An hour later the orcs who had gone hunting rushed back to the camp straight towards Grimble, and after a few words Grimble rushed to Eduard.
"My lord the hunters just reported back and they said there is a group of clashing Humans and elves a short walk from here maybe thirty on each side, should we go and look?" the large orc stammered to Eduard.
"Of course, ready your orcs we will go see what's going on." Eduard said excitedly, this should be that high elf noble girl that the mercenaries were talking about, i should go see if there is anything interesting to be gained from this encounter.
Moving through the woods after about ten minutes they could hear the sound of fighting and the screams of men and elves dying and killing could be heard. Pushing up onto the edge of the clearing, Eduard and the orcs sat and watched five elf soldiers and ten human bandits faced off the ground was littered with the bodies of humans only a few of the elves had fallen, there may have been twenty elves to start and sixty humans. The elves guarding whoever was in the carriage were elites, an elf girl with a beautiful face stood guarding the carriage, she was covered in enchanted armor probably the elf nobles main guard. While they were watching the battle another two humans had fallen and all the elves still stood, though exhaustion was seen across their faces.
The human instead of retreating kept attacking with more vigor than before. Eduard could see the reason from his angle, a shadow was creeping towards the carriage. With a loud bang the shadow attacked the unexpecting guard captain and swiftly attempted to get in the carriage. The beautiful elf guard was caught unaware and knocked unconscious. The orc's next to Eduard were itching to charge in and kill the remaining fighters on both sides but Eduard held his hand up to stop them. He was waiting for the perfect moment to move in.
The elven guards seeing the defenseless carriage tried to leave the humans they were fighting to protect it, but as they were distracted the bandits attacked them in the back killing three of the remaining elves, and with almost all of the elves defeated the last two were overwhelmed. The bandits dragged out a shockingly beautiful elf from within the carriage and knocked her unconscious. Prepare to leave with the girl they also picked up the unconscious elf guard. Seeing the human bandits making off with the girl, Eduard's' face creased; she was too beautiful to be wasted on these swine. Stepping out of the brush followed by the orcs the bandits were shocked but before they could even talk, Eduard drew his sword and swung it cleaving six bandits that were around the elves into bits. The orcs were shocked and the bandits that were off to the side were horrified, turning to run away. Eduard turned and said to Grimble "kill the runners we don't need witnesses."
The shocked expressions on the orc's faces turned to glee as they chased and killed the running bandits. Standing looking over the battlefield Eduard turned and said to the returning orcs, "throw away the weapons you have and grab the best weapons of the elf guards bodies, take all the money off the dead and anything else you want."
The orc's were all very pleased, under this new boss there was loot to be had and he didn't really seem to care for the little stuff letting them do as they wished. Eduard turned away from the pleased orcs, to the carriages horses, though frightened they were still alive, smirking at the luxurious new transport he had gotten Eduard turned to the looting orcs. "I need that elf guard women tied up and that noble under close watch, Grimble I think you should watch the noble put two orcs on the tied up guard the rest of you prepare to set off, ready the carriage and put the elves in the back, watch them closely, I'll drive the carriage."
Listening to the lords new orders Grimble nodded in respect. This lord was smart, strong and fair, maybe it was their luck and not a curse to have him leading them. Turning to his orc subordinates behind him Grimble gave out the orders. Looking at Grimble following his commands to the letter, Eduard turned away and climbed up on the carriages driver seat readying the horses.
Opening her eyes, Aiwin looked around in fear, the last thing she remembered was the bandits overwhelming her guards. Looking to the side in fright she saw her friend and guard Elaine unconscious rapt in tight ropes, her sword set to the side, she kept looking around her carriage in fear and her gaze stopped in shock. Sitting in the carriage with them were three orcs covered in hide armor and fresh blood they sat, attentive watching the two girls. Jumping in fear, Aiwin attempted to retreat to the other side of the carriage in fear but was stopped by a deep voice.
"Stop moving little elf or Master will be displeased with me." the largest orc said to her.
Shaking in fear she looked at these monsters in front of her wondering what happened to her human captors. "You will not defile us right?" she asked in a shaky voice as she eyed the hideous orcs.
"Not unless I was tired of living." the large orc spoke back again.
All the voices had caused her friend Elaine to stir awake, looking around in panic and anger she saw the orcs and did a double take.
The large orc Spoke again "good now that you are both awake let me tell you, don't cause trouble don't try to escape don't move just sit still till master decides what to do with you" the large orc said with annoyance.
Mustering up her courage for a few seconds, Aiwin spoke to the large orc, "what happened to the bandits, are they your masters?
Her question was met with mocking laughter from the orcs, "Those pathetic bandits our masters? You insult us girls, we serve the master not some weakling humans." the large orc said to her with an evil smirk
Aiwin looked at Elaine for a second trying to ask her what to do, did these creatures want money, were they hostages, were they going to be killed. Questions flooded here head then Elaine spoke,
"Aiwin I'm sorry I'm such a worthless guard if only I had protected you better none of this would have happened." her eyes full of sadness and apology.
"It's not your fault it is mine, if I hadn't insisted on negotiating with the humans this would have never happened let all fault rest on my shoulders." Aiwin said back looking at Elaine with guilt.
"Then we shall suffer our fate together." Elaine said back with tears in her eyes
Then the big orc chimed in, "you will do nothing and suffer nothing unless his lordship says you will." It said with a annoyed look on his face
Aiwin and Elaine looked at each other, who was this "lord" that the orc spoke of? Thinking fast Aiwin said "Where is this lord of yours, can I talk to him?"
All the orcs in the carriage looked right at her, "No, the boss will speak if the boss wants to speak, no requests, and no more talking." the biggest orc said with some annoyance.
Following what the large orc said Aiwin and Elaine stopped talking and simply looked out the window, seeing more orcs walking outside the carriage their hearts dropped, they couldn't tell the exact number but there were more than five walking alone side them. Looking at each other and the fear in the others eyes they huddled in the corner, away from the orc's sitting on the other side.