirty glares, the two beautiful girls more like maids spoke both at the same time "Yes she's the one Ms Austin" Ms Austin Mira was now confused, does it mean Austin has a wife but she asked him last time which he confessed not to have, netherless she's his fiancee now if Austin was with her while he had a wife it only meant he's bored with her which was a good thing, Miras confident flowed back as she realised she didn't look bad herself with her sense of fashion she was sure she looked better then the red haired goddess, She wore a yellow Tube top with a flounce yellow skirt she matched them with wedges which were in yellow too, finishing the look with her stud gold earrings which matched with the necklace Austin dressed her this morning. She did light make-up with nude color shiny lips and her hair pulled In a messy bun with some strands falling on her face and behind her neck, so she looked even better then her "uhm not good for you foreigner, you are new and already behaving so rude like that" Mira just shot her a bored look as she took a sip from her water "and what's her..namee" the goddess spoke and said the :name: word in total disgust expressing it by moving her fingers showing off her red polished nails "princess mira" the two girls responded both at the same time "princess?, is she from nigeria" she joked while the two girls laughed "no guys we're being rude let's not laugh, we don't want princess to cry, do we?" She playfully commented which increased her friends laugh, while Mira just took out her kindle then started reading her book "listen Danielle, you better stop making fun of my friend or else" fire started burning in Victorines palms "or else you'll burn me?" the red haired playfully asked with a crying voice "well devils seed, did you forget I have water for that" the red haired exclaimed with anger, still staring up and down at Mira, if looks could tear then mira could be in tiny peaces now "Victorine There's no need for you to waste your gift on them, they are useless, they don't deserve your time, not even a second" Mira calmed her friend and the fire started disappearing from her palms "so the new doll can not see us" the red haired commented clearly annoyed with Miras reaction "Oh not that i didn't see you just that you were tarking in riddles for a moment I thought you were crazy and started seeing your ghosts, oops" the whole crowd including her two friends laughed at her some even giving her a sorry look, Mira didn't even realize how this students got here, some were fuming the drama "My gosh we need a psychologist here, imagine her tarking to herself" "no goddess needs a doctor not a psychologist, she might end up killing the psychologist during he sections " "Yes totally" the students started making fun of Danielle "Excuse you, I'm trying to be kind here, you are fucking around with my boyfriend and you still dare tell me shit?" "Your boyfriend, for a moment I thought you were his wife anyways I'm the fiancee if you are just the girlfriend and have so much rights, don't you think the fiancee's rights will be above yours" "you are his what? Hahaha, is this a joke" Danielle teased "you wish it was but here" Mira stood up facing her and showing her, her beautiful diamond ring "Austin is my fiancee now and I wouldn't appreciate a mere girlfriend or ex to bother me, or else I'll be forced to poke their eyes out, understood" Mira spoke clearly in anger, the word fiancee hit Danielle so hard she wished it wasn't true but the ring she saw on Miras finger said it all, it was the ring vampires will only give if they were really interested in that person she thought she was the one going to wear it and seeing it on another women's finger made her inner core roar with anger.

But she won't lose just like that and so she got courage and finally spoke "oh sweetheart, have you thought of maybe he's just using you and after he gets what he wants he'll dump you" these words hit Mira so hard that she went mute for a minute, seeing that Mira Was battling her feelings she got the opportunity and continued "I mean Austin is just like that, he's more like a child, he gets a new toy Chase it and after he catches it he plays with it for a while then dumps it as he go back to his first toy, I've been with him for 20 years now, I know him perfectly well, do you get what I'm telling you foreigner" Danielle spoke with excitement evidence in her voice she thought she won, as she thought to herself :it isn't difficult as i thought, she already gave up, Austin you are mine and mine alone: with a smile on her face she offered "listen, i can help you with transport money if you need to" then Mira responded "oh if Austin is like a child as you say then this time it'll cost him his fortune, i mean he might have played with many toys in the past but I'm sure he never gave one of them the ring I'm wearing, I'm from Africa Danielle, i managed to get here for him so don't think you can get rid of me that easily, i planned before coming here" Mira claimed, the crowd started commenting "she's right which guy can ever carry you piggyback at university" "exactly and he looked so inlove today not flirting with anyone" "oh and the worried face I saw when he reached Ms Jolie's class and realised princess wasn't there" Danielle then lost it as she screamed "stoop" "mira I'm warning you if you don't.." She didn't Finnish her words as she ran towards a man hugged him tightly "Austin..your girlfriend she's.." She spoke within sobs "trying to kill me Austin" as soon as Austin spotted his fiancee he pulled away from Danielle and ran to his fiancee hugging her tightly "Hermosa what happened?, why do you look so pale?" Mira heard Austin's worried voice, she didn't know how to respond instead she hugged him back, Danielle was his friend she doesn't know if he'll take her side or help his childhood friend by the look of things she knew he will hundred percent take her side, he can't break a 20 year friendship for a week old relationship "Hermosa what happened please speak up" he asked again and Danielle was shocked seeing Austin behave like that with a girl she really wished she was Mira at that moment, She have been friends with him over the past 20years but never have he tried hugging her in that manner.

