Chereads / Wolf in Ruins / Chapter 19 - The Shadow World

Chapter 19 - The Shadow World

Fenrir wakes up, floating in a dark void and back in his human form. As he tries to shift back, he realizes he is unable to change. Knowing he had heard nothing about this kind of power let alone from a member of The Six.

"Ah you are finally awake." Wraith's voice echoes through the void to Fenrir. "Now I'm going to have fun..." The only change he can make is grow his claws and fangs, now readying himself while he floats there.

Moments pass, all senses were dull, no sound, no noise. The ability to sense his enemy was gone and now he was in his enemies territory.

Fenrir begins to think to himself but still trying to stay on guard.

Within a split second, Wraith let his aura spill out ever so slightly, allowing Fenrir to sense it and dodge. He watches as the massive scythe slices the void in front of him then disappears within an instant.

"Damn that was close." He sighs softly as he now knows he can sense his aura still. "The only problem is fighting something I can't see until the last second..." He says to himself softly. "If that blade touches a part of my body.... I may be screwed." He looks up and sees a slight trace of light.

"You won't even make it, do not try, Dog." His voice echoed through the void once more but Fenrir seemed to have been angered by this remark. He growls slightly, ice surrounding him in the void.

"Wraith... You're going to regret that." Within that moment his body begins to change, his eyes turning red and began to glow, his arms grew larger within an instant. His body turned furry as his face changed into a dog and shrank slightly. His body was not that of a wolf nor a human but something of myth. He reaches out his hand as if to grasp something, but instead a blast of ice shoots forward from his hand, freezing a wall across from him. Seeing this he moves forward and then rushes up the wall to the light.

Wraith moves in and begins to slice at Fenrir, each cut landing right behind the man wolf. He climbs faster and faster, closing into the light until wraith appears in front of him.

Fenrir stops on the wall and leans forward, being in the void there was no up or down, left or right, only forward and Fenrir's forward was blocked by Wraith, the second strongest foe he has ever faced. Wraith was now in his third form and it was unclear if it was his last since nobody had seen this form. Fenrir was lost in anger. After hundreds of years living alone, this is the second time he had been angered in the matter of days.

"I had heard you wouldn't be able to change in this situation... But this looks interesting."

The reaper holds his scythe in hand. His blade could be heard as it vibrates.

Fenrir growls, taking a step forward he rushes toward Wraith who jumps back, slicing with each movement but is unable to connect his hits. He looks closely and is able to see Fenrir's claws and arms covered in ice, with a trail of mist and steam following behind him.

"Hmmm I need to end this before you get loose." Wraith reaches up with his scythe and slices downward, in the instant Fenrir was already on top of him and punches him in the side, sending the skeletal figure far into the void and continuing his run to the light. The rage drove him and fear consumed his thoughts. The beast ran non stop, growing closer and closer with each passing moment.

Seeing his opportunity, Wraith summons massive Skeletal Hands to block Fenrir's path but Fenrir leaps forward, shattering each hand with one swipe and continue to charge forward until he reaches the light. Once he leaps forward, he is shot out back into the world of the living. The day had turned to night and in front of the stump stood Obsidia, Zero, and Nieo.

Obsidia turns and sees nothing but Fenrir's glowing eyes in the pitch black. His growling menancing enough to scare the Black Wolf and his pack.

"Fenrir...?" She asks softly, stepping forward to him.

His growling increases as he steps forward into the light. His form was different, he was larger than his human form and wolf form. Fenrir didn't know it but this was the first time in hundreds of years a Lycan had appeared, let alone one of the originals. "Fenrir calm down!"

Fenrir takes several steps forward but stops as he hears Wraith emerge from behind him. He turns around, growling and sees the monstrous Skeleton with his large scythe.

Obsidia stands in front of her brother and Nieo. Her flames surrounding her arms as she stands between them.

"What is going on?" Nieo watches in confusion. The man who promised to protect her was different and it was clear as to why.

"Just stay back. We must wait. Something happened between them."

Wraith steps out of the shadows now and into the light of the moon. The could partially see his figure and Obsidia felt cold from the sight.

"Sister, it's okay." He steps closer to her and bumps into her. "He will be okay. He might have lost it right now but he will come back."

She sighs softly then snaps out of it and focuses on Wraith.

"Thank you Zero. But right now I'm more worried about that..." She points to Wraith who charges at Fenrir as the two clash. At one point Fenrir takes a hold of Wraith's scythe and freezes the staff, causing him to lose his grip and jump back into the shadows.

Fenrir now stood with the Scythe in his hand and looks down at it. His eyes shift to an Ivey blue and he shakes his head.

"D-daamn it..." He finally regains his control and looks toward the shadows and jumps back in front of the trio.

"Fenrir? Is that you?"

He looks back, his eyes were no longer red but he was barely able to speak but he was able to nod. His ear twitches and he glances back toward the shadows as he now sees Wraith in a small form but this time wielding two massive scythes, bigger than the one Fenrir currently is holding.

"I won't run again, but this time you have more help."

Zero was ready and growling, the pack surrounded Nieo, forming a circle around her, and Obsidia stood in front beside Fenrir, arms ablaze as they stood in front of Wraith.

"Now, shall we play?" The reaper asks as he steps closer and closer out of the shadows.