Chereads / My Hot Vampire Sponsor / Chapter 8 - Proposal

Chapter 8 - Proposal

Yes Austin was apologising again but I was tired of his apologies and if they was someone to apologise right now then it should be me "No Austin I am sorry" I cut him "you are?" He asked almost uncertain with what he had said "I'm sorry Hermosa, but I don't understand the reason why you are apologising" he inquired "For a moment I thought you were mad abaut Flyyn but don't worry he's just a friend, i promise" I tried convincing him "I know" then he pulled me in a hug and I hugged him back rubbing his back, after a few minutes we pulled away, we continued watching the movie and eating the chips and popcorn then both the bowls were empty "Hermosa I'm going to get more food for us" he assured "No take me with you" "Hermosa it's just in the kitchen" he responded "The movie scared me what if ash show up and kill me too" "Than that will be the end of him" "and for me too" "No not for you, you can only die when I want too" what does he mean by only when he want me too, isn't death determined by God "i mean atleast after we spend 5000years together" he snapped me out of my other thoughts as i fell in another, 5000years do people live for that long "alright Hermosa, I'll take you with me I can't risk you" he chuckled as i climbed behind his back, we went to the kitchen then he set me down the kitchen bench "recover soon Hermosa, this bench is patiently waiting for us" he chuckled and I couldn't help but blush, how can someone be so shameless like him, he opened the fridge "what's your favourite ice cream flavour?" He asked turning to me "vannila, but hey we don't need to eat mine if you don't like the flavour, i love food so i can settle for any flavor" since I knew we gonna share the ice cream as He had only one bowl and spoon "I love anything that my fiancee love, so we'll settle for vannila" "aww so sweet" i tried getting up from the bench but hey he ran so fast at where I was seated and stopped me I don't know how he spotted me as i was sure he was facing the other side..

"Oh Mira, don't get up infact come on my back, I'm done with our Ice cream" I oboyed climbed on his back then he started moving taking our bowl from the kitchen cupboard and returned to the living room with me on his back :piggyback: style, when we reached the living room he placed the bowl on the the table and gently set me on the couch as he set beside me, he took the bowl and started feeding me the ice cream as the movie continued playing, it was weird that he didn't really feed himself this time he kept feeding me and planting kisses on my forehead after each spoon as if I was a child, this man really spoiled me. Then after another spoon I realized there was something in my mouth I quickly released it which made it fall on my palms, as it fell I realized the shiny object which looked like a diamond infact it was a diamond ring, I was beyond shocked couldn't even form words "What's, how di.." I Finnaly managed to form words "How did this get Here?" "You Don't like the design Hermosa?" "No no No, It's just that.." I didn't even finish my statement when i realised the scene happening infront of me, Austin took the ring from my shaky hands, used the little space between the couch and table then kneeled down holding the ring in his right hand and spoke "Ms Mira Brett, i know this is not the best way to propose as you need something special, something that you'll tell our kids but as you can see the world doesn't work the way we want it to" he paused then continued "When I first saw your text I had this urge to get to know more abaut this Confident human, and when I finally chat with you I felt some weird connections I was obsessed with you, if you could remember how i started texting you over an over that day" he swallowed before proceeding "The moment I saw you at the air force I knew you were the one for me, i never believed inlove much worse at first sight but with you I feel complete, yes I'm not that rich like most of man's you'll soon meet at college but my heart is richer with love then them" then a tear fell from his eye, i wanted to stop him but at the same time I had this urge of wanting to hear everything he thought of me and so with my nod he proceeded "I can't imagine living life without you Mira, i might not be the best man in this world but I promise to be a better man that you and and our kids will ever have" then another tear escaped from his other eye "I want to share all my happy, bad and.." I stopped him by putting the index of my finger on his trembling lips hearing his speech made me wanna lose tears too, i kissed the tears off his eyes "I Will, now please stop crying" I teased, he just smiled then slipped the ring on my engagement finger.

