Chereads / Telefixation (Old) / Chapter 16 - Unfriendly Feud 2

Chapter 16 - Unfriendly Feud 2

Goddamn it. Well, they did give us a hint, they specified that it was earth before the first question. Luckily, Family Feud is only five rounds, but how hard can this get to be?

Jonny nodded nervously, and the other team's member was quite hesitant. Jonny shoved his hand down and hit the buzzer "Underground lakes?"

Faux Harvey nodded, "Survey says?"

A top 3 answer, thank you, Jonny. Before leaving, he whispered "Invisible." Faux Harvey noticed, however, didn't do anything. Ah, so, Jonny noticed it, too. Looks like he has a keen ear.

Kira raised her voice, when the host had walked up to her. "Well, Fa- I mean, Steve Harvey… How are you doing today?"

"Fine, how about you?"

"Ah, it's good."

Now that I remember it, the real Family Feud had worse questions… This one is.. Maybe not so bad compared to those ones.

"Well, what abnormal thing can you find while exploring the planet?"

"Some form of civilization, maybe?"

The host nodded, and turned to the board, number 1's spot was filled by "Invisible Species" Well, our help might not turn out so great after-all. I got nervous. There was not much things to be done when underground lakes and the species was already up there. But we had no idea what to really do, just keep on guessing things.

Tony had nervously answered "Maybe… Technology from earth of some kind??"

It was only a #7 response… What the hell should I say? There had to be food, maybe abandoned buildings in the mountains? Mines? Shit- "HellO?? JACK????"

I nodded, "I had to think, sorry. Might as well make it more entertaining if I'm gonna do so, yeah? Haha.. Anyway. Maybe there's.. Some plant-life?"

"Ah, but how would that work? Are you sure you aren't wrong?" The smile the host gave made me really worried. I began to sweat a little. Knowledge on other planets should be banned.

"Survey says...." Thank god there was a ding. "Ah, yes, the creatures that can harness invisibility obviously have that technology, don't they?" On the board it read 'Invisible Greenhouses' That was sheer luck. That wouldn't help for long as it was Ashley's turn next. She may get this next question right…

However, she wasn't speaking, was she thinking too? Does she really not have any idea? Three seconds had passed and the host was surely impatient. Before even 5 had gone-

"Excuse me, Ash, it's your turn, you must answer, even if it's wrong, you can just say something wrong..."

She closed her eyes. "Abnormal minerals?"

The host should have been tired of smiling by now, and I felt the dread overcome me. "Survey says..." A loud horn blared, the first strike of the game. Soon after, the middle stands spilt apart and a machine came out. "FINALLY, WE CAN REVEAL THE PUNISHMENT!!" It let out a horrible laugh, cold sweat ran down my chest.

Ashley sighed and went forwards upon the host's motion. "Upon receiving a strike, the team member from that side must sacrifice part of their body. Luckily, the risk is only two fingers. However, next it's a hand, then an arm, and finally, your life! ISN'T THIS JUST REALLY TENSE???"

Ashley was clearly nervous, but she still went up to the machine and immediately removed her two fingers. "OH, you were ready?? Unbelievable! That tenacity!"

Yes, she is quite brave, a little too brave as the host pressed another button and a white hot pad showed itself on the machine. She had to sear her wounds shut as well? This fucking game… Can it be called that? This is literally torturing humans. Everyone on our team was in shock, some even looked away. People on the other team looked nervous as well, but I knew they were thankful it wasn't them. I wished I could beat up that fucking host. I took in a deep breath to stabilize my breathing.

I closed my eye, however, they nearly shot open when I heard the muffled, pained sounds of Ashley, followed by the sound of searing flesh. Seconds later, the sounds stopped and she came back, holding her hand, and her eyes wet with tears. I wasn't surprised to learn everyone had looked away, some had covered their ears, even. Next up was Jonny. Arguably the least stable member of our team. He hardly looked like he had the potential to respond yet.

However, before the host could speak, a voice crack swung out of his mouth, "A FUCKING MINE SHAFT"

Even the host was caught by surprise, straightening up quickly, he turned to the board. And yes, it was thankfully a response. How could he guess that? Was he really that capable? Or was it driven by fear? "Only one more survey response! Good job, everyone."

Kira was up next. Even she was nervous, however, she didn't hesitate to lighten up with the host. "So, mars, huh? You been there before?" The host was probably caught off guard, as he said "Yes, the crystals there are my favor-" he stammered, and Kira had quickly let out a loud response "CRYSTALS UNDERGROUND, PRETTY ONES, TOO, EVEN."

The host most certainly fucked up. I smiled as the board lit up once more with a correct response. "Eat shit, Faux Harvey."

Maybe this win wasn't as big, but it certainly helped out the moral on our team. We might have a chance to win this without losing any real numbers.