Ashley, Jonny, the girl who killed the saturn creature, and I had formed a new-ish group. We needed one more person to meet the bare minimum for the next game. Nobody of note was coming to mind.
Ashley's choice for the girl from the first game was a good idea. She was quick to act, at the least. She had good physical prowess, and also had intellect on her side. It seemed everyone here had that tendency. Even Jonny, however, he's not had any way to show it, so I was hoping that now I'd get to see that side.
That woman's name happened to be from russia. Though, uh, I couldn't really remember her last name all too well, so I only recall her first name, Kira. Her accent wasn't too thick, she said she was learning English before she was going on a trip, and was kidnapped while driving to the airport.
She wasn't half bad at it, either.
We had many choices for people who wanted to join our team, turns out, that, yeah, I turned out to be most people's hope for surviving this ship. It was certainly something I was not wanting to tarnish, but I could really only pick one. I also wanted to save everyone I could, so it was hard to pick.
However, I had to choose someone, so, I picked one called Tony. I explained, although I was unsure, that more people would lead to more losses, as Family Feud has everyone answer what they believe to be on the survey. Everyone needs to say something at least once before someone can answer again. The game had started. Most of yesterday I didn't do much, talking with Ashley and Jonny, who introduced us to Kira.
After the sirens went off, we had all gone down to the colosseum. The doors had signs above them, "two teams must enter, once they do, they must go to an empty side."
I listened to the sign, and walked into the room. This place had no audience seating, only the stands at which we had to stand at. I decided that I should go first, then Ashley, then Jonny, and Kira, then Tony. Everyone was fine with the order. I guess my reputation was that good? I examined the room, and it seemed that there was nothing that I could manipulate to get an advantage. The stands in the middle had nothing on them, only a simple buzzer.
However, this looked too bland. Another team soon came in, and we all got situated. After a while, the host appeared, resembling.. Steve Harvey… Now that's kinda rude, to compare your shit self to a man as great as Steve harvey.
He then raised his hand, facing the audience, doing an awkward wave, "LADIES AND GENTLEMAN, today, we have a special edition of our game show, we've got some people part of a wonderful space ship, playing life or death challenges to try and survive until the end! Now, this game is simple. 1. Get one of the highest answers to the given survey. 2. First to hit the buzzer, get to answer. 3. No help from your team. 4. Don't get two answers wrong in a row. The losing team gets no rewards, however, will get whichever punishments granted immediately."
These rules were quite tight. However, I noticed a flaw in his words. There was no rule against sabotage, and the teams can't help their own members, but it seemed the two teams could work out a win. It was clear that you can go back and forth, leading to no punishments for either team. I could cheese this, but I couldn't be sure at all. Surely, there'd be a penalty for it.
"Well, let's get this started on a high note. Jack, and Ryker, come up to the stands."
I nodded towards Ryker as he came to the answering stands.
"Alright, if you are both ready, then… From earth, top 4 results: What is one way to greet someone without saying anything?"
Ryker pressed his buzzer immediately, "With a wave, of course."
"Survey says… Top result!" a loud ding was heard, I was skeptical about this trivial question. I pressed my own buzzer and said "A handshake"
"A hand shake? Seems about right... Survey says..." Yet another right answer. This of course wasn't too difficult so far, and we got through it with relative ease. Ryker seemed to have been quite skeptical, I was still a little worried, too. What were they going to pull?
"Alright, that was just a warm up. Now you know what to do, let's get something harder!" The grin of Faux Harvey's face was too wide. Ashley noticed it as well, Jonny walked around the table over to the stands. I was biting my nail as I saw the board light up with 7 top answers.
"From Mars: What abnormal thing can you find while exploring the planet?"
Everyone in sight became pale, we knew it wouldn't last long.