Chereads / The Way Back / Chapter 5 - Chapter 5

Chapter 5 - Chapter 5

I had left them outside, and made my way towards my aim, Matt. I started going up the stairs that is when I realized there are about 12 rooms here, why?! After a while I had realized there was someone walking behind me I turned around and found, Dan. I screamed and punched him, I'll blame my reflexes. He looked at me blankly and told me, "Are you serious? You were practically used to me following you, are you new here?'

"As new as your unused brain? Not really, which reminds me. Where the heck did you hide your brother?"

"Which one," he grins at me, I have the sudden urge to curse at him really badly.

"You know which one!"

"Good to know you still get irritated by me."

"I swear to god if you don't take me to your brother I will knee you somewhere you won't recover as quick as your arm recovered."

He puts his hands up in surrender and backs away from me, "Not so fast Wilson, I am serious where is your brother." He takes my hand and leads me to his brother's room.

The sight I encountered wasn't the happiest. In the room there were medical supplies and Matt had a face mask over his face and he was sleeping peaceful, I hope at least. I couldn't look at the scene anymore the amount of wires that were attached to him were to many to count. I couldn't look at it anymore, so I turned around and found myself hugging Dan tightly. Dan and Matt are like brothers to me, this entire family are like my second family, I love them to death. So seeing Matt like that, it messed with my head it reminded me of my dad, and I can't take that.

As we leave the room I look at Liz, I wonder how someone can be so strong to look at their son and see what I just saw. Both her and my mother are extremely strong since they were able to witness the people they love in pain and stand by them.

We sat on the patio for a while, I decided that it was time for me to sleep. I had taken my bags and Amelia showed me which room I would be sleeping in.

After a long and dreamless night I had woken up at 5 am, went on a one hour run and took a shower. I started exploring the house; turns out they have a pool outside, a library, and a music room. But everyone studies in their rooms, why not add another room called the study room. That will make it feel less fancy.

I shouldn't be thinking like that, but ever since that god forsaken day, I have been the most sarcastic human being on this earth. Call it whatever you want coping mechanism, reaction to grief, or a distraction. It is what it is.

Two hours had passed and Ella's nanny Becca woke up and we started making breakfast for the entire family. By the time we had finished breakfast, everyone was up except for the Dan and Matt.

Amelia and I went upstairs to wake them up, on our way up we started discussing what we missed in each other's lives in the past two years. She had gone to wake up Dan, I was going to wake up Matt.

As I enter the room, I look around to find it empty. I hear footsteps behind me, I turn around and I find Matt without all the wires attached to him. "You when I thought I would see you again I didn't think it would be after my dad died," I looked at him accusingly.


"You seriously just processed that? Yes, its Emma, I am pretty sure your eyes are functioning."

"Sarcastic Emma, this should be fun."

"Everything is when it comes to me of course," we both laugh and I make a move to hug him. I start crying, and punched him lightly and said, "Your family has communication problems. A call at least would have been fine by the way. Just an 'I am fine' or 'I am just kind of sick' would have sufficed; why didn't you tell me, or try to contact me."

"I didn't want to burden you."

"Matt, you could never burden me. Even if you did, for once in your life be selfish. Don't be selfless even in sickness, that's not fair." I had wiped the tears of my cheeks and told him to get ready since Becca and I made some show stopping breakfast.

He told me that he would get ready and that I should go downstairs. I had met Amelia and Dan on the way down and we started talking. We got seated and few moments later Matt was down stairs with an IV stick stand in hand.

The events following that day were practically uneventful, Eric and mom and I would banter. So would the entire household.

Two weeks had passed and it was time for me to go and sign in for admissions in NYU.

I got ready took a shower and put on some decent clothes. Amelia, Dan, and I were ready to go. I had told everyone where we were going and we left.

"I call shotgun," I shout.

"No fair," Amelia shouts to me as I run towards the car.

"You were too slow!"

"No you are just mean."

"Not really, but thanks for the compliment A,"

"Anytime E," even though we are probably the weirdest people out there, we are friends so we suck it up.

"I am the one driving the car, don't I get a say?"

"Shh, and no you don't."

"Why not?"

"Does the Uber driver get a say? No, so neither should you."

"You are really mean today."

"And you are a jerk every day."

"She's not wrong," Amelia contributes to the argument and I give her a fist bump.

"Two against one, not fair."

"Come on Dan, lighten up. We didn't even begin insulting you; we were just stating mere facts."

"God please let me get pass this thirty minute car rid without ripping either their heads off. I don't want to go to jail because of two idiots."


"Shut up, and let me drive in peace."

Let's just say Dan didn't get his wish of driving in peace, in fact it was the opposite. The entire road had consisted of me and A bickering along the way.

As we made it to the gates of NYU, I felt the anxiety that I had thought I had under control start to resurface. Well it sucks to be me

NYU here we come.