Chereads / My Hot Vampire Sponsor / Chapter 5 - So Mysterious

Chapter 5 - So Mysterious

(Warning:Mature Content, 18+ Episode Ahead, if uncomfortable Skip, But if you are comfortable then enjoy hehe)

There infront of her was a hot man more like an angel, unbeknownst to her he was quite the opposite. He wore black suit with a white shirt under but no tie,,he looked like a bussiness man or maybe he was. After a few seconds of observing and taking in all his image she realised the man's skin was weirdly pale white, but as she started moving closer she saw something different, his skin color was changing from the pale white to a more normal skin..Maybe it was just her imagination, maybe she was just thinking of it. When she was just inches from the man she hugged the man, words couldn't say enough of how greatful she was to him. Ofcourse she had her inner voice which told her just to hug the man, as she didn't know how to start the conversation, her inner voice was right after all, as the man returned her hug warmly and simply greated her "How are you Mira" he inquired as she pulled away from the hug "I'm sorry for that Mr-I mean Austin" Austin saw how red her cheeks were he simply tried to brush it off "That's okay, atleast those fools are convinced that i also have a beautiful girlfriend" hearing that Mira couldn't help but blush, "I'll take that as a complement, I'm exhausted, I want to bath and rest a little while" she said snapping him out of his thoughts god knows what he was thinking" Okay alright, come'n in" He held the cars door open for her to enter, she went in and sat comfortably in no time Austin followed her inside as he set behind her, the two bodyguards were also inside one set behind the wheel while the other one set on the passengers seat..Before starting the engine the one who set on the passengers seat spoke "Prêt Monsier?" He spoke in french which meant :Ready Sir: and he responded in french too " Oui, was y" :yes go ahead: then the man behind the wheel started the engine and the car started moving..Mira understood everything she herself was even surprised on how she was so intelligent in speaking other languages,She never had any online classes abaut languages but she spoke almost every language, she could understand and speak foreign language while she was never taught abaut it..She always wondered how she could speak so many languages which were foreign but she allways ended up ignoring such thoughts..she turned her attention to the driver and spoke " S'il te plait accélére un peu, je veux aller me reposer" :please speed up abit,I want to go rest: she spoke in french.. All three man's turned to look at her, with an *what did you say* look on their faces, they clearly didn't expect her to speak french the driver responded turning his Attention to the road " d'accord mademoiselle" :alright miss: "Gracias" :thank you: she responded in Spanish.. Then after like two minutes Austin spoke with curiosity evidence in his voice "¿Cuántas idiomas usted habla?" :how many languages do you speak?: he asked in spanish..She looked out through the window while answering him "Molte" :many: she responded in Japanese..At this point he saw how smart this young girl was he just instead said "Congratulations" looking lost she turned, looked at him an said "for what" "For being so smart, only a few can speak all the languages you do speak" she blushed before responding "what can I say I'm blessed " he agreed with her by nodding, dead silence fell in the car and they drove in silence. After a few minutes the driver pulled over which meant they arrived, Austin rushed out of the car to help Mia come out too,,he held the door open for her and she shot him an appreciation look at him before coming out, to take in the beautiful view..The house was wonderful beyond words to describe,getting lost in her thoughts she crossed her arms on her chest and moaned appreciating nature. Before she realised that, the two bodyguards were gone an it was just the two of them she turned to look at him when he spoke "Let's go inside, don't you want to bath and rest?" Then they got inside while Austin Carried her Luggage ..When they got inside in the living room he spoke again " well make yourself at home bit first let me take you to the guest room, please follow me" he said as he started climbing the stairs, she oboyed and followed him quietly just lost in her thoughts..Somehow she felt like the man was hiding something as she observed how he warked faster then her,more like flying..When Austin turned around he realized Mira Was way behind him and looked really tired.. he was already up the stairs that moment but then he left the luggage and ran back towards her "Well this stairs can be quite tiring, I'll help you up" before she could complain he already picked her up warking towards the stairs, Mira couldn't explain what she was feeling he was a stranger but still she felt like they were more than that,,People say *love at first sight* well that's exactly what was happening to her she then ignored all the feelings threatening to humiliate her,,he might be married or so..When Mira snapped out of her thoughts she realised she was already in bed, she couldn't believe how fast this guy warks *Maybe he got Wings* she thought to herself then surprisingly he responded "No I don't have wings,my legs are just fast enough.When you do sports your legs tend to move faster" Shocked was an understatement for what Mira felt at that moment, before she could think the words came out "How did you know what i was thinking? Are you some mind reader or which Maybe?" "No I'm non of those people, i just realized the way you looked at my legs and chest, i thought it's what you were thinking well I guess I was right" Mira felt embarrassed after what she said to the man, he was helping her and now she has begin to question him already she apologized immediately " I'm so sorry Austin was just curious" "I understand take a shower then call me to come get you" he said while heading for the door as he was an inch from the door he heard her say "Where will we be going and where do you stay?" Since she clearly heard him say call me when you are done, so I come