Eliot's POV

I woke up to the morning sun filled the entire room. I checked for my girl at my side but she wasn't there. Maybe she got up early and decided to bring me breakfast in bed, she always does that when we sleep over at my place. Bryce never complains about that, he loves her cooking.

The way Amelia handled Kelsey and I last night was sexy. She put us both in our places, my mom would love her. Ugh, soon enough I would have to introduce her to my parents, I wonder what they would think about her and our relationship. I really hope they approve because I have fallen in love with her but at the end of the day my family opinion mean a lot to me.

'What's really on your mind, are you afraid of what your parents would think about you bringing home a black girl. That you left your RICH white 'perfect housewife' girlfriend and now you're going to disgrace your family by having a black girl for a girlfriend'

SHUT THE F*** UP.... My subconscious is going crazy. My family is not horrible human beings and my generation isn't so f***ed up. Why the f*** am I even thinking that way, I f***ing love her. Amelia makes me feel like I'm one of the reasons she wakes up every day and she treats me like nobody else matters. To hell with what my family or anybody else thinks, if they don't like her then I love her.

I wipe away the tear that escaped my eye...

I need some air and a glass of water.


I walked out of our room welcoming the smell of a delicious breakfast, pancakes, bacon and eggs. Do I smell cinnamon rolls? Kelsey! I enter the kitchen to find Kelsey sitting on the counter tops while Amelia's cooking away. They seem to be getting along.

"Look who's finally awake"

"Good morning to you too Kel" I said while I walk over to Amelia and planted a kiss on her lips, "good morning baby"

"Good morning love, you hungry" she asked with a sexy ass accent.


"Awe you guys are so cute together" Kelsey butted in,

"Where's your friend from last night," I asked annoyed as I'm reminded of what I had to walk into last night.

"He left like two hours ago, I'm just glad you didn't cause too much trouble for me last night"

"I should have beat the crap out of him".

"You're such an asshole" Kelsey shouted while storming out of the kitchen.

Any concerned brother would understand the way I felt when I walked into my baby sister having sex. Call me over protective but she should not be having sex like that, she was on top of him completely naked. And the coward left her to come out and face me herself, what kind of man is that.

"You need to go apologize to her right now, what if my older brother walks in on us and they beat the crap out of you"

"I know you would not allow that" I joked", and besides you don't have any other siblings".

"That's not the point, she's old enough to do what she wants without yours or anybody else's permission so stop being a negative jerk and go apologize to her, or else"

"Or else what" I challenged,

"Or else you would jeopardize your chances of seeing this again" she said while raising my shirt she had on a little high giving me a sneak peak of her amazing butt cheeks.

"Is that a threat" I said while I come closer to her,

"STOP right there," she held out her hand making me pause, "I'm serious"

"Okay I'll go, but be ready for me when I get back".

I walked into my sister's room without knocking. She was packing up her stuff as if she was ready to leave. So I walked up to her and hugged her from behind because deep down I know I was being a jerk but I couldn't help it.

(E- Eliot K- Kelsey)

E-"I'm sorry" I whispered in her ear.

K-"Amelia made you do it huh"

E-" yes but I would have done it anyways, It's just hard for me seeing you grow up, why can't you stay five and cute"

K-"Eliot I really like this guy, so please in the near future, try not to overreact"

E-"How near are we talking about"

K-"Mom and dad's dinner when they get back from their vacation next week, I plan on introducing him to you guys on that day"

E-"shoot, I forgot about that, well I promise I'll be on my best behavior"

K-"You better, aren't you bringing Amelia with you?"

E-"I could do that. What do you think about her?" I tried not to sound so nervous.

K-"I like her, she's definitely different from the type of girls you usually date, obviously she's smart, she got a nice body, she could cook, mom would love her for that, why you so nervous"

E-"well I know mom and dad liked Bridget a lot and all and..."

K-"wow wow wow wait, mom never liked that money hungry bitch, she was so happy when she found out about you two breaking up. Stop trying to please everybody else and please your heart, I could tell that she loves you and you love her"

knock knock knock.....

"I hope you guys haven't killed each other in there but breakfast is getting cold" we heard Amelia from the other side of the door...

K-"We'll be right out sister-in-law"

I always know that I could count on my sister whenever I need someone to talk too and she would always stand by my side.

E-"I love you, you little brat"

K-"I love you too, you jerk"