"Melia? Melz..." I heard Tisha call.

Eliot left an hour ago. We've decided to have our date tonight. Thank goodness Tisha got here fast, I need her to help me get ready. She has no idea about what just happened to me within the last hour. She'll flip, then be disappointed that she wasn't here to witness it.

"Melia, didn't you hear me calling?" Tisha stated, standing in front of my bedroom door, while I'm lying flat on the floor gazing into space,

"I was waiting for you to call me by my original name" I said sarcastically,

"Whatever," she said while stepping in and landing on my bed, "so what's up love, you made me rush out the store,"

"You won't believe what had happened earlier, Eliot and I are together now" I said while sitting up.

"WHAT!" Tisha shouted, while sitting up on my bed, "when did this happen, how did this happen, you better spill",

"Well, I asked him to come down so we could talk because I was getting impatient,"

"Yeah we all know how impatient you can be" she joked while cutting me off, I'm not always impatient, I thought to myself,

"Whatever Tish, anyways, we got in little argument, I made a small raciest comment which pissed the shit out of Eliot,"

"You did what? What did you say," said surprised Tisha.

"I accused him of not wanting to be in seen public with me because of my race, but I said that out of anger, I didn't mean it"

"Well I hope you apologize, that's really low, even for you Melia" Tisha scolded me, gosh why can't she be any less annoying...

"Look I know what I said was wrong so I'll extend another apology to him on your behalf ok" I said sarcastically knowing that I already apologize to Eliot, "may I continue?" I exclaimed,

"By all means Amelia" she returned the sarcastically,

"Anyways, he sort of put me in check, he said that my past got me so f***ed up that I don't even realize he loves me", I said with a wide smile.

"He said he loves you!" Tisha says with glee, "and what did you say?"

"I told him how I felt" I stood up and headed for my closet,

"AWE! This is too cute, seeing you this way, you can't hide those blushes from me Melz, I see the effect Elliot has on you" Tisha says a matter of fact,

"Oh my gosh Tish, your being ridiculous" I joked,

"I know what I see Melz, so are you guys finally together" she expressed in relief while coming closer to me.

All of a sudden she gasp....

"WHAT THE F*** IS THIS", Tisha said while holding up my hand, examining my bracelet,

"Oh yeah, a gift from Eliot", I shrug, "we're officially together now" I whispered, admiring my bracelet,

"Oh my gosh, I am so happy for you" Tisha squeals with excitement, embracing me with a hug.

We hugged for a while before she releases me. I don't think I have ever been this happy before. Just the thought of Eliot makes me happy, and now knowing that he loves me, I hope this feeling never ends.

"We're going out tonight and I need your help to get ready, please?" I ask Tisha,

"of course I'll help you" I knew she'll be excited about it "ok so you're going to be wearing a dress and heels, but first let's do something with your hair" she says suspiciously, what is she up too...


It's 5:55 pm, Eliot's picking me up at 6. I'm standing in front of my mirror, admiring Tisha's work. Tisha could be the best stylist, I can barely recognize myself. My outfit, my shoes, oh my gosh my hair, I can't remember the last time I did my hair this way.

I'm wearing my stripe round collar riffled sleeveless black dress. The length of the dress reaches about five inches above my knees exposing my legs much to my enjoyment. I'm also wearing my red pumps and red accessories to complement my shoes. I'm also wearing my diamond bracelet. I'm grateful Tisha didn't go ham on my makeup, it's simple yet effective.

I can't wait to see the look on Eliot's face when he sees me in this. Oh and my thick curly hair is completely gone. Tisha spent probably an hour with a flat iron until we finally got all the curls out. My hair is loose and completely straight. I love it.

"Melz you look stunning as usual, you boyfriend would be pleased" Tisha said,

"Awe thanks Tish, especially for being my personal stylist, I love you" I said then embraced her in a hug.

I'm usually not the emotional person so I don't know what has gotten into me, Eliot's gotten into you, my subconscious reminded me.

knock knock knock...

I felt my heart skip a beat when I heard the front door knocked, interrupting Tisha and I from our hug. Tisha is grinning from ear to ear at this moment, it's like she's more excited than I am, but I'm grateful for my cousin's support.

"I'll get the door" she winked while exiting my bedroom.

I checked over myself in the mirror, making sure my makeup isn't smudged and my hair is still straight. I feel more than satisfied with my wardrobe. I took a deep breath before I opened my door and exited my room.

Eliot was the first person I noticed when I came through the door. This guy is so sexy, I thought to myself. Eliot looks like a Greek God, an actual mogul. He's wearing black formal pants a black jacket with a white shirt inside which isn't completely buttoned up. He shaved also, his face is clean and his hair is combed back. I feel like I'm in love all over again.

He's slowly approaching me, our eyes locked together.

"You look amazing, I can't believe you're mine" He said while kissing me on my cheeks, yes I'm yours, my subconscious said.

"You clean up well too" I said, trying my best not to show my nervousness,

"You ready to go" he said, extending his hand out for me to take,

"Yes" I replied, while taking his hand,

"You two love birds have fun" I heard Jumari's voice, wait Jumari, where did he come from...

"Jumari, when did you get here?" Was I that much distracted that I did not notice Jumari's presence?

"He came the same time as Eliot Melz, I invited him over when you were in the shower and forgot to tell you he's coming over" Tisha said, to which I nod,

"Ok we're leaving" I said, "You two have fun also, don't wait up"

"Don't wait up at all" Eliot corrected before we exited the door.

Finally I'm alone with my man and we're actually going out. We're in the elevator at the moment in silence. I feel Eliot's eyes on me but I'm too nervous to look at him.

"Can I kiss you now?" he asked and I instantly look at him. He's looking at me as if he's craving for my touch.

I nod in response and he immediately held my face and connected my lips to his. Our kiss is warm but hard and wanting and extremely fulfilling. He whispered I love you between our kiss.