After 2minutes of silence Austin repeated himself again "Hermosa what happened tell me, who did this to you" then Victorine responded "ill tell you" Austin raised his head with anger in his eyes "I'll only listen to you because my fiancee is in shock, now speak!" He roared "well Danielle came here threatening Mira that you'll dump her soon, and that she was your wife, she even offered her money to go back to Africa as you are just playing with her, she said many things to Mira the rest she can tell you herself" "Danielle! You dared what?" He roared "I..I..I..I" Danielle stuttering "listen to me carefully I will never think of having you as my girlfriend much worse my wife, i am only friends with you due to our parents bond, and you telling my fiancee all this broke everything, our friendship ends here" "Austin she's just.." "just shut your dam mouth, listen to me carefully" he stepped closer to her with Mira in his embrace "i don't only mean her, I mean everyone" then the whole crowd's attention came to them "Mira is my fiancee we'll be getting married this weekend, which makes her the princess, if anyone dares to look at her with bad intentions even giving her dirty glares It will be the end of them, understand!" "Yes prince" the whole crowd responded "and you Danielle, i don't want you near my fiancee, infact I'll tark to Ms Jolie to switch you with someone else I can't have you in my fiancee's class, and this is my last warning if you dare make this mistake again then you'll never see the sun in your life again" he shouted in anger "but prince, she's a stranger you believe everything, without..without even asking for my side of the story?" She shivered "she's my fiancee I'll believe everything she tells me I thought you knew better then that, I'll stand by her with no questions" He then turned his focus on his fiancee "Hermosa it's okay now please don't be sad because you are Making me sad too" "I'm not sad hubby I'm hungry, i was waiting for you to come feed me, as i forgot how to use my hands" Mira said like nothing happened, Austin smiled as he heard the word :hubby: she always called him by his name and now she's calling him hubby, with a smile on his face he responded "i'm sorry wifey but we'll get you food now" he was abaut to pick her up but she stopped him "no I don't want you to carry me with that shirt on it's the same one Danielle hugged you in, without wasting time he removed the shirt which made it fall to the floor, exposing his bare muscular chest and scooped her in his arms, when he reached the chair he set down making her sit on his lap and started feeding her. People stared at the lovely couple and girls wished they were Mira, Danielle looked at the scene infront of her then she picked the shirt, when Mira saw that, she spoke to Victorine through her mind, as she was a witch and could manipulate anyone's, she told her to burn the shirt from Danielles hands and in no time the devil's daughter's eyes lighted with fire burning the shirt in danielle's hands "auchh" Danielle screamed in pain hoping Austin will atleast look at her but no he didn't, instead he was busy apologising to his fiancee. Danielle was annoyed by this and so she healed her hands with ice water since she was the queen of underworld seas,, she ran straight to the restroom with her two friends following her, as people made fun of her. She locked the restroom door and started thinking of a plan. No she'll not give up that easily and so she cane up with a brilliant plan "Yes only Austin's mother can help me with this, well Mira you naughty child see what trouble you'll got yourself into now" she mumbled to herself.

Meanwhile in the cafeteria, Austin was done feeding his girlfriend when he realized Victorine was Dining with his fiancee "Hermosa you were abaut to eat with Victorine?" He asked almost uncertain "Yes, i love Victorine, i know she's the devil's daughter but I love her and I want to be her friend" Mira responded "Hermosa you don't understand how this world truly work you.." he didn't finish as Victorine cut in "listen prince, Mira is like a sister to me I'll never do anything to harm her I'm here to look after her, please grant me permission to be her friend " "please hubby, i really want her as my friend, or i won't eat dinner nor anything until you accept our friendship" Mira threatened "alright fine, my wife's friends are my friends just like her enemies are mine as well" she hugged him tightly "thanks hubby" the word hubby got Austin's heart beating he didn't know how to express it is happiness now, then the bell rang which meant classes were over for the day, he scooped her in his arms and started heading for the door with Victorine behind them. As they reached the car, Victorine opened the passengers door and Austin placed Mira safely in the passengers seat kissed her forehead before securing the door then went to the drivers seat, Victorine said her goodbyes and flew away, Mira knew she was the devil's daughter so the was no need of hiding it. As they drove Austin noticed how quiet his wife was he couldn't help but ask "Hermosa what's bothering you?" "Is it.. true.. that..that you just want to use me?" She said in between sobs, Austin stopped the car, then turned his attention to her cupping her face with his hand "never, I'll never want to use you Hermosa you are my everything, i don't know how to say this but.." "oh stop I was just teasing you" she laughed hugging him tightly "did you realize you are in the road and how weird cars are not complaining at all" "I'm their prince they won't dare hurt me, or disrepect my wishes" then he started driving, Mira came close to him rested her head on his thighs, he used the other hand to caress her hair while the other focussed on the wheel.

Meanwhile at University Danielle was still in the Restroom but this time with her friends "listen Danielle fly to USA, to meet your mother inlaw as through the phone she won't understand your pain" her two friends spoke "Yes you are right, first thing friday, since they plan to get married this weekend, hahaha!" "not when I'm around Austin" She beamed "and Danielle I don't think Mira knows Austin is a vampire" both of them spoke at the same time again "why is that so?" Danielle asked with a glint in her eyes "because usually he could magically restore a new shirt on his body, but he Didn't do that today because Mira was there, she clearly have no idea" "you guys are genius, well I'll surprise her Thursday since we don't have classes tommorow, I'll gladly give her the news and yes she'll run back to Africa leaving my Austin for myself hahaha" she gave a tap of congratulations on the back of her shoulder, then the room busted into laughter.