Chereads / Telefixation (Old) / Chapter 11 - Enhancements

Chapter 11 - Enhancements

It felt cold… All around me, it was very chilly. Where was I..?

I couldn't move my arms or legs, so I only had the time to think back to where I was before, and what happened to me. We had finished that sick game of wheel of fortune, right? Then.. Was this the rewards room? What the hell even is this place. My eye was open, so I knew that it wasn't just me. It's pitch black. What's going to happen now? They're going to do that fusion thing, right?

Hands, legs, and a head..Who's going to be getting them anyway? It can't be evenly split, that'd be quite hard to do it fairly.

With a loud clunk, all the lights flashed on, and I reflexively closed my eye. It was too bright…

I kept my eyes closed and body still, mostly because I was hearing sounds, like footsteps, although they sounded quite off. What accompanied them made me sure to not open my eye. There were odd "voices." I kept myself from getting too scaredby what might happen by counting down from 500 by 7s. It was something I heard helps you keep your focus on something else entirely. 493. 486. 479. 472. 465…

I kept going from there. Keeping my eye shut as the figures loomed over me. Their speech was incomprehensible jargon. Hardly even considered to be language from a human mouth from what I was hearing. I kept as still as possible. Listening carefully as I heard things getting moved and the voices going back and forth. I wish I knew what was going on…

A minute or so had to have passed, and I suddenly felt things touching my skin, cold, but soft. Maybe a leather padding? I wanted to believe so… My counting had resumed after those thoughts. The padding was felt on my legs, temple, and hands… Wait, they seriously weren't-?

I heard an odd sound come out from above me-


Suddenly, I felt like I was water in the moving part of a large speaker. I was vibrating insanely fast, my body soon began to ache, before that even passed. I felt my consciousness begin to waver… Or… Was it leaving? What the hell was happening? I had my thoughts, but everything else was gone I couldn't feel, see, hear, taste, smell. It was as if I became nothing. I wanted to scream, but I had no mouth. I wanted to thrash, but I had no body. I wanted to rip off my shackles and kill those things that are doing this to me.

Soon, I felt my consciousness aching. It was weird, it wasn't a headache, it was more like I was a cake that was slowly getting crushed by a hand. It was unbearable- My voice, I want it back! Fuck, fuck, fuck, please, this is so FUCKING SHITTY, what the hell is this fucking process, what are they doinG TO ME?!?

The pain slowly subsided, my mental speed began to slow down, and soon, I could feel my body again. It felt incredibly numb, however, I was at peace for the moment. I tried to say hi to what parts I could, before I was set free. However, that was something I could not wish for. I didn't know where I was, even. I do have a feel for what they did. However, I felt like I shouldn't have been awake for that. There was no way I should have been.

Soon, I felt things again, and my sense of hearing came back. I was being moved somewhere else. The voices were still hard to understand, however, I stopped and reflexively opened my eye and saw the entrance into what looked like an elevator. I shut my eye as soon as I saw the words on the wall. That language was not something I could understand, nor wanted to see, purely because I know that means I am not at The Hall. This must have been where their operation was being run… Right? We started to move down, then forwards, then we took a few turns, and… I heard rough grinding to my left, and I was picked up and set down, onto… My mattress? Was that it? The grinding continued again, and I waited till it stopped to open my eye.

I was back in my cell?

Phew, so it wasn't anything that bad… Thank god, that would have been horrible. Maybe it is bad, though? I checked my legs, and my hands, then, finally my head. They felt normal, but maybe..?

There had to be something I missed? "Bonus Features"

The TV screen appeared in front of me..


Lung Capacity Lv. 3

Advanced Eye Lv. 2

Short Weapon Mastery Lv. 1 (Unclaimed)

Enhanced Limbs Lv. 2 (Unclaimed)

Connected Conscious Lv. 3 (Unclaimed)

(New Feature in development!)

(New Feature in development!)

(New Feature in development!)

??? Lv. 10 (Max)

??? Lv. 5

??? Lv. 1


What? I gained new Bonus Features? Was it not a bodily enhancement then? Well, no, it had to - Oh. Yeah, I remember now, the eye is technically not magical, or anything. It's a purely bodily enhancement, like that new Feature... But what was that other one? Connected conscious?? What does that even mean... I tapped on them both to read their descriptions.


Enhanced Limbs Lv. 2

- "Young and spry, aren't we nice guys?"

Unarmed combat is now twice as efficient! +200% strength! +200% speed! +200% stamina! Your fists cannot be broken by attacking this way, do not worry! Your legs are filled with new strength!

(Enhanced Hands Lv. 4, Enhanced Legs Lv. 1, and Enhanced Head Lv. 1 combined into this!)

(Not claimed yet.)

Connected Consciousness Lv. 3

- "I'm Casper! The friendly conscious!"

You can see, hear, and speak to a connected mind! They know what you see and hear, know not what you know, but you can share!

(Not claimed yet.)


Jeez, these Features, is Connected Consciousness even good? Sounds like schizophrenia, but worse, cause I'm not at fault, nor is my mind, it was forced on me… At least Enhanced Limbs is a good Feature? I wouldn't really get into unarmed combat, though… Unbreakable fists, though. That seems quite useful, though, there's probably more to it. Seems like they're passive again, though.

All passives, and only passives. How lovely.