Chereads / The Way Back / Introduction

The Way Back

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Life is unexpected and I have lived it that way since I had that realization. People sometimes fail to realize how people do change people and it's what they leave that will forever change who we are. As a child, my brother would tell me how life has a funny way of teaching us a lesson and that no matter how life gets, how safe you feel, always expect the unexpected. That lesson I never understood, that day the day I lost the most important person in my life. It was so unexpected, it almost broke me as a whole. All I ever thought about from there on is that quote, "expect the unexpected", I guess that's why my brother was not phased when hearing the news, but he was hurt, no matter what it will always hurt. Trying to act as if the news didn't affect me can't ever change, the pain will leave a mark, no matter how hard I will it not to. There's no easy way to put it, but that's how life works people go through so much, they see pain, and they experience it. People try so hard to be normal again, whatever normal was, but everything happens for a reason, and I am sure that it isn't returning to square one before everything, even happened, it is supposed to mean something that loss that we suffered isn't for nothing and I refuse to let everything be as if we are okay. We aren't and they all want to live in a world where everything is okay. It isn't possible, you can't run from the pain or the hurt because it will be there running after you, "you can't face the pain alone, you need to drown in it, learn to swim in it, every breath you take is worth fighting for," that quote is what I believe should happen because it's what's true no matter what, you shouldn't let the pain roam freely, you need to let it sink in and let it form you into a better person.

Life can be hard but you need to face all the parts the good and the bad. You shouldn't avoid the bad parts ever, life just isn't easy and honestly, we should stop pretending otherwise