"I promise I'll visit you at your company Mathew" I said while hugging Eliot's father.

"I'll hold you to that Amelia" he said, finally breaking our hug.

Now it's time to bid farewell to Mrs. Winchester, whom is hugging Eliot at the moment. What should I do, hug her, shake her hand again or just say goodbye. At this point I just want to get this over with as fast as I can.

I slowly make my way to Eliot and his mother. I decided to just say goodbye and make a run for it. Here we go...

"You ready to go babe" Eliot asks me as soon as he sees me, to which I nod.

"Well, have a goodnight Mrs. Winchester, goodbye..."

"Amelia, I was wondering if I could have a word with you, it would only take just a second"

WTF, why does she want to have a word with me, hasn't she grilled me enough tonight. What does she want now? I'm looking for Eliot to help me out of this situation but now realize that he's not even close to me. Where the hell did he disappear too?

"Umm, Eliot probably wants to leave now, um", I'm trying to make an excuse to get out of this awkward situation. Why does she want to talk to me, a blind person could see that this woman doesn't like me.

"I wouldn't keep you too long dear, just a moment, come" she ordered before I could respond.

We enter a room resembling a study, book shelves, old fashion couch set near a fireplace and a desk at the back. Mrs. Winchester gestures for me to sit while she turns on the fireplace. I settle uncomfortable in this extremely comfortable couch. Then she comes and sit right next to me.

I hope Eliot could hear my screams when his mother tries to kill me...

"Don't be so nervous dear, I wouldn't hurt you" It's as if she could read my mind, "I just want to apologize to you for my impudent behavior earlier".

"You don't have to apologize Mrs. Winchester, I'm merely a guest in your home, you can behave however you want, and I also understand your concerns"

"My concerns?" she questioned, challenging my response.

"Any mother would be concerned about the girl her son brings home. I am also aware of Eliot's ex-girlfriend, that did not end well and now here's a new girl whom you know nothing about so I know I have to earn your trust."

I get that Eliot's mother had her protective instinct visible throughout dinner, I'm just hoping that that explains her behavior and nothing more negative that would affect Eliot and I's relationship.

Mrs. Winchester just sits there, reading me through her eyes as if she's trying to see right through me. This is by far the creepiest experience I have ever had.

"You're an exceptional young lady" she finally spoke.

"Thank you" phew, finally a complement.

"Why would a girl like you be interested in my son, let's be honest girls like you don't fall in love with guys like my son" WTF...

I'm sitting next to this woman, beyond speechless, listening to what she's saying. It's as if the blood from my tongue have drained out, and I cannot speak even if I try to.

"I am a very busy woman and I don't have time to waste so let's cut to the chase, I'm willing to give you one hundred thousand dollars to leave my son alone, and I'm willing to go higher." She said while reaching for her check book near the coffee table and pulling out a pen.

At this point my brain is doing back flips, trying to recuperate on all that I've heard from her, so I stand.

"Have a Goodnight Mrs. Winchester" I say before leaving her there, dumbfounded at the realization of me declining from her offer.

I exit the door and found Eliot waiting at his staircase.

"Hey, ready to go" I heard him say, but I'm still speechless to respond. It took him just a second to notice my discomfort.

"Amelia what's wrong?" he asks sternly, "Amelia what did she say? Amelia?"

"Just take me home please" was the only words that left my mouth and tears started pooling in my eyes. I immediately left his house to wait for him outside.

Embarrassed is an understatement as to how I feel right now. What does Eliot's mother mean by 'girls like me', what was she implying. Why does she think she could just flaunt her money in my face and expect me to accept her proposal and run for the hills?

It took Eliot a minute to come outside, thank goodness I did not have to wait long. I just want to leave, I want to leave this house and this insane woman and I don't ever want to come back.

We enter the car and I'm grateful for the silent ride back home.

Finally we arrive at the apartment building and I exit Eliot's car as fast as I could, I need to be away from him for a while. I just need to think things through, I need to breathe, to cry, to let out the anger I feel towards his mother and I don't want an audience to do that.

I attempted to make my escape to the elevator alone but somehow Eliot catches up to me.

"Babe, whatever my Mother said to you, I'm so sorry, please don't shut me out"

"I just need some time to think" I say too quietly, but he heard me,

"Some time to think about what? Us, whatever she said I hope isn't so bad that it has you questioning our relationship"

"Eliot I just need some space" I shout a little too loudly as if I'm taking out my anger on him.

"Why do you need space, we can work this out together"

"No we can't"

"Why the f*** NOT" he shouted at me, now he's running his fingers through his hair, looking absolutely frustrated, so I decided to tell him.

"Your mother was willing to give me a really large sum of money to leave you, her exact words were 'girls like me don't fall in love with guys like you" I told him, tears escaping my eyes and streaming down my face. "I knew your mother didn't like me the moment she saw me, she even attempted to attack me during dinner, and I could of let all of that slide but the fact that she wants to pay me off, I can't deal with that, I just need time to think, please"

"What do you need to think about, the offer?"

I can't believe he just asked me that...

"The fact that you have the nerve to ask me that just prove that you had no faith in our relationship"

"Oh comon Amelia..."

"SHUT UP" I interrupted him, "What you think, I need your money, I got enough of that in my bank account, I'm good, so I don't need your f***ing money" I shouted then turned around to leave.

"Baby I'm sorry" Eliot held on to my arm to which pushed off and entered the elevator and punched in my floor number.

"Amelia you are not leaving me, Amelia..." was the last thing I heard before the doors closed and I was on my way up to my apartment, alone.