I called Eliot down so we could have a conversation about "our relationship", I don't care how it looks, and I need to know where I stand in his life. I'm not one to just sleep with a guy for fun. I could've gone up to his spot but we may end up having sex and I'm trying to avoid that, for now, well until I get my answers and if it's the right answers.

knock knock...

Wow, that was fast, five minutes hasn't even passed and Eliot's knocking at my door.

I opened the door and found him panting like he just ran a 5k marathon.

"Hey you," I greeted him while moving out of the doorway to invite him in,

"What's up, are you ok?" he asked while pulling me into a hug,

"Yes I'm fine, are you?"

"You said that you need to talk NOW" he said placing emphasis on now, which made me giggle a bit,

"oh, about that," at this point I'm in a panic state," um, I just want to ask you about us," I said while turning my attention to the wall

"What about us?" he asked, positioning himself in front of me,

"Look," I said, removing myself from his gaze, "I feel like you're not serious about me,"

"What? That's not true, we hang out all the time, what are you talking about?" he said, a little hype evident in his tone,

"Yeah we hang out but not in public" I said, raising my voice," you ignore me in school and we're always at your place having sex, never a real conversation, you haven't even taken me out on a date, the time with Tisha and Jumari doesn't count because it was a double date and it was far from campus, are you embarrass by me?"

"Why would I be embarrass by you" Eliot heightened his tone,


Oh boy, this has gotten heated, I should not have said that.

Eliot is running his fingers through his hair while staring at the ceiling.

"I don't care about the color of your skin, I never did. Do you care about my skin color?"

"Don't be ridiculous, I'm not a racist," I said trying to calm down, "I just want to know where I stand between us, am I to continue to be at your beck and call until you get fed up of me or..."

"Is that what you think of our relationship?" he said looking at me,

"We don't have a relationship Eliot and yes that is what it is" I said, looking at him straight in his eyes, "why do you not want to be seen in public with me? And why haven't you asked me on a real date? And why aren't I your girlfriend?" I shouted, trying to hold back the tears,

"I felt like everything was going so great between us that I forgot about..."

" respecting me, you forgot about showing me respect, but I can't put all the blame on you, I gotta blame myself, I made things too easy for you and why? because I fell for you so fast," I stressed, "how long were you going to keep this up though, did you even care about how I feel, maybe I would want to be more than just a booty call,

I watched as Eliot stood there in silence, looking at the blank wall instead of me. I must have hurt his feelings with all that I've said but I felt like it needed to be said.

"Your past is so f***ed up that you can't even realize when someone actually care about you," he said while turning to face me, "I care about you, I frigging love you Amelia, what else do you want from me,"

What did he just say?

"You what?" I whispered,

"You heard me, I said I love you Amelia, I fell in love with you," said Eliot, pulling me closer to him,

"I love you too," I said pulling away from him,

"Then what's the problem?" he said while throwing his hands up in protest, "I do want more for us, wait a minute, I got something here for you" Eliot said while digging in his pockets, "I wanted to surprise you..." he said while pulling out a box out of his jacket pocket.

"What's that" I asked, suddenly noticing the jewelry box in his hands,

"I had my family's jeweler make this for you, I had like the perfect date planned out for you but I could see that you got impatient with me" he joked.

I'm just standing here, in front of Eliot, out of words, feeling embarrassed.

"Amelia I love you. I don't understand how this is possible because we've known each other for the past couple of weeks but we are inseparable. I want to be with you no matter what, and I'm sorry I made you feel like I didn't care but I do. I care about you deeply, you're so different from the average girl. You don't want me for the money or the fame, you want me for me. I've never experienced affection like this before."

"You sound like your proposing" I said, which made him giggle.

"Nah babe, I'm not proposing, but I am asking you to be a part of my life," he asked while pulling me closer to him.

"You still want me to be your girlfriend seeing the way I overreacted?" It's like he forgot our entire argument,

"I like this side of you, it's hot," he joked, "so will you be mine Ms. Amelia Barton?"

"Forever and always" I said, feeling the tear drops fall to my face,

"Babe, don't cry" he said while holding my face in his hands and kissing my tears as they fall, "I hope you like it, "he said while handing me the jewelry box.

I held the box and took a deep breath before I open it. Inside was the most beautiful diamond bracelet. This must have cost a fortune, I thought.

"Eliot I can't accept this, it's too much..."

"No it's not, you deserve so much more" he said while placing the bracelet on my wrist.

"It's beautiful, thank you"

"Your beautiful, gosh I love you" Eliot whispered then suddenly plunged his lips into mine, kissing me hungrily.

"Wait," I stopped him, "I still want that date"
