On the way there, Nick hadn't seen or heard anything aside from the crackling flames that engulfed the homes. Staring out into the square, he now knew why but couldn't believe the sight in front of him.
Beast were surrounding the remaining townsfolk. Each one towered several feet above a full grown man. A dozen bodies lay ripped apart, their entrails spread across the stone of the square. The walls of buildings that remained unburned were splattered with the blood of families.
Nick was speechless at the horror before him. Only for a moment did he think to turn and run. Instead, he hid himself along the street, observing the faces of both the living and the dead. At least, those that were not mauled.
Not finding what he was looking for, he turned his attention back to the beasts. Each was covered in a thick layer of fur. Colors ranging from all shades of brown to the darkest of blacks. He noticed one standing taller than the rest. The coat was darker than a moonless, starless night. This one appeared to be maneuvering the others into position. Not allowing for any gap in the wall they were forming.
Baring teeth the size of knives and claws sharper than any blade, the beasts snarled at the terrified people. Nobody dared move muscle. Some believed they would be spared if they remained on their knees before the monsters. Soon, more came out from the connecting streets. Scouts, ensuring nobody was missing from the heard.
Suddenly, a piercing pain entered Nick's left shoulder. He had been found by one of the scouts and was not being carried within its long snout. Drawing his knife from his waist, Nick drove it deep into the eye of the beast. A vicious howl flew from its mouth as Nick fell to the ground.
Not wasting a moment, he dove at the beast, driving the blade deep in it's heart. With a twist of the blade, it fell. Nick ran for his life. Not looking back, and not waiting to be caught. Painfully, he scaled the wall and escaped the town.
Grabbing the bow he'd dropped at the top, Nick returned to his empty home. Packing only what was needed, he left. Not knowing what awaited him was more of a relaxing thought than facing those beasts again. Once he'd cleaned the wound left from the bite, he set off. Anguish marked his face, he didn't want to leave behind this life. He didn't want to leave Jin. Having not seen him in the crowd, Nick assume he'd already parished.