Chereads / Let Me Love you (Until you love me again) / Chapter 19 - honey, lets go

Chapter 19 - honey, lets go

In that enchanting moment, as Xiao xiao gazed at the sunrise peeking through the clouds, its golden rays painting the sky in a breathtaking display, she felt a sense of wonder and tranquility wash over her.

The beauty of the sunrise from above captured her heart, filling her with a deep appreciation for the world's natural splendor.

She remembers, earlier this morning she received a call from Mr.Xi Lan,

"young mistress, how are you? were you okay?" Xi lan asked worried about her,

"Uncle Xi, I'm fine, thank goodness you called me, I've been trying to call you but couldn't reach you, what happened? where is my grandpa? is he okay?"

"Calm down young miss, I'm sorry I wasn't able to call you much earlier but I can't be too long on the phone now, you have to listen to me! you need to get out of the country as early as possible! I don't have much time to explain everything to you right now but your grandfather is okay and he is doing well, he will contact you soon after we solved the problem about your uncle, but for now, you have to take care of yourself and prepare to leave the country," Xi Lan uttered in a hurry,

"what's going on uncle Xi? I don't understand why I have to leave? and is he my uncle? then why did he try to kill me?"

The Bai Corporation has been growing steadily in england and it was considered as one of the top corporate in the country but despite this xiao xiao saw nothing on the news at all, as if nothing had happened in the Bai family, and because of this it was even more worrying.

"I couldn't explain everything in just a little time, but you have to be careful because he is searching everywhere to find you, and we couldn't send you any help because we're being locked up, Young mistress, listen to me, you have to take care of your self no matter what! Whether your uncle can steal your grandfathers' money is all depends on you! You have the seal which they badly need to own everything, As long as you have the seal they could never steal the Bai Corp,! be careful and when the right time comes I will contact you again! No matter what happens you have to be alive for your grandfathers' sake!" Xi Lan abruptly hung up the phone!

"But uncle Xi,!" Xiao xiao sigh a deep breath! She was really worried about her grandpa and uncle Xi, But she couldn't even do anything to help them, She doesn't understand why did Mr.xi Lan says that the seal is in her! Her grandfather never gave her his seal...

wait, could it be?... Xiao xiao remembered that her grandfather had given her a special gift, But she did not open it because her grandfather said that it is not yet the right time to open it! Thus, She didn't open it and instead, she hides it in the secret bolt in their house! She just wishes they wouldn't find it, But for now, She needs to trust Mr.Xi Lan,


On the couch on the V.V.I.P room of E.T international airport, Yue jin was standing at the one-way glass wall where he could see the people outside, He was waiting for Xiao xiao to arrive, Xiao xiao's flight was rescheduled thus, Yue Jin arrived first at Euthopia. He saw that Xiao xiao was walking towards the exit with only a small sling bag on her shoulder, Yue jin immediately walk to the entrance, as soon as he saw her.

Since that night when he saw Xiao xiao, He has been acting strangely, as if spying on his run-away wife! To be honest, he doesn't also like what was happening to him, it's not so him at all, but he could not control himself from seeing her! He had to know the truth about this woman,

In the aftermath of that fateful night when he laid eyes on Xiao xiao, Yue Jin found himself consumed by a whirlwind of emotions, his actions veering into unfamiliar territory.

It was as if he had turned into a shadow of his former self, driven by an insatiable need to uncover the secrets surrounding this enigmatic woman.

Despite his inner conflict and disdain for his behavior, the pull to unravel the truth about Xiao xiao only grew stronger, leading him down a path of uncertainty and revelation.

Xiao Xiao was about to hail a cab when she saw that there were three men following her and she could tell that they were about to abduct her! It was still a foreign country for her and she doesn't know where to go,

When she turns right she saw the man from last night at the hotel, the man who has been starting at her!

and she saw that he was about to ride in a car and the driver even opens the door for him, 'he must be some big shots' xiao xiao thought! when xiao xiao walks she noticed that the three men who are following her seem to be ready to get her as she saw that there was a black car waiting for them!

"oh no! what should I do," Xiao xiao began to Panic but she suddenly thinks of a bright idea! she knows it to be a bit risky but she had to try,

Xiao xiao run towards the stranger man she saw last night at the hotel, and she saw that the three men who are following her also run to follow her! when Xiao xiao noticed she immediately grab a hold of the man's arms, she encircled her arms to his,

"honey, sorry to keep you wait, let's go," without any more words she got into the car with her small bag, as she pulled the man to enter inside the car,

No one saw the expression of the man, Assistant Lu was shocked by the sudden event but he unconsciously closes the door,

but the three men did not stop as they bang the window of the car!

"Hey, what do you think you're doing?" Assistant Lu asked, his tone beam a fit of anger!

"That girl is our boss daughter she's trying to escape and we have to get her back!" one of the three men said irritably!

"I'm sorry but I think you've got the wrong person," Assistant Lu said as he signals the car next to them, and a group of men went outside the car, His boss is a very important person and bodyguards are a must for him, Assistant Lu ride inside the car in the driver seat and he started the engine,

The three men who has been following Xiao xiao retreat as they saw that they will be in trouble if they fight back against that man's people! They we're outnumbered! They didn't expect this turn of events those their boss only instructed the three of them.

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