Chereads / Basics of Spellcraft: Dimensions / Chapter 2 - Real teacher

Chapter 2 - Real teacher

"Master!" yelled the girl with bright red hair while running towards the teacher. Several other students looked at her in surprise, since yelling and running were prohibited. The girl didn't care about the fact that she could be seen by so many people, or that the hot sun was burning through the glass wall of the hallway and making it hard for her to run for long. Her teacher was quite fast on his feet, but he finally turned around and waited for her.

"Ma...Ma...Master! Please..." she gestured that she needed to catch a breath and the man waited in silence.

"I want to know why did you fail us!"

"Tss... I was waiting for something like a confession or a much more interesting question, but this is just too..."

"Please answer me!" she said and her hair caught on fire making the teacher close his eyes with a bit of interest. She did not even flinch from the sudden flame as it was the normal thing in the world.

"The reason is simple, you did nothing the whole lesson!"

"Are you saying we should learn? Or what?"

"No, I am not saying that! If you just leave me alone now..."

"Wait! Don't you care about us? Failing a lesson is a serious problem! Not only we cannot continue to another level, but failing more than three of them could make us leave the school,"

"I am well aware."

"Then why?"

"You have failed two lessons already, right?" her teary eyes and flaming hair were a dead give-away. It made the man smile and point at her.

"Fine! I will take away that dent in your record if you tell me what should you have done in my lesson! After all, this is a school and if you learned something new show me!" her flame slowly weakened as she calmed down a bit.

"Do I have only one try?"

"You have time until the bell rings."

"That is..." she started to complain but stopped after she saw his serious face. She thought hard about what little he said.

"You did nothing the whole lesson, is what you said, and that learning is also considered as nothing! So that means we should have done something other than learning!" she said but the man's expression didn't change.

"Oh... oh you also said that nobody noticed you, so obviously if I did notice you I would not fail, right?"

"Yes, that is true, but would the rest fail, if you suddenly shout that I am there?"

"I don't know..."

"They would not come to the answer, they would just get lucky you were there."

"So, you would fail them if they didn't notice you? But if somebody did notice you and just wasn't sure or was shy or just slow?"

"Oh... hmm, it seems that you are suggesting my lessons are unfair..."

"No... it just..."

"It is true, they are unfair... and your time is ticking!"

"This is still not enough? Then... maybe..." she looked on the ground and sang into her memories. What was the first thing he said? Did I allow you to leave, was it? Oh, wait!

"You! Did you fail those that left?"


"Are you saying leaving was also an option?"

"Yes, but of course not just ditching the last five minutes like every kid would do!"

"But that is against the school rules!"

"Not exactly, students can leave early if their teacher allows it and I did! You still have a bit of time! Go on!"

"Was it a lesson about breaking school rules? About using time well?"

"Maybe, I dunno... I am asking you to convince me to not fail you for it,"

"I did my homework to clean up my fail in monster class! I did everything from the beginning of this lesson to this moment to stay in this bloody school and I am not going to move from here until you answer me!"

"Geez... it is just one fail! In the battlefield, you would be dead over one mistake, kid! Don't fret over it so much, calm down! Enjoy your youth!"

"Damn it! This is not a game! What is with that change of attitude mid-conversation? Are you a teacher?"

"Nope, this is my first time teaching!"

"Don't fuck with me!"

"I thought being rude to the teacher was against the rules and common decadence!"

"What? You were the first one to break the rules! Even if you were in the class the whole time you let students leave! You even made me broke rules coming here!"

"Breaking rules has consequences! Are you prepared to face them?"

"Of course! I don't care! I did that knowing full well what could happen to me," yelled the girl, and her whole body got enveloped in fire, but a small blue magical circle appears above her head and she is splashed by a bucket of water, calming her down and wetting her clothes. She covers them in embarrassment and with tears about to start crawling from her eyes. The bell rings.

"Well then, see you tomorrow! Have a nice day," said the teacher, but she grabs his sleeve without saying a word. Her second hand was still covering her wet top.

"Don't worry you convinced me enough to not fail you, not that much by your tantrum, or argumentation... But hey! What more than this could I expect from a fourteen-year-old kid..."

"I am seventeen!" she whispered as the man leaves.