Chereads / The Way Back / Chapter 4 - Chapter 4

Chapter 4 - Chapter 4

"What's going on guys?"

Dan looked at me sadly, I haven't seen him looking this sad ever. Amelia looked at Dan and said, "She deserves to know, Daniel. We can't ignore the fact anymore. Emma, Matt has leukemia."

Suddenly, I couldn't even breathe anymore, my life had come tumbling down. I lost it, I started wailing, he can't die Matt can't die on me. I hadn't realized it but then I had went to hug Amelia, and she had started crying to too. After a few minutes had passed and we both calmed down, I had asked, "Which stage is he at? How bad is it?"

Dan had looked at me and that's when I realized, it's really bad. Amelia although had gathered the courage again and said, "He's in the end of stage four entering stage five. The doctors say at the rate the cells are spreading he won't survive the year."

"Oh my god I didn't know. How could have been so selfish and rude. I want to say I am sorry, but I am about the first person to know that doesn't help, I just- oh my god how is the family holding up?"

"Why don't you come over and see, you can also see Matt. He's been asking about you the past few weeks actually. I am sorry we didn't visit. We forgot the hometown and apparently Dan also forgot how to drive."

"No it's cool I was at my aunt's the entire summer, going through therapy and other boring stuff that I would like to forget and remove from my scared memories."

They both laugh and when my mom and Eric finally reach us, Eric hits me over the head and says, "You left me alone with the control freak seriously-" before he continues his insults towards me he notices my tear stained eyes and gives me a small side hug and raps his arm around my shoulder. Even when he doesn't know why I am crying he's always there for me to cheer me up. My mother approaches us with the bags in hand and a deadly look. Eric and I looked at each other and mouth 'run'. That's what we did.

After 15 minutes of mom chasing Eric and me around in the airport, and Dan and Amelia laughing like mad people. Mrs. Wilson had approached us with the 2019 Mercedes-Benz C-Class. I gapped at it for the total of three minutes. Dan looked at me and smirked, and I started hitting him and said, "You didn't tell me you got this car!"

" Ow! What did I do?"

"You didn't talk to me for two years!"

"At least tell me Matt gets this too. You look small but you punch like a guy," Dan says rubbing the arm I had repeatedly hit him on.

"For heaven's sake, man up!"

Mrs. Wilson approaches me after hugging my mother, and her crying on her shoulder for about a minute or two while I was 'injuring' Dan, I barely hit him.

She pulls me into a big bear hug and caresses my hair in a motherly way. Me being vulnerable me, I started letting my tears follow slowly. I start whispering into her ear and saying, "I am so sorry." She releases me from her firm hug keeping at arm's length and looks at me with her blue eyes and her perfectly styled black hair, and smiles at me, a soft caring smile.

After looking at each other for about half an hour, my mother had realized how late it was, and says, "We have to get going, our hotel room awaits!" Yay, note the irony. I think she probably means our lonely hotel room.

Before we make a move to get off our chairs, Mrs. Wilson, I mean Liz, says, "Why don't you stay with us, we have plenty of space ever since Ivan moved out to regain his 'manhood'. Stay with us, I mean we wouldn't mind the company. I think it be a great chance for the kids to reconnect and catch up on two years; and Matt would love to see Emma, it will raise his spirits." I knew the moment Liz mentioned Matt my mom would be a goner, and would agree to the idea. She loves the entire family especially the twins. So technically they were most likely a selling point for her. I knew why, it's because they would always protect me from bullies and stand up for me.

"Okay, but I am paying for my children's groceries, no argument." Ah yes one of the weaknesses of the Jones' women, pride. My mother had her pride, which made it incredibly hard for anyone to win an argument against her. Liz knew that so she had automatically accepted the deal with its conditions.

After an hour long drive with bickering, fighting, car games, complaining, and shouting, we had finally arrived to the Wilson's residence, we were greeted by Jason and Alex, they are two years apart Jason is 12 and Alex is !4 years old, they both have green bluish eyes and black hair, they are almost mistaken as twins.

"Mom, Alex is doing it again!'

"Man up dude, you are 12 not five. You can handle saying-," before Alex can complete that horrifying sentence I realize that the youngest of all Liz's kids, Ella, has made an appearance, she's eight years old. So when I noticed her appearance I quickly ran over to Alex and

placed a hand over his mouth. "Okay, that was fun let's never do that again."

"Emma!" the three shouted enthusiastically.

"Hey guys!'

"What, how, when?"

"Ahh yes the amazing greeting, we can catch up in the morning, and right now I want to visit Matt. Isn't it way past your bed times by the way? I suggest you run before your mom realizes that," I whispered the last part to them, and they scattered.

Time to find Matt.