Ashton Dewise's P.O.V.
As I opened my eyes, I saw the blue sky filled with clouds with irregular shapes. I was lying on top of the cold ground filled with nothing but dirt and grass. I heard the chirps of birds as they peacefully sang, as well as the sound of the wind gracefully blowing. Nothing was heard except those noises, and I was relaxed. I didn't know that nature would be this soothing.
I stood up and looked around my surroundings. In all directions except on my left, there were endless trees surrounding me. Some big, some small, some moderate. But one thing's for sure. I was in a big, big forest. Well, obviously.
At my left, there was a big river. And by big, I mean, humungous. Its width was over eight hundred meters. I walked into it and looked into it. The water was crystal clear, and marine life was vigorous in this river.
I only need to boil it, and my water problem is gone. Though, I don't want to kill the living creatures in this river, mainly because I am a vegan. Speaking of problems, I have 4 main problems. First is my food source. If I don't find any vegetables or fruits that are edible, then I won't be picky and I will eat meat. I am sure that I can find those fruits easily though.
Second, I need fire. At night, I won't be able to sleep without a light, since dangerous creatures might be lurking around. I don't want to die the moment I was given a new life by such a great creature, right? Not to mention the cold could literally freeze me to death.
Going back, my third problem is shelter. No one in the whole wide world wants to sleep on the ground in the middle of an unknown forest with dangers and mysteries ahead. No-one wants that to happen. I might be able to create something by the end of the day, so I don't need to worry about it that much. I am prepared.
The one thing I am not prepared about is my last but the most difficult issue. And that is the monsters and beasts lurking around. Who knows, maybe a beautiful butterfly might be something that can kill you if you touch it. Or maybe a big beefy something attacks me because it's hungry.
There are endless possibilities, and my life is at stake at all times. Even right now, I might die because I am standing here for 3 minutes looking at the river without doing anything I need for me to survive. Stop being useless for once, Ashton.
Wait. I remember from Mr. Zghayolnne's explanation that he had given me Abilities. Hold on. Did he give me superpowers? If so, what is it? And what does it do?
As I was drowning in my own thoughts, I noticed that there was something where I spawned.
I walked towards it and looked at it, and to my surprise, there was a thin book lying on the ground. Woah. How did I miss something so important? Hang on. Is it even there when I spawned? Or did it only appear right now? Okay, let's just not sweat the small details and see what is inside this book.
I took the book from the ground and opened it. The book had a few dozens of pages, but the first page was perhaps the most important page. The first page was about my Abilities.
"Hi, Ashton! It is me, Zghayolnne Half. Since we had very little time for me to explain all the necessary information, I have made you this book where all information, both crucial and not in this book." The book noted. Mr. Zghayolnne really put so much effort into me. I thank you from the bottom of my heart, Mr. Zghayolnne.
"I have given you 4 Superpowers. On how you will use them, I cannot interfere. It is entirely your choice, Ashton. Please use your Gifts wisely. All right, let's get straight to the point. Your first Gift is called Card Master. You can do anything with cards, such as putting a Curse or a Blessing in it, making it as sharp as a sword, levitating it, and even generating a card out of nothing. However, the size of the card is only limited to only a normal card size." The book noted.
"Your second Gift is called Omnilingualism. Evidently, this makes you understand and be able to talk in every single language there is with ease. This might be useless, but it's up to you. Your next ability is called Black Barrier. You can create a Black Barrier and anoint it to anything and everything, with the ability to absorb Magical Attacks, disabling all of it until the Black Shield is broken." The book noted.
"Your last but not least Gift is called Mind Exploration. At will, via touch, you can enter the mind of someone and see anything in their mind. However, you cannot interfere with anything in their minds, and you become unconscious if you are inside someone's mind. The one that you have entered also becomes unconscious." The book noted.
Huh. What strange superpowers indeed. I thought it would be something like Fire Manipulation or Waterball or something of the sort, but... Oh well, I really am the luckiest creature ever. I could not do anything without Mr. Zghayolnne. I greatly respect you, Mr. Zghayolnne. I do not worship you, but I really admire you.
Anyway, I really have to do something, otherwise, I would be dead meat. I could use all of the superpowers that Mr. Zghayolnne had given to me, but I still can't be proud of myself. If there's one thing in life that I have learned, that is to never be proud of yourself.
After finding out what I have to know, I closed the book and looked around. Quickly after, I walked towards the trees, in search of something that I will need. With dire mysteries and danger ahead, what will happen? Thus, my journey on this new world now commences.