Chereads / A Reaper's Heart / Chapter 9 - A Learning Experience

Chapter 9 - A Learning Experience

As the office fell silent once more it seemed that the mood had been shaken. Nobody seemed to understand Emily's and Jakub's situation, but for some reason they agreed to trust them. Nobody but the two of them know how hard a second life is going to be. They have to start from scratch, they have nothing to their name and no family. The two of them are going to have to rely on each other more than they know and it will be a learning experience for the two of them.

Agreeing on the matter at hand, the group decided it was best if they toured the school together. They figured that it would be a fine opportunity for them to show around two people that have never been there, around. They all headed out to the courtyard of the school and tried to decide where to start.

Nicole was eager to show Emily around because she felt like they had become close in just a day of really knowing one another. "So where do you guys want to go first?" She asked.

Emily felt at ease around Nicole, she felt as if she and her were connected somehow. Emily knew she reminded her of Paulina, her best friend from her past life but in her mind she felt almost attached to her. "I think we should check out the soulology building. I mean we got a quick glimpse of the lab before fighting but… that's about it."

"What's soulology?" Asked Jakub.

Nurse Light turned and smiled. "I'm glad you asked! Soulology is a rather new study science and it is the study of the human soul. You go into this field to better understand the types of souls that are out there and the abilities that can come from them. You study the soul locator, soul mana, soul conductors and also soul transfer which happens to be the least known thing. They don't even know if soul transfer is possible but it is a very interesting topic."

"I'm in!" Jakub shouted excitedly.

Nicole got very happy because this is the same field she was in and since they would all be freshman they would have classes together. Nurse Light suggested that they check the lab that Dr.Tress had in the soulology wing as they may fine some interesting things there. After agreeing to check they all made their way there.

"Hey, why didn't your dad come with us Nicole?" Asked Emily.

"He's going to be busy enrolling you two through the scholarship program and everything, so he sent us ahead." She replied.

"Sounds good! Anyways… I was wondering Nurse Light, you mentioned soul conductors. What are they?" Emily felt curious the moment she started hearing more about soulology.

Jakub, feeling like he hadn't gotten a chance to talk, jumped in the conversation. "I wanna know too."

She stuck her hand out and spoke the word. "Summon." A tiny white light flashed in her hand and a pen with a little cat head on it appeared. "This is my conductor, when I have this in my hand it increases the mana in my soul drastically. Soul conductors can be many things from weapons, hair clips, pens, you name it and it can be a conductor. The object just has to be made of synch metal."

"STOP! What's synch metal?" Jakub asked.

Emily nodded her head in agreement. "I want to know also."

Nicole began to grin. "Haha I know this! Synch metal is short for Synchronized Metal, it's a type of military grade metal that is used for the specific purpose of syncing with your soul. Once the metal is touched after forging the item wanted, it has to be touched by the person that it was made for. If it is touched by anyone other than that person it will sync to someone else's soul. If you touch someone else's conductor it can cause severe damage depending if it's a soul type yours is weak to."

The two of them had their mouths wide open in amazement. "I want one!" They both said at the same time.

They arrived at the laboratory and began looking around. Research papers were in his desk drawers labeled soul stealing and reports to master. They read a few of the papers and found that Tress would lead students to his laboratory where he would kill them and reap their souls. The souls that had been trained and built were ideal for what he was sent to accomplish. Emily found a line in the paper that read, "I have killed so many of the kids here hoping to maybe feel something but I have felt nothing. I steal their souls for master and collect them in my reaper shard."

Emily walked over to Jakub and showed him the line. "I think I found this shard he's talking about when we killed him. It was on the ground beside me as I was getting up." She pulled the shard from her pocket and showed it to him. Shining bright red between the two of them the shard shattered.

Flames burst out of the shining shard and into the chest of both of them. The two were sprawled out floating just off the ground with streams of flames running to where their heart would be. They felt no pain from the flames but could not move nor speak. After a minute they were both dropped from the positions they were in and the flames dispersed.

"What the hell just happened?" Nurse Light asked.

