Chereads / Basics of Spellcraft: Dimensions / Chapter 3 - Aftermath

Chapter 3 - Aftermath

"I am sorry for coming late to the lesson," said the red-haired girl as she opened the door. The older larger teacher turned from the blackboard.

"If you continue like this you will get three fails and come before the hearing miss Anala,"

"Yes, mistress," she said, but the teacher was done with her. She could only notice that the people in the highest row very normally attending the lesson.

"Somehow you all look down today... I know it is the first day of the semester, but you need more energy! You, mister Mob! Explain to me the political importance of magic in the country of Olenos," she made the young boy struggle to answer her question. The lesson ended quickly though and when the teacher was on the way out, one woman from the highest row stood up and asked her to stay for a moment.

"What is it miss Laura?" the teacher looked at the young woman in her twenties. She was wearing her uniform loosely, with hide tall boots and a Stetson on her back. She stepped down from the highest row towards the teacher.

"The new teacher for spell crafting didn't show up for today's lesson."

"What? That is ridiculous!" the teacher responded skeptically while Anala came closer to the teacher as well.

"No, it is true! Since I don't like to waste my time I left early and...." Laura continued but was interrupted by her teacher.

"You left the lesson?"

"Yes, there was no teacher, no teacher no lesson."

"I am sorry, but he was here," Anala jumped into their conversation and only got an angry look from her older classmate.

"Of course, what nonsense... you should also..." the teacher said.

"But he was invisible the whole time..." Anala added.

"What?" both said at the same time.

"Also, he failed everybody here except you few that left."

"What?" now the teacher was speechless.

"Can he do that?" asked another student and the teacher looked around the class. Everybody was looking at her with sad eyes.

"Y-yes... he can do that... I am afraid. It is his lesson after all."

"That can't be..." could be heard from the whispers around.

"Don't worry I will speak with him and see... maybe it was just a prank! Or you misunderstood him somehow..." the teacher tried to cheer them up.

"No, I talked to him... he said that he failed us for not doing anything...I don't understand..." Anala said pessimistically.

"I am sure it will all be explained in his lesson tomorrow! He got into the academy thanks to several great achievements, so he obviously has his reasons," the teacher said and they all understood she could not destroy his authority. Continuing this discussion was pointless and so they let her leave.

"You talked to him?" several students surrounded Anala. While she was talking with the teacher most of the class moved next to her. She nodded and turned to face them.

"He is weird! He... ahhh!" she covered her top again since she noticed several boys looking somewhere they shouldn't.

"He did this to me, to cool me down! He is really weird! One moment he is all dead serious talking about the battlefield and one he is joking about confession..." she said nervously.


"Ahhg!" Anala couldn't handle the attention and sat back down at her desk.

"No I mean... he said that he would get rid of my fail If I explained to him the lesson, but I don't know what convinced him, but he did lift it in the end... so if you ask maybe he will do the same for you,"

"So, it is real?" one girl finally accepted the reality.

"Should we go now? Show that we care?" somebody suggested.

"I would not recommend it, he very obviously didn't want to be bothered by me when we spoke,"

"Tell us what did you tell him..."

"Tell us everything!"