Chereads / Let Me Love you (Until you love me again) / Chapter 18 - His boss taste is no ordinary

Chapter 18 - His boss taste is no ordinary

"It is midnight, how am I suppose to investigate someone at this hour! Boss! why can't you give me a break!" assistant Lu uttered in his self, He was already in the middle of dreamland but suddenly his boss wanted him to investigate someone at this hour!

How he wishes that his boss would find his soul mate so he could have something to be busy off and not make things harder for him!

Assistant Lu dialed someone and order to investigate and get anything he could discover about that person his boss is looking for,


"good morning sir, this is the information you ask," assistant Lu handed the folders on Yue jin's table, it was still so early in the morning but his boss kept on calling him to hand over what he wants!

When assistant Lu learned that it was a woman, he was slightly surprised, could she be the girl his boss has been looking for? And the fact that the background of this woman is even more shocking!

Who would have thought that this woman was as wealthy as his boss! Even richer than him! Now he knows that his boss's taste is no ordinary!

Yue jin started to flip through the papers, His eyes show a disappointed look, Truth be told, he had hope that she was the one he has been looking for but as expected, she wasn't the one. How can she be with this kind of back ground, it was impossible!

He had thought that she was Sunny because of the similarities they have, especially her eyes, even though their features Is different they have the same eyes, he could never forget those eyes that seem to be glowing and as starry as the starry night sky it was so beautiful when he stares at it,

but now that he looked through her background all of his hope dissipated without anything left, It hurts, sadness flash through his beautiful eyes.

when Yue jin closed the folders he had been reading he noticed something, something he never expected, He saw that there are few pictures of her when she was young, and he can't be wrong about what he's seeing! She was sunny, even though it has been fifteen years had passed he could never forget that face!

Yue Jin could not describe his feelings! His mind tells him to rush off in her room, and talk to her and says he was Jin...

but no! something's not right, if she was sunny then why did she came from a wealthy family? Yue jin started to read all of the files again and after a long while, he was not sure if she was Sunny, because sunny did not come from a wealthy family, She was an orphan, but how can she be so alike with her when she was young!

Looking at the troubled look of his boss Assistant Lu ask, "Is there anything wrong young master?

"Is this all the information about her? I said I want everything about here!" Yue jin ask instead of answering his assistant,

"Young master, about that information on the young miss of the Bai family, it was confidential, and hidden in the public, I heard that the Chairman of the Bai Corp, did not want to expose his granddaughter into public, only those who are closest to the family knows her, But in the eyes of public, they did not know what the young miss of the Bai family look," assistant Lu answered, he could feel the temperature drop from zero in an instant!

"I want every little detail about her,"

"Yes, young master, I will do everything I can gather about miss Bai,"

"Alright, You can leave now,"

"but young master your flight back to Euthopia is in the afternoon, are we going or are we staying for a few days?" Assistant Lu uttered,

Now that his assistant mention it, he had forgotten that he needs to attend a very important meeting in Euthopia,

"we're staying,"

"Then I will be leaving to fix the new schedule young master," Yue jin just nodded at him and signaled him to leave,


Walking out of his room, Yue jin saw that a hotel staff went out of the room next to his, It was her room, He wanted to knock on the door but the hotel staff stops him, "Sir, That room has been checked out," Yue jin hands stop mid-air, 'She checked out?'


"Just this early morning sir,"

"oh, I see," Yue jin uttered and left, the hotel staff could only glance at him, such a handsome man! She thought as she left.

"Find where she went, report it to me right now," Yue jin talked to, at the other end of the phone, his voice cold and his handsome face has slight panic in those well crafted face.

"She??... young master who's sh..." assistant Lu hasn't even finished his words but his boss hung upon him again!

Thankfully, Assistant Lu's mind works faster, But why does he need her locations?


didn't he know that they were in a foreign country, it was really hard to hack the pieces of information and data from this country! Thankfully, Assistant Lu hired the best of the best hacker in the country of euthopia, It was necessary since his boss owns an Entertainment agency,

after a while, Assistant Lu received another call from his boss, "where is she?" Yue jin asked immediately,

"young master, she had booked an early flight to the country of euthopia,"

"alright, book the earliest flight back in the country," after saying that Yue jin hung up the call,

assistant Lu was speechless, just this morning he said that they were staying for a few more day's and he even canceled all his important meetings in Euthopia,

but now...

assistant Lu let out a sigh, 'Okay I understand my boss, he was single all his life and now that he has taken a liking on a woman, He must help him at all costs!' maybe by then, his boss won't be so harsh on him!

But he has never been interested in a girl before, except that girl he had been looking for in all these years... could it be that she was that girl? ..

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