Both of them laid unconscious on the ground and Nicole ran over to check on them. Nurse Light reassured that they were alive just unconscious. The two of them woke up within seconds of being unconscious.

Emily sat up after the confusion settled down. "What… was that…?"

Nicole and Light's eyes were wide open staring at Emily.

Jakub sat up, finally regaining his composure. "Woah Emily! You have flaming wings on your back!" He pointed at her back and saw flames on his hands. "What's this!?" He started to shake his hands thinking they were on fire, only to realize it was an ability. He noticed the flame on his right hand was much larger than the one on his left.

Light stood back up and looked at them both. "This is something new to me… I think the two of you absorbed a soul."

Nicole looked confused and asked. "What do you mean they absorbed a soul?"

"Well." Light began to explain. "This is part of soul transfer. The reason nobody could figure it out could be because soul transfer may only be able to work with the black and white souls."

The flames went away from Jakub's hands and wouldn't come back, but the burning wings stayed on Emily's back.

"Are you kidding me? It's gone!? I thought I was going to have some awesome flame powers or something. I thought I was about to master one of the five elements and come a step closer to being the glowing eye arrowhead head guy. BUT NO!" Jakub began getting annoyed.

Emily's wings flapped slightly, throwing fire toward Jakub causing his Grim to awaken and float around him. He reached his left hand up as if he was going to block the flame from hitting him when it went into his hand. They all stared at him as they could see the fire moving inside his left arm up through his chest toward his right arm. The tattoo on his arm began to light up like the color of the flames and a big ball of fire bloomed in his right hand. It was almost as if the same thing as before happened. A large flame in his right hand and a lesser one in his left.

"What is going on?" Asked Jakub as he looked at both hands and his tattoo.

Nicole stood there watching everything happening in silence. She couldn't comprehend what was going on, so she just stood there taking it in.

Light reached her hand up to her chin as if she was thinking extremely hard. "I believe… Emily absorbed whatever soul was in that thing you guys were messing with. And I believe Jakub can collect and redistribute whatever is used against him. Let me test it. I have the ability to harden my own body or others bodies if I touch them."

"Are we just going to ignore my wings? I haven't even had a chance to talk here. Does this mean I can fly? What does it mean?" Emily said frustratedly.

"Hold on Emms we'll figure it out in a second. I want to see this." Nicole replied to her.

Emily's heart fluttered from hearing her call her Emms. That's what Paulina called her and she was the only one to ever do it. "Oh okay…" Emily replied.

Light reached her hand toward Jakub to touch him. His Grim was still floating around him but only Emily could see it. Jakub began to hesitate, "I don't know what if it's nothing that cool." He reached his left hand up to stop her when it began to pull the power from her hand. Her hand was glowing orange but the energy coming out white almost solid black.

"What, what is this. I feel like I'm getting weak." Light said as she pulled her hand away. "My power is to harden the body with a black metal. Whatever you were doing was pulling some of the metal away from me."

The black metal liquid went into Jakub's left hand and flowed from left to right just like before. His right arm grew double the size and his tattoo turned pitch black. The color of the metal that covered his entire left arm now. His right hand formed black metal claws on his fingertips and right hand tripled in size. A black liquid ball continued floating in his left hand. He swung his right hand toward the desk in the lab, completely destroying the desk and slashing holes in the wall. It was like the claws were reaching further than they could be seen.

"So it's true then… soul transfer is real. It seems to be unique to you two." Light said while holding herself up against the wall.

"Okay Emms! Let's see if you can fly! Uh try to imagine yourself in your head using the muscles in your back like you're flapping wings." Nicole told Emily excitedly.

"Okay, let's see here." She closed her eyes and imagined flexing her muscles as if she was going to fly and she began to flex them. "Like this?" She asked as the wings began to flap throwing flames but this time her Grim sensed it as dangerous and sealed a barrier around her. Because the Grim was blocking the flames no one noticed them.

Nicole got even more excited because Emily had started to hover! "Yes like that!"

Emily got overly excited and lost focus causing herself to fall back to the ground. "Man… this is gonna take a lot of learning."