Chereads / Let Me Love you (Until you love me again) / Chapter 22 - anything you want!

Chapter 22 - anything you want!

After gathering her thoughts, she finally made a conclusion. Whether she live today or die will depend on this man today!

If she we're to get out and be caught by her uncle's people, she was sure she might never see another sun rise again.

Fear rose with her heart, actually she can roughly understand by what he mean but she still feel uneasy. After all she is still as pure as she could be.

Giving away something as important as herself, needs a lot of consideration.

After a while of thinking she said with her voice lowered and her eyes fluttered with nervousness. "Uhm, You see, I need to understand what you mean by... Uhm, by what you said," xiao xiao awkwardly said, as her voice stutter her face flushed as beautiful as of that cherry blossoms in the street. Making her looked more beautiful and charming.

Yue jin looked at her flushed face, His handsome face still has no expression but there's a big question mark hanging above his head, implying that he doesn't understand what she was saying?!

"I mean, I know it was my fault to come to you and seek for your help although we don't know each other but don't you think, having a night with me is.. is a little bit...

awkward because you don't know me and I don't know you, and what if you have a disease or something, that would be so dangerous to me. why don't you just think of something else, other than that?" As soon as xiao xiao finish saying that, she feels so embarrassed for herself! why did she even say that! 'ugh!

Her ears turned red, and her eyes darted from left to right, not knowing where to fix her gaze.

Hearing the words of the woman beside him yue jin felt like a bomb has exploded in his body,

His already darkened eyes darkened even more!

Yue Jin's heart raced as Xiao Xiao's words pierced the air like daggers.

The atmosphere crackled with tension, his eyes darkening to an intense shade as her words hit him like a thunderbolt.


Me, having a disease?

He was as clean as a freak!


Wait, that wasn't right!

No he wasn't,

he wasn't as clean as a freak! he knows but that was applied in his world not in his body! Especially his most proud part of his body!

His body is clean as hell!

"Hah" His voice echoed with disbelief and a touch of anger. How dare she question his integrity in such a manner?

The room seemed to shrink around them, the air thick with unspoken accusations and wounded pride. In that moment, a silent storm brewed between them.

This woman! The audacity of her thoughts left him stunned!

Sensing the cold air that suddenly envelope the entire car Xiao Xiao shrunk her body in the side of the car as much as she could!

Did i do something wrong?

Why is it so cold suddenly!

"Lu, throw her out!" Yuejin suddenly said with a low growl,

Assistant Lu, felt a chill run down her spine!

What was his boss doing now?!

"But young master, that car is still following us. As what I've observed earlier they each had a gun. Don't you think it's a little dangerous for this young miss if she goes out?" Assistant lu uttered as he tried to persuade this young master of his!

Please young master i know that you're ill-tempered but you have to be more tolerance in front of young miss.

Yue Jin's faithful assistant, Lu, had been a steady presence by his side for years, witnessing his growth from a young warrior to a respected general.

Lu had observed Yue Jin's dedication to his work, his focus unwavering even in the face of challenges. However, as Lu watched his boss interact with Xiao Xiao, a flicker of hope ignited within him.

He longed for Yue Jin to find love, start a family, and experience the joys of companionship.

Yet, the way Yue Jin reacted to Xiao Xiao's words left Lu puzzled. How could he achieve these dreams if he remained oblivious to the possibilities before him?

Assistant lu glanced at the young lady in the back through the mirror in the front, He could see that she was looking at him too, her eyes glistening with crystal clear tears that seems like it could fall off any moment!

As if begging him for help!

Assistant lu suddenly felt helpless, and because this young master of his didn't answer what he had said, he was left with no choice but to stay quiet, he could also feel the chill frozen breeze that envelope the inside the car!

Xiao Xiao's eyes widened in disbelief at Yue Jin's unexpected words,

his words piercing through the tense air. Her heart raced with a mix of fear and confusion as she stammered, "I... I was wrong, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that. Please don't throw me out. I'll do anything you want." The gravity of the situation weighed heavily on her,

the dread of the unknown looming large in her mind. The mere mention of those people with a gun, as the assistant had warned, sent a chill down her spine.

"Anything i want?" He said as he fix his gaze at her.

Xiao Xiao's heart fluttered at Yue Jin's gaze, a hint of mischief dancing in his eyes. His seemingly handsome face now bore a playful glint as he locked eyes with her, a silent challenge lingering in the air.

The intensity of his stare sent a wave of cute confusion through her, her expression a mix of surprise and adorably puzzled emotions as she gulped,

"As long as you keep me safe," she murmured in her soft voice as she nodded at him.

Xiao Xiao's nod conveyed a mix of emotions, her adorable, teary eyes reflecting both confusion and fear. The sight tugged at Yue Jin's heartstrings, a wave of emotion washing over him as he observed her delicate expression. But he can't help to tease her!

"But as you said it might be dangerous to you"

He said nonchalantly, as he grab her wrist and pulled her into his embrace.

Startled at the sudden pull, she looked up at him as she met his gaze, and her heart skip a beat.

The unexpected closeness between them sent a rush of emotions through her, a mix of surprise and a flutter of something unspoken that lingered in the air.

"Why would it be dangerous?you won't hurt me right?," She asked confused,.. she seems to forgot that minutes ago she accused him of having a deceased!

"Hah," a low chuckle escaped his lips, his voice low and husky, exuding a soft and warm quality.

Xiao Xiao found herself unable to look away, captivated by his proximity. Every detail of his face seemed flawless to her - from his dark eyes to his sharp jawline and his thin, yet defined features.

She couldn't help but notice the allure of his lips, a detail that seemed almost delicious to her in that moment.

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