He settled back to the couch cuddling me After like 10 minutes he removed one of the Bracelet from his wrist it was in black color seems to be handy made but still looked very expensive "Mira" he called out my name "yes" then putting the bracelet in my palms "I want you to promise me something Mira" "what is it Austin" then staring straight in my eyes he spoke "i want you to wear this bracelet for as long as you live, you have to wear it even if you're in the shower or So, don't worry it never rusts or lose it's color" then with another tear falling from his eye "promise you'll never remove this bracelet from your wrist Mira please.." How can this guy think I'll refuse his gift plus I'm a great fan of jewelry "I promise you Austin, I'll never remove this bracelet unless it falls from my wrist ofcourse" "It'll never fall Hermosa" he said with certainty which made me wonder if the bracelet had anything to do with his weird side but brushed that thought off as i had to focus on the current moment "Listen, Austin" he was still staring In my eyes don't get me wrong we were not sleeping but seated on the couch with his muscular arms warped around my back and my legs over his torso and my face fixed looking up at him "I want you to dress.." I didn't even finish as he spoke taking the bracelet from my hands then carefully dressing it on my wrist; ofcourse I had two more silver and gold bracelets on my wrist which my parents bought me on my sweet 16's birthday, they ordered it from abroad specially for me so I never removed them unless when I'm taking a shower ofcourse, after he finished dressing me the bracelet he kissed it while on my wrist then whispered "Please take good care of her" he said that 10times before turning to my face, okay this was really weird why would he tark to a bracelet,? His lips landed on my lips I didn't even realize it due to my useless thoughts, he then kissed me I responded by biting his bottom lip just alittle bit making sure I don't hurt him, the kiss was gentle and full of love I haven't kissed him on his lips all day, i just realised how much i missed his warm mouth.

After abaut 5minutes he pulled away I guess he realised my feelings started rising and didn't want to get intimate with me as he believed I was still sore, then we watched the movie in complete silence just his hands warped around my back and me listening to his heart beat, i wasn't paying attention to the screen anymore. After like 3hours of watching the movie he finnaly broke the silence "Hermosa what do you want for dinner?" "Pasta with many differences vege's, I miss that" i giggled "yeah, i was too thinking of it, Alright then Hermosa I'll go and prepare your dinner" he tried getting up but i held him "Carry me along, i want to HELP " "It's okay Hermosa you don't need too, I'll manage" he tried freeing himself from my grib but couldn't "well seems like I'm not having dinner tonight, Austin's girlfriend will truly lose weight" I teased making a puppy face "No not my Hermosa, Alright you win" he scooped me in his arms bridal style then warked towards the kitchen, when we reached in the kitchen he carefully sat me down on the kitchen chair then made his way to the fridge. God I was close to the fridge but didn't even bother asking for my help, i felt so useless like I didn't deserve him at all. Just then something popped up I stood up as he was busy chopping the vegetables obviously not paying attention, i hugged him from behind "Austin, I'm hungry" I spoke with a low pitiful voice to make it sound real "I'm so sorry Hermosa, the movie delayed my time, but i swear it'll not happen again okay" he turned looked at my face then as he was abaut to leave for the fridge I stopped him "I'm hungry of food not snacks, i have an idea to cool my hunger down" "yeah what's it" "why don't I chop the vegetables then you start preparing the pasta, i mean look" while pointing at the pot "your water is boiling already" "I knew it, so that's your plan you just want to chop the vege's" he smirked I didn't respond just held my tummy "alright fine, but please be careful" I nodded in agreement, he started preparing the pasta while I carefully chopped the vegetables and in no time we were having dinner with him feeding me. After dinner we both went to take a shower and headed for bed..

