Chereads / The Way Back / Chapter 2 - Chapter 2

Chapter 2 - Chapter 2

Packing was never my strong suit in any way, so imagine my shock when my mother drags me across the living room trying so hard to make me clean my room and pack to go NYU. Honestly, the bigger shock comes along later in the day when she tells me that both her and my 'amazing, supportive, and mature' brother were moving to New York with me. Imagine my shock, I wanted to get away making a new life for myself meet new people explore new interests, but I guess it wouldn't be bad to have a familiar face in the city. I just am so desperate for a new start, but maybe this could be good for us as a family, maybe this could be our saving grace, hopefully.

Anyways like I said, being dragged from the living room to my bedroom, a nineteen-year-old girl, by the way, to pack her bags in an organized and 'un-caveman like behavior'. I love my mom I do but sometimes it's more of a struggle to find out what's going on inside her head. I mean I am a grown woman I am perfectly able to deal with packing my bags in an orderly and organized way.

After 5 trials I have failed miserably and well, I have completely ruined my room and my clothes and well-proven myself incredibly wrong in the limit of 15 minutes. "Mommy….."

"What did you do?"

"Why do you always think that every time I call you in a cute and adorable and innocent voice I did something?" I said as I approached her line of sight. She gives me a look after looking up from her Vogue magazine, "Okay fine you are right this time. I did something, but please don't get mad."

"What is it now?"

"You know how you told me to pack my bags in a proper and un-caveman like manner?"

"Yes," my mom states raising a perfectly done black brow.

"Well, that didn't go so well. I have managed to make my room as messy as Eric's room," I said cautiously, waiting for the big attack coming my way.

"Seriously, I tell you to do one thing, one thing," so I got a long speech about how I should be more responsible and well self-aware that I will be living alone soon and she won't be there to solve my every problem. I genuinely understand her concern but…yeah, there is no excuse for justification for my actions. I should honestly try harder, honestly, this is the first I gave up without a fight, it's nothing to do with me it's just that I realized that the spark in my mom's eyes are gone, and the dark circles, and bags under her eyes. She's worn out and I can't be the cause of the suffering of another family member.

A week later the house has been packed up completely, every single detail I used to love about this house is gone like we were never there. "Emma, come and see this," Eric hollered. I go to the kitchen, I see Eric teary-eyed and looking at the wall. "Hey Eric, what's wrong?" I asked him. I gazed at the wall and finally realized why Eric got so emotional, it was the same wall our dad would measure our heights from. My eyes had suddenly started becoming watery and my vision became blurry as I had taken Eric who had been standing beside me into a hug as we stared at the wall. Something just will always leave a mark, won't they?

Why are the moments we are so anxious to happen to take the longest? We are currently at the airport trying to get through Customs to wait until the plane will fly, but since it's my lucky day we are waiting for it the longest line in human history. I'm exaggerating I know but seriously longest line in human history and my mom is currently telling us about how she was right about leaving three hours early. I get it but seriously I didn't think that people would think that too. I mean what the heck. What's wrong with people today?

After a long and painful wait, I finally got to sit down and immediately went towards the airport food court. I mean a girl got to eat. "Pig!" Eric shouts from the other side of the room.

"You people were mean today and ate without me. I didn't have breakfast and that line was way too long. Give me a break."

"Well, u should wake up when we tell you too," mom tells me as I approach the check out to pay for my food.

"I was trying to tidy the house after what Eric did!" I tell her well whisper shout.

"I told you I would handle it in-"

"In the morning, I know, I just wanted to help out"

"Okay, just don't work way too hard"

"Neither do you"

"Seriously, are you kidding me? That's all she gets really, I mea-"

"Here's your order," the kind lady gave us my order and then left.

I turned towards my brother and say, "Shut up and stop whining you aren't a four-year-old."

"Bu-," Eric tries to redeem himself but I stop him and say, "Eric can I enjoy my meal then you will tell me how unfair this is, and I will reply and say something smart. Just let eat in peace."

"Fine," Eric says while looking well defeated.

After eating, finally, we go off to the Duty-Free shops and we check everything out, that's when my mom points out we need to get something for Aunt Tiffany, she's our dad's sister. Thankfully my mom realizes that before we get on the plane in 15 minutes so we rush and get her a small bottle of perfume, luckily we don't have to wait for long the line isn't that long.

Mom and Eric leave to check out some other stuff before we leave, I was sitting on the couch reading my favorite book "The Loss of Time", it contains one of favorite quotes 'loss doesn't necessarily mean hurt, it can also mean your salvation. It depends on who lost'. As I finish rereading the chapter I look up to find someone I never thought I would see again.

