Chereads / The Way Back / Chapter 6 - Chapter 6

Chapter 6 - Chapter 6

"How did you get us kicked out of Taco Bell again, please enlighten us." After we have gone and were done with admissions, we were hungry. So we went to Taco Bell, but the imbecile decided to try and get a date with the manager's daughter working at the canteen. Bad move Dan, bad move. So it didn't end well when the manager had found Dan and his daughter flirting away.

"You couldn't keep it in, or at least not flirt with her."

"Dan, I really wanted to eat in Taco Bell," Amelia whines, so did I, so did I.

"Can we just leave before he calls the cops, or worse bans us from Taco Bell for life?"

"Let's leave."

"Come on, fast I don't need to banned from Taco Bell in New York too."

We leave to the park and that's when we realize it's extremely late. So we left to the park and ate from any random food truck... I am sure I saw a dead rat at the entrance. Well it sucks to be my stomach.

Amelia on the way back leaves to see her favorite boutique, so Dan and I wait outside for her.

"You know I was always the weirdest kid out there. Remember when I was six, and we wanted to climb up the tree so went behind me and when we were sitting at the bark of the tree, I wasn't staring at the sunset I was staring at the humungous spider on your neck. It looked like it was going to bit you."

"You were going to let it!"

"Well it was entertaining."

"What it was poisonous?!"

"You are alive now aren't you?"


"You are alive so, don't whine about it."

"Shut up," he looks at me and nudges my shoulder. "We were a weird lot weren't we?"

"No, I made up the general percentage of weird in our little foursome. You three made up the general 'coolness' aspect of the group."

"Yea, you never told me about what you are majoring in, so what are you majoring in"

"Oh yea, I never did. I am majoring in architecture. It was all me and my dad would talk about ever since ninth grade, he was so excited."

"So were you, if I recall, that was all you would talk about. Your dad was extremely supportive of your dreams….. Emma, are you sure that this is what you want? Or are you trying to honor your dad's memory?"

I haven't thought anyone would ask me that question since I was always extremely excited about becoming an architect. It's not like I am not excited now too. It's just that well, I was driven for other reasons this time. So I had taken my time to decide whether to tell Dan the truth or twist the truth, like I do with everyone. No matter how the part of me that wanted to tell the truth was fighting, the cons were out weighing the pros. Plus, I can't go through being micro managed again. I had finally gotten my freedom. So I did what I always do now often. I lied about how I felt.

"I am doing this because I want to, not to honor my dad's memory, I genuinely want to do this. I want to become an architect," I tell him hoping I sound and look like I am firm and confident.

"Don't lie to me, Wallflower"

"I am not lying Dan"

"Okay, you know that you can talk to me about anything right?"

You were wrong, Dan. I couldn't tell anyone about anything. "Yea, I know"

"Where the hell in your sister?"

"We have been out here for thirty minutes, wait does she have money."

"She does."


We ran into the store and we tried to find the crazy shopaholic, Amelia, you see the thing is Amelia is type of person to buy everything in a boutique or shop without a care in the world about how much money she spends. If we let her do that, well let's just say the Wilsons would be broke now.



"What the heck? I was looking, I wasn't going to buy anything."

"Give me the money, Amelia"

Let's just say that a shopaholic wouldn't be so willing to give her money up, especially a stubborn one like Amelia.

So let's just say she was dragged out of the boutique kicking and screaming. It wasn't fun to hear, and it was sure as hell not fun to witness. I think she was about kick my tooth out of my mouth. That wasn't the best experience, and it wasn't the first time this happened.

Well as long as I am with them, there will never be a dull moment. We have had the weirdest adventures.

We went back home, on the way back I had a feeling that not everything is going to be okay. It felt like something bad was coming. It was in the pit of my stomach that feeling was eating me alive, and I had no way of finding out what could happen next and honestly the moment I had stepped into the house. It grew stronger. It was the same feeling I had the day my dad had passed, before I even knew

When I walked in and saw a teary eyed Liz and teary eyed mom.

It wasn't okay, I wanted to lie to myself and say it was, but it wasn't.

I hated that I couldn't even lie to myself then. I could feel it through the solemn and grave look in their eyes. Something happened, and it wasn't good.

I couldn't handle what was coming next and I didn't want to. Everything would come crumbling down, after spending so long trying to rebuild myself. I didn't know what would happen when I heard the news.

Sometimes I wish I wasn't surrounded by the devil. Everyone dies around me, almost like I was Satin's spawn. Where ever I went death followed. And so did my pain.