Why was I doing this..?
Revenge, obviously. I was tense, though. Could I really do this at my level? If I die… Oh- OH WAIT-
I just had a realization. I don't die forever. I forgot about that… How many days has it taken since I last died, after-all. That, and the actual stress… And of course the unbelievable fact I don't actually die. However, something like that is normally very impossible. I don't really understand it yet, but maybe I will with time?
Anyway, the clock that someone got after the first game was ticking near this cell. I checked it, and it was around 11:55, maybe a minute or so had passed so far. I actually didn't know. I was holding the dagger in my hand patiently as I waited. However, I couldn't keep it out. It was my trump card after all. No matter how strong you actually are, a knife to the gut will kill you…
Oh… That's right. I'm going to have to kill them… It wasn't too late to back out. When people kill someone in movies and shows, it's generally not a good thing. That first kill ruins people. Not many people kill one person and stop there, at least, not in most media. I took in a deep breath, then released it, closing my eye. Okay, okay… Doing this would have no evidence, right? I mean, the dagger can be wiped off on… Their… clothes…
I should have thought this through, I don't know if I can do this. It'd be self-defence right? I should at least talk to them first, see what they know…
"Hey, kid."
The bald one entered the room, however, the other one didn't follow in. I assume he- Wait… I almost missed it, the bald one doesn't have his other hand, it was wrapped up, presumably by someone inexperienced. It... Just didn't look right.
"What time is it?"
"12:58, surely we can sort this out in two minutes, right?"
"Yeah, I only have a few questions." I held the dagger nervously at my left side, under my thigh, I could feel it poking my skin.
"Just ask away, I have nothing to hide." He smugly said, acting as if he was above whatever he thought I was. It was annoying, but I felt like I was in the wrong here.
"Alright.. Where's Nick? People say you were upset that he went unscathed, but you weren't, did you do anything to him? Did you see him last night, perhaps in a cell?"
His smile became straight and he glared at me as if I was right.
"No! I didn't do anything to him. I couldn't anyway. Sure, my hand is gone, but I wouldn't kill him for it. Everyone else got hurt too, why not ask them instead? And, we never talked to him in a cell. They all close up after 12 am."
"Ah, I see… So, YOU didn't do anything to him. YOU wouldn't kill him for it. And the others might be the culprit. And, if you never talked to him, you killed him instead- Sorry.. You're brother killed him, right?"
He had quickly become nervous and his brother came rushing in. "Oh, and, by the way, the cell doors do shut at midnight." The cell didn't shut as I said that, but it would've been nice if it did. I stood up and stabbed the bald one with the dagger. It was in the leg, so he couldn't walk as well as before. The short haired one quickly stopped and let out a yell, clearly unsure of what to do, but fleeing was his first option…
Is what I thought, before he himself pulled out a knife. It seemed like it wasn't well-made, more like his own pocket knife. He didn't hesitate and shoved his hand in towards me. I couldn't flee from the attack at all, I was not nearly fast enough for him. So, instead, I tried to get hit in my left shoulder- Which worked. It hurt like hell, and I was unsure of what it did to me exactly. However, as my left side fell, my right side came in, and I put my knife next to his side. It sliced through his side, though it was NOT clean.
Blood dropped onto the floor as he fell, letting go of his knife as he clutched his side. The bald one grabbed my right arm and held it. I quivered a little thinking of my death from the first take, and reached my left hand up to grab the pocket knife in my shoulder. The fucking pain from that was as bad as the entry. However, I had no time to worry, as I quickly pulled it out, and slid it into the bald one's throat. I could really only attack there.
As I did, I stared down, away, towards his brother's face. I made a bad face, I knew it when I saw the reaction of his. My right arm felt light as I went down and punched him in the face. I forgot that enhanced limb skill wasn't claimed yet, so that hurt too. My body ached quite a lot, and if it wasn't for adrenaline, I would have probably collapsed wayyy earlier. I then held him down as I stared into his eyes, feeling disgusted at what I felt like doing.
I closed my eyes and let out a hum, staring up as I used the knife to slit the short-haired one's throat. After doing so, I kept my eyes closed as I felt around the ground for my dagger, and wiped that off, tossing the switchblade to the one I just killed and left the room. Checking the clock, I had enough time to get to my cell…
Jesus, what did I do? My body hurt like a bitch… Those two… Did they deserve it? No… They were thieves but… Fucking hell. Self-defense my ass. I got hurt, but not as bad as they did.
I stared at my side, hearing two beeps, I saw the TV-screen pop up.
[Your volume was raised by 2!]
Two..? They… Human lives put into a number is very sour, system. I can't eat that… Fuck, now I feel sick… I stumbled into my cell, flopping down onto the ground as I pulled the sheet back, covering myself loosely on it. I felt like just… Passing out. This shit wasn't worth it. It wasn't- It just- was not…
My body and I just wanted to rest.