The box was nothing out of the ordinary, all white with the word POWER indented on the front. He hid the watch in his backpack knowing just how coveted it is. Not to mention the risk of having a POWER watch while the opposition held heavy control over his city. He rushed straight home on the safest path he knew. He had the widest smile on his face as the people he passed on the street imagined he had gone mad or was under the influence. A quick 20 minutes of speed walking and Vince finally made it home.
It took a good five seconds for Vincent to get the packaging off and the watch on his hand. Luckily it came fully charged so he could start using it right away. It took about 5 minutes to boot up. As soon as it went to the home screen, he had to put in his basic information:
Name: Vincent Sullivan,
DOB: April 29th 1994,
Level of education: Bachelor's degree, and so on.
It then went into a questionnaire:
How well do you cope with stress? 6/10.
How well do you sleep? 7/10.
How outgoing are you? 8/10.
How often are you angry? 1/10.
How often do you feel sad? 7/10.
The questions seemed very intrusive- especially after gathering all his personal information but he answered all the questions honestly to ensure a perfect outcome. After completing the questionnaire, Vince was faced with the submit button. Did he answer everything as honestly as he could? Does it know enough about him to determine his power? He will just have to wait and see! He hesitantly pressed the submit button and waited. The watch simply said loading while a small dot moved around in a circular fashion. "How long could it take? Vince said as it continued on for another 2 hours. It kept circling until Vince could not stay awake any longer so he went to sleep hoping for a result in the morning. He was in luck! It finished just before sunrise.
Power: Fire, ???
Skills: None