[World Name]
[World Map]
There are three Continents in [Plevis}, named {Plean}, {Eves}, and {Isorth}. They are all separated by the Ocean that covers 80 percent of {Plevis}, named {Gatan}. All of the Continets have the same size -- all are 45 million square kilometers in size -- but have different shapes and specialties.
[Beings and Classes of the World]
The Beings of these world are composed mostly of Humans -- 40 percent of the populations are humans. Each Race can be classified in different classes, which are: Weak, Average, Strong, Advanced, Champion, Deadly, Hazard, Disaster, Calamity, Catastrophe, Unbreakable, and Supreme Deity.
Weak: Slimes, Goblins, Humans
Average: Kobolds, Humans
Strong: Hobgoblins, Dwarves, Fairies, Orcs, Centaurs, Humans
Advanced: Sun-Borns, Moon-Borns, Trolls, Ogres, Dryads, Humans
Champion: Giants, Elves, Vampires, Werewolves, Goblin Queens, Slime Kings, Orc Emperors, Dionysus' Descendants (High Level Centaurs), Merpeople, Siren, Humans
Deadly: Wizards, Witches, Twilight-Borns, Troll Generals, Ogre Leaders, Elementalists (Stronger Dryads), Humans
Hazard: Elder Vampires, Mother of Dwarves, Father of Fairies, Atlanteans, Deep-Merpeople, Drowned (High Level Sirens) Humans
Disaster: Ancient Giants, Ancient Elves, Ancient Trolls, Humans
Calamity: Original Vampires, Original Werewolves, True Sun-Borns, True Moon-Borns, Antique Atlanteans, Humans
Catastrophe: Alpha Wizards, Omega Witches, Dragons, Humans
Unbreakable: Primordial, True Twilight-Borns, Poseidon's Heir (Higher Atlanteans), Real Dragons, Humans
Supreme Deity: ---
Classes Description:
Weak: Small threat to a single life
Average: A threat to a one or two lives
Strong: A threat to a dozen lives
Advanced: A threat to a few families
Champion: A threat to a dozen families
Deadly: A threat to one or two villages
Hazard: A threat to a dozen villages
Disaster: A threat to a city
Calamity: A threat to a dozen cities
Catastrophe: A threat to a kingdom
Unbreakable: A big threat to a continent
Supreme Deity: A major threat to the whole world
There are only 3 Languages used, 1 for each Continent. These are | Pleans | for {Plean}, | Eve | for {Eves}, and | Isorths | for {Isorth}.