Chereads / Let Me Love you (Until you love me again) / Chapter 21 - 21 i want...You!

Chapter 21 - 21 i want...You!

"ha, ha, do you think its a little unfair for you to hold grudges against me when i just... I just reacted base on the situation that night," Xiao Xiao laugh awkwardly,

How was she to know that this man holds small grudges!

Yue Jin repeated his question, his gaze fixed on Xiao Xiao. He noticed the mix of concern and anxiety written all over her beautiful face.

Unexpectedly, he found her troubled expressions rather endearing, sparking a mischievous desire within him to playfully tease her further.

He had been mulling over what to say to her since last night, gearing up to have a conversation at the airport entrance. Unexpectedly, she approached him out of the blue, presenting him with the perfect opportunity to get to know her better.

This was his chance, and he was determined to seize every little bit of it!

Xiao Xiao's mind raced as she blurted out, "Oh, well... anything you want," without a second thought. The man's intense gaze made her increasingly uneasy, disrupting her focus and causing discomfort to ripple through her.

"Anything I want?" he raises an eyebrow, letting out a slight smile!

Xiao Xiao couldn't tear her gaze away from his face; it was as flawless as that of an idol, so smooth without any imperfections. She couldn't deny his striking handsomeness, especially those lips that captivated her thoughts.

As she found herself pondering how they might taste, it must be delicious '


What the fuck Bai Xiao Xiao!

Since when did you became so lustful!



she snapped back to reality, scolding herself internally, "Oh my god! Wake up, Bai Xiao Xiao! What are you even thinking? You must be insane! Why does he keep on staring at me? Ugh, oh my god, focus Xiao Xiao! Focus!"

"oh what.. what were you saying?" she leans closer to the window of the car, avoiding having eye contact with him!

Xiao Xiao's heart raced as Yue Jin's words cut through the air, "You're asking me what am I saying? I wanted to confirm if you really mean what you said, but now I think, I don't need to, okay, I'll tell you what I want... YOU!" his voice rang out, filled with frankness and determination.

His handsome face revealing a beautiful smile! That sends chills down her spine!

What a handsome creator!




"You? what.. what do you mean by you?"

He didn't answer her instead he smiled at her, Xiao xiao is still processing his words!

Xiao Xiao's eyes widened in shock,as realization drown on her!

her heart racing at Yue Jin's unexpected declaration. She stammered, "Me? You want... me?" Her voice trembled with disbelief, her mind struggling to process the intensity of the moment.

"What? Me? No way!" She suddenly exclaimed!

Xiao Xiao's world seemed to spin as Yue Jin's words sank in.

"No way!

She had been protecting herself all her life because she wants to be pure and innocent until she got married but this man! want her just like that?!

No way!"

Her thoughts raced, her values and beliefs clashing with the sudden and overwhelming desire that Yue Jin's confession had stirred within her.

Yue Jin raise an eyebrows at her!

Xiao Xiao's eyes widened in shock, her heart racing at Yue Jin's unexpected declaration. She stammered, "No way! I've always believed in preserving my purity until marriage, and I can't just throw that away."

Her voice trembled with resolve, a mix of disbelief and determination in her words, as she move back as if wanting to escape a calamity! , creating a physical distance to match the emotional one.

Realizing that the eyes of the man in front of her had darkened visibly she smoothen her voice,

Xiao Xiao's eyes softened and her voice subtle, her resolve unwavering. "No, wait... I mean I could give you anything, anything you want, but I didn't say that includes me, what I mean is if you need anything just tell me," Xiao Xiao explained, her voice gentle yet firm, drawing a clear boundary while leaving a door open for a different kind of connection.

Xiao Xiao's heart raced as Yue Jin leaned in closer, his words hanging in the air. "But I don't need anything, I think you should know by now that I am rich and I don't need money, what I need is..."

His voice trailed off, leaving a tantalizing mystery in the air as he closed the physical distance between them. The intensity of the moment crackled between them.

Xiao Xiao could feel her face burning from what he was about to say, her cheeks flushed with a mix of embarrassment. "No, I can't, there must be another way, if... if you don't mind?" Xiao Xiao stammered, trying to navigate the awkward situation she found herself in.

Yue Jin leaned back in his seat, his gaze shifting to the window beside him as he spoke sarcastically, "Look, Miss, if you don't like what I want then you can freely get out of the car, it's also okay to me." His tone was sharp, a hint of frustration underlying his words as he laid down the option for Xiao Xiao to leave, the tension between them palpable in the confined space of the car.

"Lu, you can drop this woman at any nearby bus station,"

"Understood, young master,"

"But young master, I think that car from the back has been following us since in the airport," Assistant Lu said, He needs to help his boss!

Xiao xiao immediately turns her head to see if she is being followed, and yes! that was the car that she saw at the airport! Her so-called uncle won't stop until she is dead! No! this is bad for her, She just closes her eyes to think carefully.

She doesn't know anyone in this country, and she does not have anywhere else to go to, nor a place to stay, and her bank accounts had been freeze, and she doesn't have enough money to live for the coming days she estimated the money she had left and it can barely manage to make her survive for at least three weeks as long as she doesn't spend much!

She didn't know why she booked a flight in this country! she just finds herself sitting in a chair as the plane takes off! And because of that, it leaves her no choice but to agree to this man! but this man in front of her seems to be dangerous for her as well,

'what do I do? be beaten by him, or be killed by them? ugh!' Xiao xiao's eyes shifted at the car from behind them, 'i don't wanna die yet, I'm still so young and my grandfather needs me,' thinking of it she needs to clear everything out with this man!

She still can't understand what he meant by he want Her! in what kind of want is that?

she has to be sure, She cant just sacrifice herself just like that!

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