A- Amelia E-Eliot

A- Don't you think it's a bit too early to meet your parents, we've been together for one week, approximately?

E- I know but my parents are back from their vacation and my mother's been dying to meet you, Kelsey told her about you.

A- Oh, but what if your parents doesn't like me, what if I'm not what she expects.

E- Oh comon babe, my parents aren't that shallow, they're the nicest people you would ever meet, thrust me.

A- What if you have to choose between me and them, who would you choose.

E- Amelia stop this, my parents are not evil, I would never have to choose between you and them, and you're overreacting.

A- Okay, sorry I asked. I'm gonna go get ready for class so...

E- But you got to get ready, my parent's dinner starts at six remember.

A- I know but I wasn't planning on missing classes, I'll be off by four.

E- Okay whatever, you want me to drive you?

A- I got my own car remember.

E- Well sorry for wanting to drive my girlfriend to school.

A- Eliot I could practically walk there, anyways I'm getting off the phone now so I'll see you around five.

E- Yeah, I love you.

A- I love you too.

(Call Ends)

After hanging up with Eliot I got my coat, bag and keys and left Tish and I's apartment. Kelsey and I have gotten pretty close since I met her. I finally saw her at school and we've been having lunch together with Eliot, Tisha, Jumari, Bryce and Kate. Kate's not so bad of a person. I even decided to forget about knowing that she and Eliot slept together and leave the past in the past. Kate showed Tisha, Kelsey and I around campus and introduced us to a couple of girls she thought I should be acquainted with seeing that I'm the girlfriend of the richest guy on campus and New York, her words not mines, but I let her down easily, explaining to her that I prefer to keep my circle small and that I can't stand backstabbing bitches. Get this, I even had a run in with Eliot's ex-girlfriend Bridget.


"Hey guys, where is the boys?" I asked while sitting at our supposed regular lunch table searching for my guy.

"Look at you, can't stay away from my brother for one minute" Kelsey gushed while Tish and Kate laugh.

"She know why she can't stay away" Tisha said in a seductive tone.

"Ugh I do not want to hear about why Amelia can't stay away from my brother"

Seeing how grossed out Kelsey was I took Tisha's remarks a little further...

"Kel but on a real though, your brother takes me to places I never wanna leave, I mean...."

"Amelia shut the f*** up right now before I throw the f*** up"

We were all laughing and having our fun when out of nowhere a group of girls approached our table, neither of us paying them any attention until Kate cleared her throat and pointed towards them.

"Which one of you bitches is Amelia" a tall and really skinny brunette asked looking at both Tisha and myself.

"Who the f*** are you and who the f*** are you calling a bitch" Tisha blurted out rather loud. At this point we have the attention of the entire cafeteria.

"Ladies allow me to introduce the hench women of none other than the one and only Bitchget, I mean Bridget" Kate said causing our table and whoever heard around us to laugh.

"Shut the hell up Kate, you wasn't feeling that way when we allowed you to hang out with us" the brunette spoke through gritted teeth.

"I stopped hanging with you guys because you guys are a bunch of fake ass wanna be Barbie sluts" Kate shouted while standing up and going over to the brunette.

"Kate, let me correct you right there, you never stopped hanging out with us out of free will, we booted your ass you poor opportunist bitch" another tall blonde girl said, causing the entire cafeteria to laugh at Kate this time.

"Bridget that was cold as f***" Kelsey spoke up "why do who wanna know who's Amelia anyways".

Kate took what Bridget said really hard, I could see the tears welling up in her eyes as she sit quietly, so I decided to give this Bridget person a piece of my mind for f***ing with My friend.

"What the f*** is this girl scout shit about, are we still in high school and what the f*** you want with me. You came over here asking for Amelia so her I am what the f*** you want with me" I asked, coming in front of Bridget's face, looking her dead in her eyes with a smirk on my face.

"Personal space please" she said then I cut her off,

"Personal space, you and your umpalumpa's invaded our personal space coming over here asking for me, you didn't expect me to be all up in your face huh"

"I just wanted to see the girl who took my sloppy seconds off my hands and to personally thank you, but could you tell him to please stop calling me, I can't stand..."

"When the f*** did I call you" a really pist Eliot came out of nowhere, "I told you many times to leave me the f*** alone and now you wanna come after my girl"

Now you guys should have seen the look on this chic's face when Eliot spoke, humiliation evident on her face, it was priceless. She was freaking out. Don't think for once I was buying that stupid claim she was saying about Eliot calling her because I wasn't. Bryce noticed Kate's discomfort and rushed to her side instantly.

"Well look on the bright side Kate, with Bryce you wouldn't stay poor after all" the tall brunette joked, who the hell is this bitch.

"Now I know you're not talking, you practically suck dicks for money" Bryce shouted while attempting to get closer to the tall brunette.

"Bryce calm down" Jumari spoke holding him back. Then and there it felt like the altercation was getting a little out of hand. I never saw Eliot nor Bryce the way they were.

"Babe, how about we all go back to your spot and call it a day," I said while holding Eliot's face with both my hands, trying to get his attention and thank goodness it worked. Eliot pecked my lips and took my hand in his.

"Babe, we don't have to leave, Bridget leave" Eliot stated, leaving Bridget dumbfounded. You heard him bitch.

Seconds after she stormed out of the cafeteria with her army behind her, but a part of me knows that that wasn't the last of Bridget I'll have to deal with.

(End of Flashback)

That day was ridiculous but the person I felt the most sorry for was Kate. Being called out like that was extremely embarrassing. I tried to apologize to her and she stopped me by saying it wasn't my fault but somehow I feel like it is. Those bitches came for me and she ended up getting embarrassed in front of everyone. But from that day I have gotten closer to Kate and we have all gotten inseparable.