She can't help but stay that way.Its her own way of living, the bloody path she choose was what happened to her. And all the pain she suffers over the time and how horrible it is to be over the edge again and again are the befitting price for the forbidden fruit she desires.
She's thorn inside out, like that of crystal tears. Sacrifices itself is beautiful and amazing but to held in the pain and withstanding it for years takes toll on her spirit.
Which is the right way thus the way she could achieve that silver dreams? Why can't life makes it easy ?
Why choose to live in pain ?
Why choose to endure all of the pain?
Why held in all those angers?
Why are the tears never stop?
Why bounce back from the edges?
Why are you even live?
Why can't he understands?
Why the lies hurts?
Why are you even stays this way?
Hun, look into your eyes. And . Tell. The. Cloud.