get you "Oh I meant get you downstairs as I don't think you'll be able to handle the stairs, and we'll discuss abaut where I stay when you are done with your shower okay" just when he was abaut to open the door he heard her voice again "wait and my luggage?" She inquired "It's there" he pointed at a Table across her and to her surprise her Suitcase was right there, how was that even possible she remembered very well when he left it upstairs to go and get there plus he Didn't leave since they got in. So how the hell did it get there, moreover she didn't see Austin go that side of the room " How did it get there? You left it upstairs right?" She asked really curious to findout "See you downstairs" then he was gone without waiting for her response, and she was sure with his fast legs she won't be able to chase after him, so decided to take a shower instead it was a beautiful Thursday and her first time in France(Paris) after all... A few minutes later, Austin saw an angel for the first time although he wasn't really sure if she was an angel due to her dressing code, She wore a huge white shirt which ended in her mid-thighs and shorts which barely made it to her mid-thighs, her hair was tired In a messy bun some tendrils had escaped falling in the back of her neck,, Austin has never seen someone so beautiful like this. All this while since he saw her at the Airport he tried his best to control the feelings this girl gave him; from the hug, then getting to carry her to bed were considered his best moments in his life, he has always been a guy who never did relationships, if he wants to Fuck he'd go to the club and find a girl to Fuck for the sake of sexual desires..but with this girl he was sure it was something else "Mr Sponsor, my gosh are you alright?" She snapped at him he was clearly lost in his thoughts "oh yes, Come have a sit I ordered pizza hope it's okay, It's late for cooking now" he tried to sound as much formal as possible not giving away any emotions, as she moved closer to where he was and sat beside him, then they had pizzawith coke while having in between conversations " Well Mira are you comfortable living with me or should I book a hotel for myself or maybe you if you like?" She took a bite of her piece before responding "Nope I'm okay with living with you who would protect me after all I'm new here and you're my sponsor" "Well abaut that please don't tell anyone I'm the one funding your studies" " uhm okay" "and you can say we met on Instagram and one more thing" she nodded indicating that she's listening " can you be my pretend girlfriend, just help me out please" her heart nearly skipped a beat, is he asking her to be his girlfriend wow that's great news to her ears "You can become my fiancee if you'd like" she just kept quiet still processing on what was going on, she might just imagine it "please say something, I don't want you to think that I'm taking ad...." she placed a finger on his lips before he could finish his statement,"i do accept your offer but I'll settle for a fiancee, I'm just scared because I don't know how to cook or do laundry" she confessed " that won't be necessary, i can cook, do laundry if I'm not around then we can hire someone to do it for a day or two,deal" instead of responding she took his upper lip into her mouth as he did the same with her lower lip, their tounges rolled each other playing like two kids,The kiss was passionate and wanting more, he deepened the kiss to an extend that they both pulled away when they realized they ran out of oxygen.. It took nearly 60seconds for both of them to catch their breath, then still staring at her sponsors cute green eyes, she realised the green Color she saw at the aeroplane was lighter than this one..She couldn't believe what was going on with this man but she ignored it and focused on the scene that just happened " What was that for girlfriend ?" "Just a kiss something a girlfriend and boyfriend where supposed to do, How old are you btw?" "I'm 23" "Oho, great age" she said while biting her bottom lip " You know girlfriend if you keep seducing me like that i might not be able to be gentle" he winked and dam he looked sexy "i want to sleep take me upstairs" "sure girlfriend" he carried her bridal style and went upstairs..after a few minutes she was in a king sized bed, she realised it was a different bedroom too as the surroundings were manly, then when she turned the side of a mirror she that Austin was half naked. He was just in his boxers, her jaw dropped open when her eyes lended on his hard Erection, as if she saw the most delicious food in the world.. Seeing her surprised face he quickly went to bed and lay beside her placing her head on his chest "Relax Babe, I'm not gonna do anything you don't want to okay" Mira couldn't believe her ears how could he think that if only he knew how much she's dying to ride his d•ck,,Mira wasn't a shy girl at all that's why most of the people in her country never believed she was still a virgin due to her free care socialising personality..finally she left the little shy me she was trying to play looking straight in his eyes "What if i say i want to ride my d•ck now" "Your D•ck?" "Yes" "Sure" After that before she could say anything he crushed his lips on her then started sucking them, he bite her lower lip and a moan escaped from her mouth "ah" they continued kissing each other with her hands one in his hair and the other just below his neck, he placed hickeys all over the neck as if marking her to show the world that she was his, moving slowly leaving hickeys all over her collarbone bone then one of his hand slid in her shirt straight to her breast,, her breast were average not too big and not small either they fit in his hand perfectly like they were designed for him, another moan escaped her mouth again "Ah" hearing her moans was like music to his ears it turned him on as his d☆ck size kept increasing,, he paused then looked at her face straight in the eyes "Are you " he paused catching his breath "Sure?" "At this point I've come too far I don't think I can take a no for an answer" he stared passionately in her eyes "I want your dick inside me, now" She said in a commanding tone!