(Author's POV)

It was a beautiful Tuesday which was also Mira's first day of college/university she didn't know how the people of France worked nor a friend to atleast hold on, she was a foreigner yes she dreamt of studying abroad so she prepared for everything, Austin was amused to see his fiancee's calm face and confident with no fear of being in a foreign country. Mira Was seating in front of a big mirror in a bathrobe with Austin standing behind her, with just a towel wrapped around his torso holding a hairdryer which he used to dry her hair "Hermosa, i truly love your curly hair" he commented she just blushed, Austin really liked it when his fiancee blushed it made him the happiest man on planet earth, he never ever imagined in his life ever falling inlove and pleasing someone as he was from a different specie he can't wait for his family to finally meet the love of his life, they promised to visit this Saturday he couldn't wait for that day.

After abaut 40 minutes Mira stood infront of the mirror, she was fully dressed this time with her hair hanging sideway her neck but it all changed when a handsome young man stood behind her "Please tie your hair in a bun" he commanded "why" she asked while pulling her hair up in a messy bun, he then started dressing her neck with a beautiful gold necklace with a love shape which had A little note, which she read out loud "Austin's Fiancce, wow I love this Austin" okay Austin was alittle annoyed with her calling him by his name but just hoped it will change soon after their wedding ofcourse "i'm glad you do" "well anyone can wear this Austin" she snapped "Not anyone hermosa unless their name is Mira, which I'm sure is rare here in france" he confronted her as he turned the shape behind "Mira Brett" she read out the note as if in shock, without saying anything she turned around and hugged him tightly.

After 50 minutes Mira Was infront of the Pantheon Sorbonne University building Austin Carried Her Piggyback style, still unable to believe it she read the university's name out loud "Pantheon Sorbonne University" "yes Hermosa you're here" she just placed a kiss on his back surely she was very happy with him. Austin continued warking with her on his back showing her around, he studied there so he pretty knew everything yes in the final exams for last year he wasn't around due to some personal issues so he'll still be here for the next 5months to make up for last year before he finally graduate, he didn't pretty much need school as he was already running his father's bussiness but he wanted to be around until atleast when Mira is familiar to the place, Mira on the other hand was beyond shocked seeing how people treated her fiancee everyone that passed by them and even those who were metres from them bow down greeting him and adressing him as Prince, if he was a prince then that means there's a princess who he's supposed to marry, since she wasn't part of any royal blood she thought her relationship with Austin was impossible. She brushed that thought off as she realized she was in class now "Good morning Miss Jolie" he greeted "Oh prince, how are you?" She warmly responded "I'm great and you?" "I'm doing just fine" "well miss, this is my fiancee Mira, she's new here so please take good care of her for me" "ofcourse I will, Princess How are you" still on Austin's back she confidentially responded "I'm well thanks and you miss?" "I'm doing great princess, you are so lucky to be carried piggyback by your fiancee my dear I'm so Jealous of you" she teased "uhm really, then I'm the luckiest lady on this planet I guess" she smiled "ofcourse you're, may you please have your seat so we begin, we've been waiting for you" Mira couldn't help but blush on how important she became in less then a week who ever thought texting the sponsor was the greatest decision she have ever made "ofcourse, I'm sorry for being late was just checking around the school, It's beautiful" she commented "yes it really is, sometimes I get lost wondering in beauty of this school" Miss Jolie responded, as Austin warked towards an empty seat with Mira's name on it when he reached it he carefully set her down then took her handbag from her unzipped it took a notebook and pen placed it on her desk and he whispered in her ear "good luck, this school is crazy I'm sure you'll start with your first lesson today" then placing a kiss on her forehead he turned to leave saying goodbye to the teacher. Before exiting the door he spoke "Hermosa I'll come get you for break do not move please" "I won't" she promised while her classmates gave her congratulations glares with others shooting her jealousy glares, Austin left then as she turned around focusing on her desk a lady sitting next to her came close to her ear then whispered "My gosh Its been long since I saw a white witch around, how are you?" This shocked Mira Was this lady tarking to her? If she was then what does she mean white witch? Does it mean she's a witch??