Chereads / Let Me Love you (Until you love me again) / Chapter 20 - 20 i owe you an apology!

Chapter 20 - 20 i owe you an apology!

As the car zoomed away into the chaotic street, Xiao Xiao's cheeks flushed crimson with embarrassment.

Her heart pounded in her chest, and without thinking, she instinctively shrank against the car door, her body almost melding into the cool metal surface.

It was as if she sought solace in the unyielding embrace of the car, a shield against the piercing gazes of the bustling city around her. The moment lingered, her breath hitching, her eyes avoiding the curious glances of the man beside her,

each second stretching into eternity as she willed herself to disappear into the shadows of the speeding vehicle.

Her eyebrows furrowed slightly as her eyelashes fluttered, she was playing with her nails as she mustered her courage to start a conversation with the man beside her,

In that moment, her brows knitted together ever so slightly, her lashes dancing nervously. Fingers tracing the edges of her nails, she summoned her bravery to initiate a dialogue with the man seated next to her.

The subtle gestures betrayed her inner turmoil, a delicate dance of apprehension and determination as she prepared to break the silence between them.

"Uhm.., i.... I'm sorry, i, really needed to escape at those people, they we're bad people they want to abduct me, i just really needed to escape, im sorry if i trouble you, I'm really sorry" Xiao Xiao uttered as she lower her head, almost shrinking her neck in her shoulder.

Thinking about what she had said earlier her ears turned red in great embarrassment!

She was really in a great danger that was why for the first time in her life she made the most embarrassing thing just a few minutes ago.

Forgive her for being shameless but she had no choice!

But she didn't know how to explain it to the man! Especially so when she just criticize him just last night at the hotels terrace!

She wanted to looked at the expression of the man beside her but she didn't dare to raise her head!

Was he angry?

Did he recognized her ?

What should she do?

After a long while of silence, the man still didn't say anything, but Assistant Lu could not hold it anymore, he asked,

"Young miss, where do you want to go now?"

Xiao Xiao who was anxious was stunned at his question! Where should she go now?

That... She didn't know! She had booked a flight in a fit of fear but she didn't know where to go after that!

Though she still had money in her account, thanks to her self-conscious that she didn't left her phone, she still didn't know what to do,

This has never happened to her in the past , she was living the best of her life with the care of the people around her, doing everything she likes,but never in her wildest dream would she wonder in a foreign country with no one to rely on, especially so when there is no plan at all.

Assistant lu, could almost figured out her answers, he glance at the front mirror to see his boss reaction and figure out what he would do, but the man beside her seems so indifferent and has expressions on his handsome face!

'Master, do something! This is your chance! Don't waste such a wonderful opportunity!'

Assistant lu didn't know whether to laugh or cry in his boss actions! He was clearly so interested in her and had deliberately followed her but now he was being indifferent!

Master you would not have a girlfriend if you continue to be like this!

Assistant lu couldn't take it anymore, he shakes his head in dispair!

After a while, "I helped you, what do I get in return?" Yue jin uttered suddenly,his beautiful eyes looking at her straight in the eyes, his handsome face had still no expressions,

Xiao Xiao was so startled at the sudden eye contact, she doesn't know where to even put her sight on, She is still processing his words!

"ah, Uhm, what do you mean by that,?" Xiao Xiao asked, her eyes tremble slightly still a little puzzled by his words, she subconsciously stared at the man in front of her,

In that moment, it was like lightning had struck Xiao Xiao. She was utterly dumbfounded by the man beside her.

With him in such proximity, her heart skipped a beat. He exuded such handsomeness that it seemed as if divine favoritism had played a part in his creation!

"What do you think I mean? if I'm guessing correctly, You owe your life to me now, right? I helped you despite what you did last night, " he said back! As he raised his eyebrows at her.

Xiao Xiao couldn't shake off the fear that he might just kick her out of the car! And to top it off, she had labeled this man a pervert just last night at the hotel in England!

The weight of her past actions hung heavy in the air, adding an extra layer of tension to the already awkward situation.

Xiao Xiao's mind raced with a flurry of thoughts, each one more chaotic than the last. As the car sped through the bustling city streets, the silence between them grew louder, echoing the unspoken tension in the air. She knew she had to break the ice, to address the Man in the Car.

With a deep breath, she said, her voice barely above a whisper, nodding silently at his question, "I... I owe you an apology for last night." The words hung in the air, waiting to be acknowledged, as the car continued its journey through the cityscape.

Xiao Xiao's breath caught in her throat, her pulse quickening at the mere sight of the man before her.

What a flawless man!

Without a word, she swallowed nervously, feeling her heart race in her chest.

Instinctively, she placed her hand over her heart, as if trying to calm its frantic beating.

Yue Jin didn't break his intense gaze on her beautiful flushed face, locking eyes with her, his expression unreadable on his striking features. Without a hint of emotion on his handsome face, he spoke.

"Ah, about that, I still haven't settled scores with you for deliberately calling me like that despite I've done nothing wrong," he remarked, his lips forming a thin line, almost as if hinting at a subtle smile.

Hearing his words, Xiao Xiao's jaw dropped in an instant!


Settle scores with her?

She didn't know she would deliberately need his help the next morning, okay!'

Xiao Xiao's eyes shuddered in fear as she caught sight of that smile!

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