There was another three day intervention. It was odd how they decided to start that up early again, but it seems like there were some issues that prevented them to set up the next game. I guess even weird alien people have problems with plans. Jonny, Nick, and Ashley were doing a good job with the community in The Hall. People were really hurt yesterday, however, only a few had survived from every group. Big numbers might have been better after-all.
However, people were still causing troubles to this day. The Gustavo people from a while back are still trying to cause problems with the group. It was kind of like a civil war, but the sides were trying their best to not fight each other physically. Mostly because those two could definitely physically put us down…
Well, not me, at least. I gained a higher volume. Which would be great, if I even knew what that meant. Or what I could do with it. But, once again, the character profile was blocked until level 5. At the very least, if I could get some levels from combat, I'd definitely want to get attacked...
Well, okay, remembering the eye incident, I don't want to experience that again.
There's no safe place to even do it, either. The empty cells are now locked open, and there's no access to the colosseum room, or other quadrants on the ship. Maybe there's an <300 people requirement for the people to merge into one? How annoying… Why can't I just get the chance to deal with them faster?
I got up from my bed, passively popping my fingers. There was nothing to do here, I could talk to people, but that'd be hard with how I've lived my life. Jesus, man… I wonder if Ashley had gotten people to input their rewards yet for books. It says that the next reward giveaway would be as soon as everyone from this quadrant had gotten their first one. It's tedious how it works like that, however, I guess I have no complaints, considering I don't really want anything yet.
I walked into The Hall with my coin bag, walking around the tables, looking at the various vending machines. Last reward was pretty great. 30 coins. I heard I got 5 more because of my "Edge of your seat" performance. Those creatures are weird. They must get off on mental torment.
After finding a korean-looking vending machine, I decided to get something from it. I couldn't speak, read, or in general understand korean, but they had images for the food, so I couldn't complain. Trying all the vending machines became a habit for me. Everyone had been splitting their coins with little to no actual resistance, yet. As they go into a clear container on a scale every day, so people are safe knowing that the community bank won't be stolen from, and even so, the scale would tell us of any weight changes. It was currently 10 pounds, holding roughly 200 coins so far.
I kept an eye out for Nick and Ashley, however, they didn't come to talk to me. They were probably busy with something.. I did see Jonny, he was just walking around the tables, and oh- He saw me, and now he's coming over "H-HEY!! JACK!"
I waved as I took the food from the machine and set it down. He quickly sat across from me. "Okay, so, uh- Problem."
"Really? And you're going to me?" I took a quick bite from my food.
"Uhhm,... Well, we can't find Nick, like, at all."
I had almost spat it out- "Huh? W-w-what do you mean?"
Jonny had a worried look on his face "Well, it wasn't yesterday, it was- I think it was over-night."
I thought about it for a second. Those cells don't shut at all like the others. If one was to shut at "night" then it would provide adequate sound proofing if you can cover someone's mouth. "Right… Who do you think is the cause?"
Jonny looked around us, making me check behind him. "It's gotta be that stupid duo, the gustavo guys."
I ate my food as I paid attention to him...
"See, they came to Nick before the wheel game had started, but after you guys set up the group… They made their own, and had a few others part of their group. And, well, they lost quite a lot. They just couldn't answer questions like you can. So, I believe they targeted Nick. One of them lost a hand, too."
All of this information is pretty useful. And, if they did use a cell, then where would the body be..? This was all too weird. Maybe they knew that he was killed somehow? What coul-
Oh… Right, they have really good technology. It'd not be too wrong to think they have surveillance in every cell. Maybe they use CO2 detectors, or something with heat to know when people are in a cell. Well, it seems like we have the culprits. At the very least, we have suspects…
Fucking hell, it took me a moment to actually realize it, he's dead.. That's really not good. Fuck, it's horrible, actually, jesus…
I hit the table with my fist, and stared into Jonny's eyes. "Tell them to meet me at cell 34 before lights out. I want to talk to them for a little."
Jonny squinted, before realizing it "O-oh!" He saw my dagger yesterday, and my will to fight back against those evil alien bastards. And who could forget my alien beating? Was he expecting me to kill them? Maybe. Did I really want to do that..?